Bypassing UAC in the most Complex Way Possible!
2022-3-20 17:52:0 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:57 收藏

While it's not something I spend much time on, finding a new way to bypass UAC is always amusing. When reading through some of the features of the Rubeus tool I realised that there was a possible way of abusing Kerberos to bypass UAC, well on domain joined systems at least. It's unclear if this has been documented before, this post seems to discuss something similar but relies on doing the UAC bypass from another system, but what I'm going to describe works locally. Even if it has been described as a technique before I'm not sure it's been documented how it works under the hood.

The Background!

Let's start with how the system prevents you bypassing the most pointless security feature ever. By default LSASS will filter any network authentication tokens to remove admin privileges if the users is a local administrator. However there's an important exception, if the user a domain user and a local administrator then LSASS will allow the network authentication to use the full administrator token. This is a problem if say you're using Kerberos to authenticate locally. Wouldn't this be a trivial UAC bypass? Just authenticate to the local service as a domain user and you'd get the network token which would bypass the filtering?

Well no, Kerberos has specific additions to block this attack vector. If I was being charitable I'd say this behaviour also ensures some level of safety.  If you're not running as the admin token then accessing say the SMB loopback interface shouldn't suddenly grant you administrator privileges through which you might accidentally destroy your system.

Back in January last year I read a post from Steve Syfuhs of Microsoft on how Kerberos prevents this local UAC bypass. The TL;DR; is when a user wants to get a Kerberos ticket for a service LSASS will send a TGS-REQ request to the KDC. In the request it'll embed some security information which indicates the user is local. This information will be embedded in the generated ticket. 

When that ticket is used to authenticate to the same system Kerberos can extract the information and see if it matches one it knows about. If so it'll take that information and realize that the user is not elevated and filter the token appropriately. Unfortunately much as enjoy Steve's posts this one was especially light on details. I guessed I'd have to track down how it works myself. Let's dump the contents of a Kerberos ticket and see if we can see what could be the ticket information:

PS> $c = New-LsaCredentialHandle -Package 'Kerberos' -UseFlag Outbound

PS> $x = New-LsaClientContext -CredHandle $c -Target HOST/$env:COMPUTERNAME

PS> $key = Get-KerberosKey -HexKey 'XXX' -KeyType AES256_CTS_HMAC_SHA1_96 -Principal $env:COMPTUERNAME

PS> $u = Unprotect-LsaAuthToken -Token $x.Token -Key $key

PS> Format-LsaAuthToken $u

<KerberosV5 KRB_AP_REQ>

Options         : None


Ticket Version  : 5


<Authorization Data - KERB_AD_RESTRICTION_ENTRY>

Flags           : LimitedToken

Integrity Level : Medium

Machine ID      : 6640665F...

<Authorization Data - KERB_LOCAL>

Security Context: 60CE03337E01000025FC763900000000

I've highlighted the two ones of interest, the KERB-AD-RESTRICTION-ENTRY and the KERB-LOCAL entry. Of course I didn't guess these names, these are sort of documented in the Microsoft Kerberos Protocol Extensions (MS-KILE) specification. The KERB_AD_RESTRICTION_ENTRY is most obviously of interest, it contains both the works "LimitedToken" and "Medium Integrity Level"

When accepting a Kerberos AP-REQ from a network client via SSPI the Kerberos module in LSASS will call the LSA function LsaISetSupplementalTokenInfo to apply the information from KERB-AD-RESTRICTION-ENTRY to the token if needed. The pertinent code is roughly the following:

NTSTATUS LsaISetSupplementalTokenInfo(PHANDLE phToken, 

                        PLSAP_TOKEN_INFO_INTEGRITY pTokenInfo) {

  // ...

  BOOL bLoopback = FALSE:

  BOOL bFilterNetworkTokens = FALSE;

  if (!memcmp(&LsapGlobalMachineID, pTokenInfo->MachineID,

       sizeof(LsapGlobalMachineID))) {

    bLoopback = TRUE;


  if (LsapGlobalFilterNetworkAuthenticationTokens) {

    if (pTokenInfo->Flags & LimitedToken) {

      bFilterToken = TRUE;



  PSID user = GetUserSid(*phToken);

  if (!RtlEqualPrefixSid(LsapAccountDomainMemberSid, user)

    || LsapGlobalLocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy 

    || NegProductType == NtProductLanManNt) {

    if ( !bFilterToken && !bLoopback )

      return STATUS_SUCCESS;


  /// Filter token if needed and drop integrity level.


I've highlighted the three main checks in this function, the first compares if the MachineID field of the KERB-AD-RESTRICTION-ENTRY matches the one stored in LSASS. If it is then the bLoopback flag is set. Then it checks an AFAIK undocumented LSA flag to filter all network tokens, at which point it'll check for the LimitedToken flag and set the bFilterToken flag accordingly. This filtering mode defaults to off so in general bFilterToken won't be set.

Finally the code queries for the current created token SID and checks if any of the following is true:

  • The user SID is not a member of the local account domain.
  • The LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy LSA policy is non-zero, which disables the local account filtering.
  • The product type is NtProductLanManNt, which actually corresponds to a domain controller.

