Qiling 框架分析实战:从 QilingLab 详解到 Qiling 源码分析
2023-5-30 14:29:0 Author: paper.seebug.org(查看原文) 阅读量:23 收藏

本文为作者投稿,Seebug Paper 期待你的分享,凡经采用即有礼品相送! 投稿邮箱:[email protected]


最近在学习 IoT 相关漏洞利用,打算先学习一下 Qiling 框架,为后续的漏洞利用文章做铺垫。 Qiling 框架是基于 unicorn 的多架构平台模拟执行框架,提供的仿真环境很全面,能够在模拟执行的基础上提供统一的分析 API,这个A PI 包括插桩分析、快照、系统调用和API劫持等操作。在2021年JOANSIVION提供了两个QilingLab能够针对Qiling框架各种操作进行学习的程序,并提供了相应的writeup。他提供的 writeup 是 arm 架构的,因此本文以 x86_64 架构为基础,在他的文章上进行相应补充。程序下载地址放在了文末参考链接中。

时隔两年,Qiling 框架进行了很多更新与改动,我在完成 QilingLab 的过程中发现高版本的 Qiling 存在问题,因此从代码审计的角度入手,分析并提出解决方案,如果曾经分析过 QilingLab 的朋友可以直接跳到 Challenge 10 部分。本文将以最为基础的视角来陪着大家从 0 到 1 学习 Qiling 框架,希望大家看完能有所收获。


git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/qilingframework/qiling.git # 使用 --recurse-submodules 递归下载模块,rootfs是单独更新的项目


> pip show qiling
Name: qiling
Version: 1.4.5
Summary: Qiling is an advanced binary emulation framework that cross-platform-architecture

可以看到 QilingLab 提供的11个挑战如下:

Welcome to QilingLab.
Here is the list of challenges:
Challenge 1: Store 1337 at pointer 0x1337.
Challenge 2: Make the 'uname' syscall return the correct values.
Challenge 3: Make '/dev/urandom' and 'getrandom' "collide".
Challenge 4: Enter inside the "forbidden" loop.
Challenge 5: Guess every call to rand().
Challenge 6: Avoid the infinite loop.
Challenge 7: Don't waste time waiting for 'sleep'.
Challenge 8: Unpack the struct and write at the target address.
Challenge 9: Fix some string operation to make the iMpOsSiBlE come true.
Challenge 10: Fake the 'cmdline' line file to return the right content.
Challenge 11: Bypass CPUID/MIDR_EL1 checks.



> ./qilinglab-x86_64 
Welcome to QilingLab.
Here is the list of challenges:
Challenge 1: Store 1337 at pointer 0x1337.
Challenge 2: Make the 'uname' syscall return the correct values.
Challenge 3: Make '/dev/urandom' and 'getrandom' "collide".
Challenge 4: Enter inside the "forbidden" loop.
Challenge 5: Guess every call to rand().
Challenge 6: Avoid the infinite loop.
Challenge 7: Don't waste time waiting for 'sleep'.
Challenge 8: Unpack the struct and write at the target address.
Challenge 9: Fix some string operation to make the iMpOsSiBlE come true.
Challenge 10: Fake the 'cmdline' line file to return the right content.
Challenge 11: Bypass CPUID/MIDR_EL1 checks.

Checking which challenge are solved...
Note: Some challenges will results in segfaults and infinite loops if they aren't solved.
[1]    8036 segmentation fault (core dumped)  ./qilinglab-x86_64


from qiling import *

if __name__ == '__main__':
    path = ["qilinglab-x86_64"]
    rootfs = "rootfs/x8664_linux"
    ql = Qiling(path, rootfs)


unicorn.unicorn.UcError: Invalid memory read (UC_ERR_READ_UNMAPPED)


> readelf -h qilinglab-x86_64
ELF Header:
  Magic:   7f 45 4c 46 02 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 
  Class:                             ELF64
  Data:                              2's complement, little endian
  Version:                           1 (current)
  OS/ABI:                            UNIX - System V
  ABI Version:                       0
  Type:                              DYN (Shared object file)
  Machine:                           Advanced Micro Devices X86-64
  Version:                           0x1
  Entry point address:               0xa80
  Start of program headers:          64 (bytes into file)
  Start of section headers:          15840 (bytes into file)
  Flags:                             0x0
  Size of this header:               64 (bytes)
  Size of program headers:           56 (bytes)
  Number of program headers:         9
  Size of section headers:           64 (bytes)
  Number of section headers:         29
  Section header string table index: 28
> file -L qilinglab-x86_64
qilinglab-x86_64: ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, BuildID[sha1]=76164e6b494c1af9d9f746e2dc7d3663cc23525c, not stripped


