Adding a Dialog Box to an exe file to enter own variables to modify workflow.
2023-2-8 04:10:26 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:23 收藏

I'm looking for tutorials on how to add a custom settings dialog box that allows me to enter numbers, tickboxes or radio buttons with which I can change the workflow of an exe that I rverse engineerd.

So far I have managed to hijack already existing dialogboxes of the exe and can enter values, that my code in a code cave can use to change workflow to my desire.

But the problem is that this way the original purpose of the dialogbox gets lost.

I have then added own button withs Resource Tuner. But I still don't know how to ad own functionality behind these dialog box entries.

The legend of random has some good tutorials, by the are just limited to showing Text messages in the box.

Someone has tutorials that show how to create an own dialogboxes with areas to enter numbers, checkboxes or radio buttons once one has added them with Resource Tuner?

That would allow me to reverse engineer in a far more slick way than I do now by just hijacking existing buttons and data entry dialogs.
