timwhitez starred gopro-dashboard-overlay
2023-2-9 14:59:19 Author: github.com(查看原文) 阅读量:29 收藏

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  • Overlaying exciting graphics onto GoPro videos with super-exact synchronization
  • NEW & EXPERIMENTAL Create videos from any GPX file - no GoPro required
  • Support multiple resolutions, most GoPro models, normal, timelapse & timewarp modes
  • Convert GoPro movie metadata to GPX or CSV files
  • Cut sections from GoPro movies (including metadata)


Example Dashboard Image Example Dashboard Image Example Dashboard Image

An Example of 'overlay only' mode, which generates movies from GPX files Example Dashboard Image

Example from examples/layout Example Dashboard Image

Map Styles

Almost 30 different map styles are supported! - See map styles for more


. . . .
osm tf-cycle tf-transport tf-landscape


  • Python3.10
  • ffmpeg (you'll need the ffmpeg program installed)
  • Unixy machine (probably, untested on Windows)


Install locally using pip, or use the provided Docker image

Optional: Some widgets require the cairo library - which must be installed separately.

Installing and running with docker

The docker image is a new thing and still a bit experimental... please file an issue if you find any problems.

The docker image contains all you need to get started, and uses a volume /work/, which we suggest you map to the current directory which can contain your GoPro files. Note that the docker version doesn't support nvidia GPU extensions.

The most recent version on docker is: Docker

docker run -it -v "$(pwd):/work" overlaydash/gopro-dashboard-overlay:<version> <program> [args...]


docker run -it -v "$(pwd):/work" overlaydash/gopro-dashboard-overlay:0.81.0 gopro-dashboard.py GH010122.MP4 render/docker.MP4

Files created by the program will be created with the same uid that owns the mapped directory.

You can use the --cache-dir and --config-dir command line arguments to configure where the cache and config dirs are, thereby making it easier to use persistent mapped volumes.

Installing and running with pip

python -m venv venv
venv/bin/pip install gopro-overlay

The Roboto font needs to be installed on your system. You could install it with one of the following commands maybe.

pacman -S ttf-roboto
apt install truetype-roboto
apt install fonts-roboto

(Optional) Installing pycairo

Optionally, install pycairo

venv/bin/pip install pycairo==1.23.0

You might need to install some system libraries - This is what the pycairo docs suggest:

Ubuntu/Debian: sudo apt install libcairo2-dev pkg-config python3-dev

macOS/Homebrew: brew install cairo pkg-config

Overlaying a dashboard


The GPS track in Hero 9 (at least) seems to be very poor. If you supply a GPX file from a Garmin or whatever, the program will use this instead for the GPS.

Privacy allows you to set a privacy zone. Various widgets will not draw points within that zone.

The data recorded in the GoPro video will uses GPS time, which (broadly) is UTC. The renderer will use your local timezone to interpret this, and use the local timezone. This may produce strange results if you go on holiday somewhere, but then render the files when you get back home! On linux you can use the TZ variable to change the timezone that's used.


For full instructions on all command lines see docs/bin

venv/bin/gopro-dashboard.py --gpx ~/Downloads/Morning_Ride.gpx --privacy 52.000,-0.40000,0.50 ~/gopro/GH020073.MP4 GH020073-dashboard.MP4


There's a great writeup of how to use the software to make an overlay from a GPX file at https://blog.cubieserver.de/2022/creating-gpx-overlay-videos-on-linux/ (Nov 2022)

Format of the Dashboard Configuration file

Several dashboards are built-in to the software, but the dashboard layout is highly configurable, controlled by an XML file.

For more information on the (extensive) configurability of the layout please see docs/xml and lots of examples

FFMPEG Control & GPUs


FFMPEG has a lot of options! This program comes with some mostly sensible defaults, but to use GPUs and control the output much more carefully, including framerates and bitrates, you can use a JSON file containing a number of 'profiles' and select the profile you want when running the program.

For more details on how to select these, and an example of Nvidia GPU, please see docs/bin

Please also see PERFORMANCE.md

Converting to GPX files

venv/bin/gopro-to-gpx.py <input-file> [output-file]

Joining a sequence of MP4 files together

Use the gopro-join.py command. Given a single file from the sequence, it will find and join together all the files. If you have any problems with this, please do raise an issue - I don't have that much test data.