; Attributes: bp-based frame

; int __cdecl main(int argc, const char **argv, const char **envp)
public main
main proc near

var_10= qword ptr -10h
var_4= dword ptr -4

; __unwind {
push    rbp
mov     rbp, rsp
sub     rsp, 10h
mov     [rbp+var_4], edi
mov     [rbp+var_10], rsi
mov     eax, 0
call    start
mov     eax, 0
; } // starts at 15CA
main endp


unsigned __int64 start()
  int v0; // eax
  int i; // [rsp+0h] [rbp-20h]
  int v3; // [rsp+4h] [rbp-1Ch]
  int v4; // [rsp+4h] [rbp-1Ch]
  int v5; // [rsp+4h] [rbp-1Ch]
  int v6; // [rsp+4h] [rbp-1Ch]
  int v7; // [rsp+4h] [rbp-1Ch]
  int v8; // [rsp+4h] [rbp-1Ch]
  int v9; // [rsp+4h] [rbp-1Ch]
  int v10; // [rsp+4h] [rbp-1Ch]
  int v11; // [rsp+4h] [rbp-1Ch]
  int v12; // [rsp+4h] [rbp-1Ch]
  char v13[11]; // [rsp+Dh] [rbp-13h] BYREF
  char v14[11]; // [rsp+Eh] [rbp-12h] BYREF
  char v15[11]; // [rsp+10h] [rbp-10h] BYREF
  unsigned __int64 v16; // [rsp+18h] [rbp-8h]

  v16 = __readfsqword(0x28u);  // __readfsqword指令的参数是一个偏移量,0x28u是一个无符号整数常量,值为0x28,即40,表示从FS寄存器中的偏移量为40的地址开始读取64位数据。
  for ( i = 0; i < 11; ++i )
    v13[i] = 0;
  printf("Welcome to QilingLab.\nHere is the list of challenges:");
  printf("\nChallenge 1: Store 1337 at pointer 0x1337.");
  printf("\nChallenge 2: Make the 'uname' syscall return the correct values.");
  printf("\nChallenge 3: Make '/dev/urandom' and 'getrandom' \"collide\".");
  printf("\nChallenge 4: Enter inside the \"forbidden\" loop.");
  printf("\nChallenge 5: Guess every call to rand().");
  printf("\nChallenge 6: Avoid the infinite loop.");
  printf("\nChallenge 7: Don't waste time waiting for 'sleep'.");
  printf("\nChallenge 8: Unpack the struct and write at the target address.");
  printf("\nChallenge 9: Fix some string operation to make the iMpOsSiBlE come true.");
  printf("\nChallenge 10: Fake the 'cmdline' line file to return the right content.");
  printf("\nChallenge 11: Bypass CPUID/MIDR_EL1 checks.");
    "Checking which challenge are solved...\n"
    "Note: Some challenges will results in segfaults and infinite loops if they aren't solved.");
  v3 = checker(v13, 0LL);
  v4 = checker(v13, 1LL) + v3;
  v5 = checker(v13, 2LL) + v4;
  v6 = checker(v13, 3LL) + v5;
  v7 = checker(v13, 4LL) + v6;
  v8 = checker(v13, 5LL) + v7;
  v9 = checker(v13, 6LL) + v8;
  v10 = checker(v13, 7LL) + v9;
  v11 = checker(v13, 8LL) + v10;
  v12 = checker(v13, 9LL) + v11;
  v0 = checker(v13, 10LL);
  printf("\nYou solved %d/%d of the challenges\n", (unsigned int)(v0 + v12), 11LL);
  return __readfsqword(0x28u) ^ v16;


__int64 __fastcall checker(__int64 a1, int a2)
  __int64 result; // rax

  if ( *(_BYTE *)(a2 + a1) ) ; 检查数组a1中下标为a2的元素是否为0,非0返回1
    printf("\nChallenge %d: SOLVED", (unsigned int)(a2 + 1));
    result = 1LL;
    printf("\nChallenge %d: NOT SOLVED", (unsigned int)(a2 + 1));
    result = 0LL;
  return result;

我们梳理一下函数逻辑:循环初始化数组v13所有元素为0,如果完成对应挑战就会改变v13对应数组的值,再用checker进行一次检查v13数组元素是否为0.再将checker返回值传递给变量,再加到下一次的检查结果上。这个过程不断重复,最后将累加起来的值输出到"\nYou solved %d/%d of the challenges\n"

