Update on 0-day vulnerabilities in Spring (Spring4Shell and CVE-2022-22963)
2022-3-31 09:49:2 Author: lab.wallarm.com(查看原文) 阅读量:579 收藏

Quick update

  • There are two vulnerabilities: one 0-day in Spring Core which is named Spring4Shell (very severe, exploited in the wild no CVE yet) and another one in Spring Cloud Function (less severe, CVE-2022-22963)
  • Wallarm has rolled out the update to detect and mitigate both vulnerabilities
  • No additional actions are required from the customers when using Wallarm in blocking mode
  • When working in a monitoring mode, consider creating a virtual patch

Spring Framework is an extremely popular framework used by Java developers to build modern applications. If you rely on the Java stack it’s highly likely that your engineering teams use Spring. In some cases, it only takes one specially crafted request to exploit the vulnerability.

On March 29th, 2022, information about the POC 0-day exploit in the popular Java library Spring Core appeared on Twitter. Later it turned out that it’s two RCEs that are discussed and sometimes confused:

Later it turned out that it’s two RCEs that are discussed and sometimes confused:

  • RCE in “Spring Core” (Severe, no patch at the moment) – Spring4Shell
  • RCE in “Spring Cloud Function” (Less severe, see the CVE)
  • The vulnerability allows an unauthenticated attacker to execute arbitrary code on the target system. Within some configurations, it only requires a threat actor to send a specific HTTP request to a vulnerable system. Other configurations may require additional effort and research by the attacker

At the time of writing, Log4Spring is unpatched in the Spring Framework and there is a public proof-of-concept available. We see exploits in the wild.

Wallarm update
Wallarm automatically identifies attempts of the Spring4shell exploitation and logs these attempts in the Wallarm Console.

When using Wallarm in blocking mode, these attacks will be automatically blocked. No actions are required.

When using a monitoring mode, we suggest creating a virtual patch. Feel free to reach out to [email protected] if you need assistance.

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文章来源: https://lab.wallarm.com/update-on-0-day-vulnerabilities-in-spring-spring4shell-and-cve-2022-22963/