VehicleSec 2023 论文征稿
2022-11-24 13:18:14 Author: 安全学术圈(查看原文) 阅读量:9 收藏

A vehicle is a machine that transports people and/or cargo in one or more physical domains, such as on the ground (e.g., cars, bicycles, motorcycles, trucks, buses, scooters, trains), in the air (e.g., drones, airplanes, helicopters, spacecraft), and under water (ships, boats, watercraft). Due to their safety-critical nature, the security and privacy of vehicles can pose direct threats to passengers, owners, operators, as well as the environment. Recent improvements in vehicle autonomy and connectivity (e.g., autonomous driving, drone delivery, vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communication, intelligent transportation, drone swarm), have only served to exacerbate security and privacy challenges and thus require urgent attention from academia, industry, and policy-makers. To meet this critical need, the VehicleSec symposium aims at bringing together an audience of university researchers, scientists, industry professionals, and government representatives to contribute new theories, technologies, and systems on any security/privacy issues related to vehicles (e.g., ground, aerial, underwater), their sub-systems (e.g., in vehicle networks, autonomy, connectivity, human-machine interfaces), supporting infrastructures (e.g., transportation infrastructure, ground control station), and related fundamental technologies (e.g., sensing, control, AI/ML, real-time computing, location service, simulation, digital twin, etc.).

VehicleSec 2023 will be a hybrid event, in conjunction with the Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS) 2023 at San Diego, CA.

Community Reception: VehicleSec will host a reception as a community social event on the night of the symposium (Feb 27, 2023), with refreshments such as food and drinks.

Demo/Poster Session: VehicleSec will feature a demo/poster session (in-person) to allow academic, governmental, and industry participants to present posters and/or share demonstrations of their latest attacks, defenses, and security/privacy tools or systems related to vehicles.

Lightning Talk Session: The symposium will feature a Lightning Talks session with short and engaging 5 minute “live” (in-person) presentations on any topics that can be worth a timely shout-out to the VehicleSec community, which includes but not limited to emerging hot topics, preliminary research results, practical problems encountered, lessons learned, the introduction of tutorials and education materials, tips and tricks, simulators/simulations, data and visualizations (e.g., autonomous driving datasets), or other (interdisciplinary) topics related to vehicles.

Awards: Accepted papers and demos/posters will be considered for a Best Paper Award and Best Demo/Poster Award. The winner and runner-up will receive cash prizes. In addition, a special AutoDriving Security Award, with a cash prize, will be given to one of the accepted papers to recognize and reward research that makes substantial contributions to secure today’s autonomous driving technology.

Travel Grants: Selected students will be provided with support to attend the symposium in person.

Areas of Interest

Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

  • Embedded/sensor/analog/actuator security, privacy, and forensics in vehicle settings
  • Vehicle-related malware/firmware analysis
  • Secure/resilient/trustworthy/privacy-preserving perception, localization, planning, and control in autonomous/automated vehicles
  • Security/safety/robustness verification related to vehicles
  • Intra- and inter-vehicle network (e.g., CAN bus, V2X, remote operator channel) security
  • Multi-vehicle coordination/cooperation (e.g., V2X, drone swarm) security
  • Compliance with policies (e.g., legal, security, privacy, safety, and environmental policies)
  • Secure integration of hardware and software systems for vehicles (e.g., ground, aerial)
  • Secure software/hardware updates in vehicle settings (e.g., cars, drones, airplanes)
  • Privacy challenges in vehicle settings, e.g., driver/passenger privacy, drone/car/robot spying, intellectual property stealing, etc.
  • Privacy-preserving data sharing and analysis in vehicle settings
  • Security/privacy in electric, medium- and heavy-duty vehicle systems
  • Security/privacy in Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), e.g., intelligent traffic light
  • Security/privacy for vehicle-related supporting infrastructure (e.g., charging)
  • Secure vehicle-related software/hardware development process (e.g., debugging tools, simulators, testbed) and their own security/privacy
  • Security/privacy of any vehicle-related fundamental technologies (e.g., sensing, control, AI, location service, IoT, etc.)
  • Human factors, trust, humans in the loop, and usable security related to vehicles
  • Security/privacy/resilience-related metrics and risk assessment for vehicles

Submission Guidelines for Papers/Demos/Posters

We accept (1) regular papers of 6-8 pages, (2) short position papers or work-in-progress (WIP) papers up to 4 pages, and (3) demo/poster papers up to 1 page, all in double-column NDSS format. Page limits exclude bibliography and well-marked appendices. There is no limit on the length of the bibliography and appendices at submission time, but reviewers are not required to read any appendices so the paper should be self-contained without them. For regular papers, shorter papers won’t be penalized; thus, authors are encouraged to submit papers of appropriate length based on the research contribution.