Challenge 1: 内存数据修改

拖到IDA里看一下 challenge 1 汇编代码:

.text:0000000000000B8A                 public challenge1
.text:0000000000000B8A challenge1      proc near               ; CODE XREF: start+123↓p
.text:0000000000000B8A var_18          = qword ptr -18h        ; 分配quadword类型的局部变量var_18位于[rbp-18h]的位置
.text:0000000000000B8A var_C           = dword ptr -0Ch        ; qword 8字节,dword 4字节
.text:0000000000000B8A var_8           = qword ptr -8
.text:0000000000000B8A ; __unwind {
.text:0000000000000B8A                 push    rbp
.text:0000000000000B8B                 mov     rbp, rsp
.text:0000000000000B8E                 mov     [rbp+var_18], rdi  ; [rbp-18h], rdi 此处rdi值为指向v13的指针
.text:0000000000000B92                 mov     [rbp+var_8], 1337h
.text:0000000000000B9A                 mov     rax, [rbp+var_8]
.text:0000000000000B9E                 mov     eax, [rax]         ; 将内存地址1337h的值传递给eax
.text:0000000000000BA0                 mov     [rbp+var_C], eax
.text:0000000000000BA3                 cmp     [rbp+var_C], 539h  ; cmp jnz: 不相等就跳转loc_BB3进行retn (539h = 1337)
.text:0000000000000BAA                 jnz     short loc_BB3
.text:0000000000000BAC                 mov     rax, [rbp+var_18]
.text:0000000000000BB0                 mov     byte ptr [rax], 1  ; 将值为1的字节写入存储在rax所指向的内存地址中
.text:0000000000000BB3 loc_BB3:                                ; CODE XREF: challenge1+20↑j
.text:0000000000000BB3                 nop
.text:0000000000000BB4                 pop     rbp
.text:0000000000000BB5                 retn
.text:0000000000000BB5 ; } // starts at B8A


.text:0000000000000B8E                 mov     [rbp+var_18], rdi


.text:0000000000000BAC                 mov     rax, [rbp+var_18]
.text:0000000000000BB0                 mov     byte ptr [rax], 1

challenge 1 对应的伪代码如下:

_BYTE *__fastcall challenge1(_BYTE *a1)
  _BYTE *result; // rax

  result = (_BYTE *)*(unsigned int *)((char *)&loc_1335 + 2); // 标识符loc_xxxx通常用于表示一个内存地址或常量值
  if ( *(_DWORD *)((char *)&loc_1335 + 2) == 1337 )
    result = a1;
    *a1 = 1;
  return result;


 ql.mem.write(0x1000, b'\x41\x42\x43') # 手动输入

 ql.pack(">I", 0x12345678) # 函数调用将返回一个4字节的大端序字节序列,其中包含整数值 0x12345678 的二进制表示。
                           # ">I"参数指定了这个字节序列的格式,其中">"表示大端序,"<"表示小端序,"I"表示一个32位无符号整数。

 ql.pack16(0x1234)         # 这个函数专门用于16位整数

writeup 1

根据前面的分析可以得到 challenge 1 writeup:

from qiling import *

def challenge1(ql):
    ql.mem.map(0x1000, 0x1000, info='[challenge1]')
    # 为地址范围?[0x1000, 0x2000) 映射了一块内存,第一个参数0x1000是映射的起始地址,第二个参数0x1000是映射的大小,映射的大小必须是页大小的倍数,这里的页大小是 Qiling模拟器的默认页大小,4096字节。info是对这部分内存做的一个标记,后续Qiling如果想接着使用的话就可以用这个标记来定位。
    ql.mem.write(0x1337, ql.pack16(1337))
    # 将整数值 1337 转换为一个16位字节序列写入内存地址 0x1337 所指定的内存位置,小端输入

if __name__ == '__main__':
    path = ["qilinglab-x86_64"]
    rootfs = "rootfs/x8664_linux"
    ql = Qiling(path, rootfs)

运行上面的脚本,可以看到 challenge 1 已经解决:

Challenge 11: Bypass CPUID/MIDR_EL1 checks.

