Downloading installer packages from Jamf Pro when no other options are available
2023-5-26 07:22:25 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:23 收藏

Home > Jamf Pro, Mac administration > Downloading installer packages from Jamf Pro when no other options are available

Downloading installer packages from Jamf Pro when no other options are available

Every so often, Mac admins who administer Jamf Pro may run into a situation like this:

  1. They need an installer package For Reasons.
  2. That installer package is only stored on their Jamf Pro server.
  3. They don’t have access to the distribution point which stores their Jamf Pro server’s installer packages.

In a situation like this, you can use a Jamf Pro policy to provide the installer to a specified Mac. For more details, please see below the jump.

To enable downloading an installer to a specified Mac using Jamf Pro, use the following procedure.

1. Create a policy in Jamf Pro.

Screenshot 2023 05 25 at 3 22 50 PM

2. Add the installer package to the policy.

3. Set the installer package’s Action to Cache.

Screenshot 2023 05 25 at 3 21 46 PM

Set policy trigger and scoping as preferred.

Once the policy runs on the Mac(s) it’s scoped to run on, Jamf Pro will download the installer package to the following directory on the Mac(s):

/Library/Application Support/JAMF/Waiting Room

Note: The Waiting Room directory is only accessible using root privileges.

Once the policy finishes running, you can collect the downloaded installer from /Library/Application Support/JAMF/Waiting Room.

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