Submissions should be anonymized for review but this is not required. Demo/poster/short/WIP papers must have the prefix “Demo:”/”Poster:”/”Short:”/”WIP:” in their titles. The submission portal will be released soon.

The proceedings will be published and archived by the Internet Society (ISOC).

Submission Guidelines for Lightning Talks

Please submit your Lightning Talk title and abstract (200 words or less) for full consideration via the Lightning Talk submission form below by February 3, 2023. Lightning Talk abstracts will be published on the symposium website.

  • All submissions must include the presenter’s name, affiliation, and contact information.
  • Please note that the presenter must make all submissions. Submissions from PR firms will be rejected without review.
  • Time limits will be strictly enforced.
  • For additional information regarding Lightning Talks, do not hesitate to contact the Lightning Talk Chair Ming Li at [email protected].

Important Dates

  • Paper/Poster/Demo Submission Deadline: Anywhere-on-earth (AOE) January 3, 2023
  • Lightning Talk Submission Deadline: February 3, 2023
  • Notification of Acceptance: February 10, 2023
  • Camera Ready Submission: February 17, 2023
  • Symposium Date: February 27, 2023
  • Community Reception Date: February 27, 2023 (at night)

General Chairs

  • Alfred Chen, University of California, Irvine
  • Ziming Zhao, University at Buffalo

Program Chairs

  • Z. Berkay Celik, Purdue University
  • Ryan Gerdes, Virginia Tech

Lightning Talk Chair

  • Ming Li, University of Arizona

Demo/Poster Chair

  • Sara Rampazzi, University of Florida

Web Chair

  • Mert Pesé, Clemson University

Publication Chair

  • Aiping Xiong, Penn State University

Travel Grant Chair

  • Hyungsub Kim, Purdue University

Technical Program Committee

  • Houssam Abbas, Oregon State University
  • Qadeer Ahmed, Ohio State University
  • Antonio Bianchi, Purdue University
  • Gedare Bloom, U of Colorado Colorado Springs
  • Yulong Cao, University of Michigan
  • Alvaro Cardenas, University of California Santa Cruz
  • Dongyao Chen, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
  • Michael Clifford, Toyota
  • Jeremy Daily, Colorado State University
  • Bruce DeBruhl, Cal Poly
  • Soteris Demetriou, Imperial College London
  • Georgios Fainekos, Toyota Research Institute of N. America
  • Yiheng Fen, Purdue University
  • Earlence Fernandes, U of California San Diego
  • Tom Forest, General Motors
  • Xiali Hei, University of Louisiana at Lafayette
  • Bardh Hoaxa, Toyota Research Institute of N. America
  • Hongxin Hu, University at Buffalo
  • Murtuza Jadliwala, U of Texas at San Antonio
  • Xiaoyu Ji, Zhejiang University
  • Yongdae Kim, KAIST
  • Chung Hwan Kim, University of Texas at Dallas
  • Taegyu Kim, Pennsylvania State University
  • Hyungsub Kim, Purdue University
  • Vireshwar Kumar, IIT Delhi
  • Ming Li, University of Arizona
  • Xiaojing Liao, Indiana University
  • Zhiqiang Lin, Ohio State University
  • Peng Liu, Pennsylvania State University
  • Wenjing Lou, Virginia Tech
  • Mulong Luo, Cornell University
  • Eleonora Losiouk, University of Padua
  • Xiapu Luo, HongKong Polytechnic University
  • Miroslav Pajic, Duke University
  • Christos Papadopoulos, University of Memphis
  • Karthik Pattabiraman, University of British Columbia
  • Mert Pesé, Clemson University
  • Jonathan Petit, Qualcomm
  • Sara Rampazzi, University of Florida
  • Indrakshi Ray, Colorado State University
  • Neetesh Saxena, Cardiff University
  • Khaled Serag, Purdue University
  • Weisong Shi, Wayne State University
  • Yasser Shoukry, University of California, Irvine
  • David Starobinski, Boston University
  • Dave (Jing) Tian, Purdue University
  • Yuan Tian, University of Virginia
  • Lan Wang, University of Memphis
  • André Weimerskirch, Lear Corporation
  • Aiping Xiong, Pennsylvania State University
  • Luyi Xing, Indiana University
  • Qiben Yan, Michigan State University
  • Min Yang, Fudan University
  • Fengwei Zhang, Southern U of Science & Technology
  • Ning Zhang, Washington University at St. Louis
  • Qi Zhu, Northwestern University

Steering Committee

  • Gail-Joon Ahn, Arizona State University
  • David Balenson, USC Information Sciences Institute
  • Chunming Qiao, University at Buffalo
  • Mani Srivastava, University of California, Los Angeles
  • Gene Tsudik, University of California, Irvine
  • Dongyan Xu, Purdue University


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