Checking which challenge are solved...
[=]     write(fd = 0x1, buf = 0x55555575a260, count = 0x54) = 0x54
Note: Some challenges will results in segfaults and infinite loops if they aren't solved.
[=]     write(fd = 0x1, buf = 0x55555575a260, count = 0x5a) = 0x5a

[=]     write(fd = 0x1, buf = 0x55555575a260, count = 0x1) = 0x1
[=]     uname(buf = 0x80000000db70) = 0x0
Challenge 1: SOLVED
[=]     write(fd = 0x1, buf = 0x55555575a260, count = 0x14) = 0x14
[=]     openat(fd = 0xffffff9c, path = 0x555555555698, flags = 0x0, mode = 0x0) = -0x2 (ENOENT)
[=]     read(fd = 0xffffffff, buf = 0x80000000dce0, length = 0x20) = -0x9 (EBADF)
[=]     read(fd = 0xffffffff, buf = 0x80000000dcdf, length = 0x1) = -0x9 (EBADF)
[=]     close(fd = 0xffffffff) = -0x1 (EPERM)
[=]     getrandom(buf = 0x80000000dd00, buflen = 0x20, flags = 0x1) = 0x20
Challenge 2: NOT SOLVED
[=]     write(fd = 0x1, buf = 0x55555575a260, count = 0x18) = 0x18
Challenge 3: NOT SOLVED
[=]     write(fd = 0x1, buf = 0x55555575a260, count = 0x18) = 0x18
[=]     time() = 0x64704df9
Challenge 4: NOT SOLVED
[=]     write(fd = 0x1, buf = 0x55555575a260, count = 0x18) = 0x18



sudo chroot ./ ./qemu-arm-static -g 12345 ./bin/httpd


ql.debugger = 'gdb:'

接着设置一下IDA的gdb debugger,断点在入口函数处,



ValueError: '/home/ubuntu/Desktop/qilinglab/qilinglab-x86_64' does not start with '/home/ubuntu/Desktop/qilinglab/rootfs/x8664_linux'


from qiling import *

def challenge1(ql):
    ql.mem.map(0x1000, 0x1000, info='[challenge1]')
    ql.mem.write(0x1337, ql.pack16(1337))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    path = ["rootfs/x8664_linux/qilinglab-x86_64"]
    rootfs = "rootfs/x8664_linux"
    ql = Qiling(path, rootfs)
    ql.debugger = 'gdb:'


Challenge 2: hook系统调用

Challenge 2: Make the 'uname' syscall return the correct values.

查看challenges 2 汇编代码:

