wifi · bettercap/bettercap Wiki
2019-01-21 21:58:44 Author: github.com(查看原文) 阅读量:1204 收藏

The wifi.* modules work with a WiFi interface supporting monitor mode and packet injection and they are used to monitor and perform wireless attacks on 802.11.

The interface only needs to support monitor mode and packet injection, it'll be bettercap itself to switch it to the right mode, just make sure there aren't other processes using the same wifi interface.


command description
wifi.recon on Start 802.11 wireless base stations discovery.
wifi.recon off Stop 802.11 wireless base stations discovery.
wifi.recon BSSID Set 802.11 base station address to filter for.
wifi.recon clear Remove the 802.11 base station filter.
wifi.deauth BSSID Start a 802.11 deauth attack, if an access point BSSID is provided, every client will be deauthenticated, otherwise only the selected client (use ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff to deauth everything).
wifi.show Show current wireless stations list (default sorting by RSSI).
wifi.recon.channel CHANNEL Comma separated list of channels to hop on.
wifi.recon.channel clear Enable channel hopping on all supported channels.
wifi.ap Inject fake management beacons in order to create a rogue access point ( requires wifi.recon to run ).


parameter default description
wifi.hop.period 250 If channel hopping is enabled (empty wifi.recon.channel), this is the time in millseconds the algorithm will hop on every channel (it'll be doubled if both 2.4 and 5.0 bands are available).
wifi.source.file If set, the wifi module will read from this pcap file instead of the hardware interface.
wifi.skip-broken true If true, dot11 packets with an invalid checksum will be skipped.
wifi.deauth.skip Comma separated list of BSSID to skip while sending deauth packets.
wifi.deauth.silent false If true, messages from wifi.deauth will be suppressed.
wifi.ap.ssid FreeWifi SSID of the fake access point.
wifi.ap.bssid <random mac> BSSID of the fake access point.
wifi.ap.channel 1 Channel of the fake access point.
wifi.ap.encryption true If true, the fake access point will use WPA2, otherwise it'll result as an open AP.


Starts bettercap on wlan0, use the ticker and wifi.recon modules to create a WiFi scanner (performing channel hopping on every supported frequency):

~/ sudo bettercap -iface wlan0

> set ticker.commands "clear; wifi.show"; wifi.recon on; ticker on

Only recon on channels 1, 2 and 3:

> wifi.recon on; wifi.recon.channel 1,2,3

Keep deauthing clients from the access point with BSSID DE:AD:BE:EF:DE:AD every five seconds:

> set ticker.period 5; set ticker.commands "wifi.deauth DE:AD:BE:EF:DE:AD"; ticker on

Will send management beacons as the fake access point "Banana" with BSSID DE:AD:BE:EF:DE:AD on channel 5 without encryption:

> set wifi.ap.ssid Banana
> set wifi.ap.bssid DE:AD:BE:EF:DE:AD
> set wifi.ap.channel 5
> set wifi.ap.encryption false
> wifi.recon on; wifi.ap

文章来源: https://github.com/bettercap/bettercap/wiki/wifi