The joined file almost certainly won't work in the GoPro tools! - But it should work with gopro-dashboard.py - I will look into the additional technical stuff required to make it work in the GoPro tools.

This will require a lot of disk space!

venv/bin/gopro-join.py /media/sdcard/DCIM/100GOPRO/GH030170.MP4 /data/gopro/nice-ride.MP4

Cutting a section from a GoPro file

You can cut a section of the gopro file, with metadata.

Related Software

Known Bugs / Issues

  • Only tested on a GoPro Hero 9, that's all I have. Sample files for other devices are welcomed.


Icon files in icons are not covered by the MIT licence

Map Data

Data © OpenStreetMap contributors

Some Maps © Thunderforest






Other Related Software



Latest Changes

If you find any issues with new releases, please discuss in GitHub Discussions

  • 0.89.0 [Feature] New component cairo-gauge-round-annotated - A bit like a car speedometer - See docs docs/xml/examples/06-cairo-gauge-round-annotated
  • 0.88.0 [Fix] Journey Map broke when no there were no locked GPS points in the movie.
  • 0.87.0 [Fix/Breaking Possibly] chart - discovered a few bugs, now fixed. Removed alpha, instead use alpha of each colour.
  • 0.86.0 [Feature] New component cairo-gauge-marker - a nice clean gauge component, with a marker for the current value.. See docs docs/xml/examples/06-cairo-gauge-marker
  • 0.85.0 [Feature/Breaking Possibly] Add validation to attributes in layout files. This may cause some custom layouts to break! - But they wouldn't have been working as intended.
    • [Change/Breaking] Change some zone-bar attribute names, aiming for standardisation
    • [Change/Breaking] Change some cairo-circuit-map attribute names, aiming for standardisation
  • 0.84.0 [Feature] New component zone-bar - a 3-zone bar control that can be used for HR/Cadence/Power zones. See docs in docs/xml/examples/07-zone-bar
    • Many thanks to @jchinte for contributing!
  • 0.83.0 [Change] No longer require --overlay-size when using --use-gpx-only, but supplying input video
    • [Fix] Give better error message when video and GPX don't overlap in time, but told to sync
    • Thanks to @mfloryan for reporting both of these
  • 0.82.0 [Change] Support for changing units in layouts from the command line. Use --units-speed etc to control. Examples are in docs/bin
  • 0.81.0 [Fix] gopro-rename was broken when using --dirs - added tests so hopefully won't reoccur. Thanks to matzeruegge for reporting
  • 0.80.0 [Fix] Use speeds from GPX file, in preference to GoPro file, when using GPX and GoPro together.
    • [Change] Bump Required python version to 3.10
  • 0.79.0 [Fix] Changed GPS filtering reporting, it was a bit off.
  • 0.78.0 [Fix] Gradient calculation had become disabled.
    • [Feature] Can now filter GPS points by max DOP --gps-dop-max
    • [Feature] Can now filter GPS points by max Speed --gps-speed-max --gps-speed-max-units
    • [Feature] Can now filter GPS points by bounding box - Useful if a few points claim to be locked, but are far away. Load GPX file into mapping software to see bounding box easily, for now. --gps-bbox-lon-lat
    • [Change] Outputs except for generated files are now to stderr rather than stdout
    • [Feature] gopro-to-csv.py and gopro-to-gpx.py now support --only-locked and --every to limit number of points (also GPS point filters, as above)
    • [Change] Change in the way chart handles missing values - stops chart going to 0.
    • Updated various library dependency versions.
  • 0.77.0 [Change] Disable speed and other calculations when GPS is not locked - stops unbelievable values
    • [Change] changes to GPS parsing, should make detection of GPS lock more accurate (some 'not locked' values used to be included) still not perfect h/t @falumas
    • [Change] add new widget "gps-lock-icon" at top of screen to show GPS lock - hopefully not too intrusive - can switch off with --exclude
    • [Change] interpolate GPX/FIT tracks so they update every 0.1s - h/t @0x10
  • 0.76.0 [New Feature] New widget - "cairo_circuit_map" - Much nicer looking circuit map, and first widget that uses new optional "cairo" library.

Older changes are in CHANGELOG.md

文章来源: https://github.com/time4tea/gopro-dashboard-overlay