.text:0000555555554BB6                 public challenge2
.text:0000555555554BB6 challenge2      proc near               ; CODE XREF: start+147↓p
.text:0000555555554BB6 var_1D8         = qword ptr -1D8h
.text:0000555555554BB6 var_1D0         = dword ptr -1D0h
.text:0000555555554BB6 var_1CC         = dword ptr -1CCh
.text:0000555555554BB6 var_1C8         = dword ptr -1C8h
.text:0000555555554BB6 var_1C4         = dword ptr -1C4h
.text:0000555555554BB6 name            = utsname ptr -1C0h
.text:0000555555554BB6 s               = byte ptr -3Ah
.text:0000555555554BB6 var_32          = word ptr -32h
.text:0000555555554BB6 var_30          = byte ptr -30h
.text:0000555555554BB6 var_18          = qword ptr -18h
.text:0000555555554BB6                 push    rbp
.text:0000555555554BB7                 mov     rbp, rsp
.text:0000555555554BBA                 push    rbx
.text:0000555555554BBB                 sub     rsp, 1D8h
.text:0000555555554BC2                 mov     [rbp+var_1D8], rdi
.text:0000555555554BC9                 mov     rax, fs:28h     ; 从Segment fs(用于TLS)对应的内存段,偏移量40h处取一个值,把这个值加载到rax寄存器
.text:0000555555554BD2                 mov     [rbp+var_18], rax
.text:0000555555554BD6                 xor     eax, eax        ; 清零eax寄存器,更新零标志位ZF = 1(表示eax为0)
.text:0000555555554BD8                 lea     rax, [rbp+name] ; 将[rbp+name]的地址传给rax
.text:0000555555554BDF                 mov     rdi, rax        ; name
.text:0000555555554BE2                 call    _uname
.text:0000555555554BE7                 test    eax, eax        ; 不修改eax的内容,只更新标志位
.text:0000555555554BE9                 jz      short loc_555555554BFC ; ZF=1,则转移到目的地址
.text:0000555555554BEB                 lea     rdi, s          ; "uname"
.text:0000555555554BF2                 call    _perror         ; _perror() 用于打印错误信息
.text:0000555555554BF7                 jmp     loc_555555554D13
.text:0000555555554BFC ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:0000555555554BFC loc_555555554BFC:                       ; CODE XREF: challenge2+33↑j
.text:0000555555554BFC                 mov     rax, cs:qword_55555555567E
.text:0000555555554C03                 mov     qword ptr [rbp+s], rax
.text:0000555555554C07                 movzx   eax, cs:word_555555555686
.text:0000555555554C0E                 mov     [rbp+var_32], ax
.text:0000555555554C12                 mov     rax, cs:qword_555555555688
.text:0000555555554C19                 mov     rdx, cs:qword_555555555690
.text:0000555555554C20                 mov     qword ptr [rbp+var_30], rax
.text:0000555555554C24                 mov     qword ptr [rbp+var_30+8], rdx
.text:0000555555554C28                 mov     [rbp+var_1D0], 0
.text:0000555555554C32                 mov     [rbp+var_1CC], 0
.text:0000555555554C3C                 jmp     short loc_555555554C6D
.text:0000555555554C3E ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:0000555555554C3E loc_555555554C3E:                       ; CODE XREF: challenge2+CF↓j
.text:0000555555554C3E                 mov     eax, [rbp+var_1C8]
.text:0000555555554C44                 cdqe
.text:0000555555554C46                 movzx   edx, [rbp+rax+name.sysname]
.text:0000555555554C4E                 mov     eax, [rbp+var_1C8]
.text:0000555555554C54                 cdqe
.text:0000555555554C56                 movzx   eax, [rbp+rax+s]
.text:0000555555554C5B                 cmp     dl, al
.text:0000555555554C5D                 jnz     short loc_555555554C66
.text:0000555555554C5F                 add     [rbp+var_1D0], 1
.text:0000555555554C66 loc_555555554C66:                       ; CODE XREF: challenge2+A7↑j
.text:0000555555554C66                 add     [rbp+var_1C8], 1
.text:0000555555554C6D loc_555555554C6D:                       ; CODE XREF: challenge2+86↑j
.text:0000555555554C6D                 mov     eax, [rbp+var_1C8]
.text:0000555555554C73                 movsxd  rbx, eax
.text:0000555555554C76                 lea     rax, [rbp+s]
.text:0000555555554C7A                 mov     rdi, rax        ; s
.text:0000555555554C7D                 call    _strlen
.text:0000555555554C82                 cmp     rbx, rax        ; 相等,则ZF=1, CF=0, OF=0
                                                               ; 小于,则ZF=0, CF=1, OF=0
                                                               ; 大于,则ZF=0, CF=0, OF=0
.text:0000555555554C85                 jb      short loc_555555554C3E ; 前一条指令执行的结果为小于则跳转
.text:0000555555554C87                 jmp     short loc_555555554CB8 ; 此处跳出循环
.text:0000555555554C89 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:0000555555554C89 loc_555555554C89:                       ; CODE XREF: challenge2+11A↓j
.text:0000555555554C89                 mov     eax, [rbp+var_1C4]
.text:0000555555554C8F                 cdqe
.text:0000555555554C91                 movzx   edx, [rbp+rax+name.version]
.text:0000555555554C99                 mov     eax, [rbp+var_1C4]
.text:0000555555554C9F                 cdqe
.text:0000555555554CA1                 movzx   eax, [rbp+rax+var_30]
.text:0000555555554CA6                 cmp     dl, al
.text:0000555555554CA8                 jnz     short loc_555555554CB1
.text:0000555555554CAA                 add     [rbp+var_1CC], 1
.text:0000555555554CB1 loc_555555554CB1:                       ; CODE XREF: challenge2+F2↑j
.text:0000555555554CB1                 add     [rbp+var_1C4], 1
.text:0000555555554CB8 loc_555555554CB8:                       ; CODE XREF: challenge2+D1↑j
.text:0000555555554CB8                 mov     eax, [rbp+var_1C4]
.text:0000555555554CBE                 movsxd  rbx, eax        ; 将eax寄存器中的32位符号扩展为64位,并将结果存储到rbx寄存器中
.text:0000555555554CC1                 lea     rax, [rbp+var_30]
.text:0000555555554CC5                 mov     rdi, rax        ; s
.text:0000555555554CC8                 call    _strlen
.text:0000555555554CCD                 cmp     rbx, rax
.text:0000555555554CD0                 jb      short loc_555555554C89
.text:0000555555554CD2                 mov     ebx, [rbp+var_1D0]
.text:0000555555554CD8                 lea     rax, [rbp+s]
.text:0000555555554CDC                 mov     rdi, rax        ; s
.text:0000555555554CDF                 call    _strlen
.text:0000555555554CE4                 cmp     rbx, rax
.text:0000555555554CE7                 jnz     short loc_555555554D13
.text:0000555555554CE9                 mov     ebx, [rbp+var_1CC]
.text:0000555555554CEF                 lea     rax, [rbp+var_30]
.text:0000555555554CF3                 mov     rdi, rax        ; s
.text:0000555555554CF6                 call    _strlen
.text:0000555555554CFB                 cmp     rbx, rax
.text:0000555555554CFE                 jnz     short loc_555555554D13
.text:0000555555554D00                 cmp     [rbp+var_1D0], 5
.text:0000555555554D07                 jbe     short loc_555555554D13
.text:0000555555554D09                 mov     rax, [rbp+var_1D8]
.text:0000555555554D10                 mov     byte ptr [rax], 1
.text:0000555555554D13 loc_555555554D13:                       ; CODE XREF: challenge2+41↑j
.text:0000555555554D13                                         ; challenge2+131↑j ...
.text:0000555555554D13                 mov     rax, [rbp+var_18]
.text:0000555555554D17                 xor     rax, fs:28h
.text:0000555555554D20                 jz      short loc_555555554D27
.text:0000555555554D22                 call    ___stack_chk_fail
.text:0000555555554D27 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:0000555555554D27 loc_555555554D27:                       ; CODE XREF: challenge2+16A↑j
.text:0000555555554D27                 add     rsp, 1D8h
.text:0000555555554D2E                 pop     rbx
.text:0000555555554D2F                 pop     rbp
.text:0000555555554D30                 retn
.text:0000555555554D30 challenge2      endp