If any are true then as long as the token information is neither loopback or filtering is forced the function will return success and no filtering will take place. Therefore in a default installation for a domain user to not be filtered comes down whether the machine ID matches or not. 

For the integrity level, if filtering is taking place then it will be dropped to the value in the KERB-AD-RESTRICTION-ENTRY authentication data. However it won't increase the integrity level above what the created token has by default, so this can't be abused to get System integrity.

Note Kerberos will call LsaISetSupplementalTokenInfo with the KERB-AD-RESTRICTION-ENTRY authentication data from the ticket in the AP-REQ first. If that doesn't exist then it'll try calling it with the entry from the authenticator. If neither the ticket or authenticator has an entry then it will never be called. How can we remove these values?

Well, about that!

Okay how can we abuse this to bypass UAC? Assuming you're authenticated as a domain user the funniest way to abuse it is get the machine ID check to fail. How would we do that? The LsapGlobalMachineID value is a random value generated when LSASS starts up. We can abuse the fact that if you query the user's local Kerberos ticket cache it will return the session key for service tickets even if you're not an administrator (it won't return TGT session keys by default).

Therefore one approach is to generate a service ticket for the local system, save the resulting KRB-CRED to disk, reboot the system to get LSASS to reinitialize and then when back on the system reload the ticket. This ticket will now have a different machine ID and therefore Kerberos will ignore the restrictions entry. You could do it with the builtin klist and Rubeus with the following commands:

PS> klist get RPC/$env:COMPUTERNAME

PS> Rubeus.exe /dump /server:$env:COMPUTERNAME /nowrap

... Copy the base64 ticket to a file.

Reboot then:

PS> Rubeus.exe ptt /ticket:<BASE64 TICKET> 

You can use Kerberos authentication to access the SCM over named pipes or TCP using the RPC/HOSTNAME SPN.  Note the Win32 APIs for the SCM always use Negotiate authentication which throws a spanner in the works, but there are alternative RPC clients ;-) While LSASS will add a valid restrictions entry to the authenticator in the AP-REQ it won't be used as the one in the ticket will be used first which will fail to apply due to the different machine ID.

The other approach is to generate our own ticket, but won't we need credentials for that? There's a trick, I believe discovered by Benjamin Delpy and put into kekeo that allows you to abuse unconstrained delegation to get a local TGT with a session key. With this TGT you can generate your own service tickets, so you can do the following:

  1. Query for the user's TGT using the delegation trick.
  2. Make a request to the KDC for a new service ticket for the local machine using the TGT. Add a KERB-AD-RESTRICTION-ENTRY but fill in a bogus machine ID.
  3. Import the service ticket into the cache.
  4. Access the SCM to bypass UAC.

Ultimately this is a reasonable amount lot of code for a UAC bypass, at least compared to the just changing an environment variable. However, you can probably bodge it together using existing tools such as kekeo and Rubeus, but I'm not going to release a turn key tool to do this, you're on your own :-)

Didn't you forget KERB-LOCAL?

What is the purpose of KERB-LOCAL? It's a way of reusing the local user's credentials, this is similar to NTLM loopback where LSASS is able to determine that the call is actually from a locally authenticated user and use their interactive token. The value passed in the ticket and authenticator can be checked against a list of known credentials in the Kerberos package and if there's a match the existing token will be used.

Would this not always eliminate the need for the filtering the token based on the KERB-AD-RESTRICTION-ENTRY value? It seems that this behavior is used very infrequently due to how it's designed. First it only works if the accepting server is using the Negotiate package, it doesn't work if using the Kerberos package directly (sort of...). That's usually not an impediment as most local services use Negotiate anyway for convenience. 

The real problem is that as a rule if you use Negotiate to the local machine as a client it'll select NTLM as the default. This will use the loopback already built into NTLM rather than Kerberos so this feature won't be used. Note that even if NTLM is disabled globally on the domain network it will still work for local loopback authentication. I guess KERB-LOCAL was added for feature parity with NTLM.

Going back to the formatted ticket at the start of the blog what does the KERB-LOCAL value mean? It can be unpacked into two 64bit values, 0x17E3303CE60 and 0x3976FC25. The first value is the heap address of the KERB_CREDENTIAL structure in LSASS's heap!! The second value is the ticket count when the KERB-LOCAL structure was created.

Fortunately LSSAS doesn't just dereference the credentials pointer, it must be in the list of valid credential structures. But the fact that this value isn't blinded or references a randomly generated value seems a mistake as heap addresses would be fairly easy to brute force. Of course it's not quite so simple, Kerberos does verify that the SID in the ticket's PAC matches the SID in the credentials so you can't just spoof the SYSTEM session, but well, I'll leave that as a thought to be going on with.

Hopefully this gives some more insight into how this feature works and some fun you can have trying to bypass UAC in a new way.

UPDATE: This simple C++ file can be used to modify the Win32 SCM APIs to use Kerberos for local authentication.
