Update: base64dump.py Version 0.0.22
2022-6-17 23:21:32 Author: blog.didierstevens.com(查看原文) 阅读量:20 收藏

Update: base64dump.py Version 0.0.22

This new version of base64dump.py adds some extra info for the encoded strings.

In -e all mode, a new column Chars tells you how many unique characters are used for that encoded string:

For example, the last line is recognized as a syntactically valid variant of BASE85 (b85), but it uses only 63 unique characters (85 unique characters is the maximum). So this is probably not b85, or else the encoded data has low entropy.

And there is also new info when you select a string for info:

base64dump_V0_0_22.zip (http)
MD5: B38E4F454FAE219D771742B44D60A428
SHA256: 32695EEDDADAE9B1AFA1CAA70A69E2A0434E2264CEF836DE172BC5254C8E6281

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文章来源: https://blog.didierstevens.com/2022/06/17/update-base64dump-py-version-0-0-22/