正确的运行逻辑: challenge2 -> loc_555555554BFC -> loc_555555554C6D -> loc_555555554CB8 -> loc_555555554D13 -> loc_555555554D27


unsigned __int64 __fastcall challenge2(_BYTE *a1)
  unsigned int v2; // [rsp+10h] [rbp-1D0h]
  int v3; // [rsp+14h] [rbp-1CCh]
  int v4; // [rsp+18h] [rbp-1C8h]
  int v5; // [rsp+1Ch] [rbp-1C4h]
  struct utsname name; // [rsp+20h] [rbp-1C0h] BYREF
  char s[10]; // [rsp+1A6h] [rbp-3Ah] BYREF
  char v8[24]; // [rsp+1B0h] [rbp-30h] BYREF
  unsigned __int64 v9; // [rsp+1C8h] [rbp-18h]

  v9 = __readfsqword(0x28u);
  if ( uname(&name) )
    strcpy(s, "QilingOS");
    strcpy(v8, "ChallengeStart");
    v2 = 0;
    v3 = 0;
    while ( v4 < strlen(s) )
      if ( name.sysname[v4] == s[v4] )
    while ( v5 < strlen(v8) )
      if ( name.version[v5] == v8[v5] )
    if ( v2 == strlen(s) && v3 == strlen(v8) && v2 > 5 )
      *a1 = 1;
  return __readfsqword(0x28u) ^ v9;


  if ( uname(&name) )

uname(&name) 是一个系统调用函数,它的作用是获取当前系统的名称和版本信息,并将这些信息存储到?struct utsname?类型的结构体变量?name?中,name 使用struct utsname name;声明 ,如果成功获取的话函数返回值为0,就可以进入else了。else中我们最后需要执行*a1 = 1,这里面有两个循环进行字符串逐个判断,如果相同就能在最后的if判断中让*a1 = 1。此处我们需要了解uname的结构体,uname的结构为:

struct utsname {
    char sysname[65];
    char nodename[65];
    char release[65];   
    char version[65];
    char machine[65];
    char domainname[65];



void  challenge2(char *check) {
    unsigned int i, j, k, l;
    struct utsname name; 
    char qiling_OS[10]; 
    char chall_start[24];

    if ( uname(&name) ) {
    else {
        strcpy(qiling_OS, "QilingOS");
        strcpy(chall_start, "ChallengeStart");
        i = 0;
        j = 0;
        while ( k < strlen(qiling_OS) ) {
            if ( name.sysname[k] == qiling_OS[k] )
        while ( l < strlen(chall_start) ) {
            if ( name.version[l] == chall_start[l] )
        if ( i == strlen(qiling_OS) && j == strlen(chall_start) && i > 5 )
            *check = 1;


  1. QL_INTERCEPT.EXIT:在系统调用执行完成之后立即执行hook函数
  2. QL_INTERCEPT.ENTER:在系统调用执行之前执行hook函数
  3. QL_INTERCEPT.EXIT_TREE:在系统调用执行完成并返回后,执行完其他所有系统调用的hook函数之后再执行当前系统调用的hook函数
  4. QL_INTERCEPT.EXIT_ALL:在系统调用执行完成并返回后,执行所有系统调用的hook函数

为了使用上面的hook方式,需要使用 from qiling.const import * 导入Qiling模拟器中的常量。

系统调用返回结构体型数据时,会将结构体的地址存放在寄存器rdi中,因此我们需要使用 ql.arch.regs.rdi得到rdi中存储的uname地址。

writeup 2


from qiling import *
from qiling.const import * #?导入Qiling模拟器中的常量

def my_uname_on_exit_hook(ql, *args):
    rdi = ql.arch.regs.rdi
    print(f"utsname address: {hex(rdi)}") # utsname address: 0x80000000db50
    ql.mem.write(rdi, b'QilingOS\x00')
    ql.mem.write(rdi + 65 * 3, b'ChallengeStart\x00') # 000080000000DC13

def challenge2(ql):
    # 使用QL_INTERCEPT.EXIT在系统调用执行完成之后立即执行hook函数,ql.os.set_syscall 使用方法在官方文档 Hijack 部分
    ql.os.set_syscall("uname", my_uname_on_exit_hook, QL_INTERCEPT.EXIT)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    path = ["rootfs/x8664_linux/qilinglab-x86_64"]
    rootfs = "rootfs/x8664_linux"
    ql = Qiling(path, rootfs)
    # 记得加上challenge1



Checking which challenge are solved...
[=]     write(fd = 0x1, buf = 0x55555575a260, count = 0x54) = 0x54
Note: Some challenges will results in segfaults and infinite loops if they aren't solved.
[=]     write(fd = 0x1, buf = 0x55555575a260, count = 0x5a) = 0x5a

[=]     write(fd = 0x1, buf = 0x55555575a260, count = 0x1) = 0x1
[=]     uname(buf = 0x80000000db50) = 0x0
Challenge 1: SOLVED
[=]     write(fd = 0x1, buf = 0x55555575a260, count = 0x14) = 0x14
[=]     openat(fd = 0xffffff9c, path = 0x555555555698, flags = 0x0, mode = 0x0) = -0x2 (ENOENT)
[=]     read(fd = 0xffffffff, buf = 0x80000000dcc0, length = 0x20) = -0x9 (EBADF)
[=]     read(fd = 0xffffffff, buf = 0x80000000dcbf, length = 0x1) = -0x9 (EBADF)
[=]     close(fd = 0xffffffff) = -0x1 (EPERM)
[=]     getrandom(buf = 0x80000000dce0, buflen = 0x20, flags = 0x1) = 0x20
Challenge 2: SOLVED
[=]     write(fd = 0x1, buf = 0x55555575a260, count = 0x14) = 0x14
Challenge 3: NOT SOLVED
[=]     write(fd = 0x1, buf = 0x55555575a260, count = 0x18) = 0x18
[=]     time() = 0x6471f7b0
Challenge 4: NOT SOLVED
[=]     write(fd = 0x1, buf = 0x55555575a260, count = 0x18) = 0x18

Challenge 3: 自定义文件对象

Challenge 3: Make '/dev/urandom' and 'getrandom' "collide".

IDA 看一下 Challenge 3:

.text:0000555555554D31                 public challenge3
.text:0000555555554D31 challenge3      proc near               ; CODE XREF: start+16B↓p
.text:0000555555554D31 var_68          = qword ptr -68h
.text:0000555555554D31 var_60          = dword ptr -60h
.text:0000555555554D31 var_5C          = dword ptr -5Ch
.text:0000555555554D31 fd              = dword ptr -58h
.text:0000555555554D31 var_51          = byte ptr -51h
.text:0000555555554D31 buf             = byte ptr -50h
.text:0000555555554D31 var_30          = byte ptr -30h
.text:0000555555554D31 var_8           = qword ptr -8
.text:0000555555554D31                 push    rbp
.text:0000555555554D32                 mov     rbp, rsp
.text:0000555555554D35                 sub     rsp, 70h
.text:0000555555554D39                 mov     [rbp+var_68], rdi
.text:0000555555554D3D                 mov     rax, fs:28h
.text:0000555555554D46                 mov     [rbp+var_8], rax
.text:0000555555554D4A                 xor     eax, eax
.text:0000555555554D4C                 mov     esi, 0          ; oflag
.text:0000555555554D51                 lea     rdi, file       ; "/dev/urandom"
.text:0000555555554D58                 mov     eax, 0
.text:0000555555554D5D                 call    _open
.text:0000555555554D62                 mov     [rbp+fd], eax
.text:0000555555554D65                 lea     rcx, [rbp+buf]
.text:0000555555554D69                 mov     eax, [rbp+fd]
.text:0000555555554D6C                 mov     edx, 20h ; ' '  ; nbytes
.text:0000555555554D71                 mov     rsi, rcx        ; buf
.text:0000555555554D74                 mov     edi, eax        ; fd
.text:0000555555554D76                 call    _read
.text:0000555555554D7B                 lea     rcx, [rbp+var_51]
.text:0000555555554D7F                 mov     eax, [rbp+fd]
.text:0000555555554D82                 mov     edx, 1          ; nbytes
.text:0000555555554D87                 mov     rsi, rcx        ; buf
.text:0000555555554D8A                 mov     edi, eax        ; fd
.text:0000555555554D8C                 call    _read
.text:0000555555554D91                 mov     eax, [rbp+fd]
.text:0000555555554D94                 mov     edi, eax        ; fd
.text:0000555555554D96                 call    _close
.text:0000555555554D9B                 lea     rax, [rbp+var_30]
.text:0000555555554D9F                 mov     edx, 1
.text:0000555555554DA4                 mov     esi, 20h ;
.text:0000555555554DA9                 mov     rdi, rax
.text:0000555555554DAC                 call    _getrandom
.text:0000555555554DB1                 mov     [rbp+var_60], 0
.text:0000555555554DB8                 mov     [rbp+var_5C], 0
.text:0000555555554DBF                 jmp     short loc_555555554DF3
.text:0000555555554DC1 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:0000555555554DC1 loc_555555554DC1:                       ; CODE XREF: challenge3+C6↓j
.text:0000555555554DC1                 mov     eax, [rbp+var_5C]
.text:0000555555554DC4                 cdqe
.text:0000555555554DC6                 movzx   edx, [rbp+rax+buf] ; edx清零,读取 rbp+rax+buf 地址处的一个字节,并将其扩充到64位移入edx寄存器低8位
.text:0000555555554DCB                 mov     eax, [rbp+var_5C]
.text:0000555555554DCE                 cdqe                       ; 将32位eax值扩展为64位rax值
.text:0000555555554DD0                 movzx   eax, [rbp+rax+var_30]
.text:0000555555554DD5                 cmp     dl, al
.text:0000555555554DD7                 jnz     short loc_555555554DEF
.text:0000555555554DD9                 mov     eax, [rbp+var_5C]
.text:0000555555554DDC                 cdqe
.text:0000555555554DDE                 movzx   edx, [rbp+rax+buf]
.text:0000555555554DE3                 movzx   eax, [rbp+var_51]
.text:0000555555554DE7                 cmp     dl, al             ; di:edx低8位,al:eax低8位
.text:0000555555554DE9                 jz      short loc_555555554DEF
.text:0000555555554DEB                 add     [rbp+var_60], 1
.text:0000555555554DEF loc_555555554DEF:                       ; CODE XREF: challenge3+A6↑j
.text:0000555555554DEF                                         ; challenge3+B8↑j
.text:0000555555554DEF                 add     [rbp+var_5C], 1
.text:0000555555554DF3 loc_555555554DF3:                       ; CODE XREF: challenge3+8E↑j
.text:0000555555554DF3                 cmp     [rbp+var_5C], 1Fh
.text:0000555555554DF7                 jle     short loc_555555554DC1 ; 小于或等于则跳转
.text:0000555555554DF9                 cmp     [rbp+var_60], 20h ;
.text:0000555555554DFD                 jnz     short loc_555555554E06
.text:0000555555554DFF                 mov     rax, [rbp+var_68]
.text:0000555555554E03                 mov     byte ptr [rax], 1 ; byte ptr是指定操作数的大小,这里是一个byte
                                                                 ; 将字节值1存储在rax寄存器指向的内存地址中
.text:0000555555554E06 loc_555555554E06:                       ; CODE XREF: challenge3+CC↑j
.text:0000555555554E06                 nop
.text:0000555555554E07                 mov     rax, [rbp+var_8]
.text:0000555555554E0B                 xor     rax, fs:28h
.text:0000555555554E14                 jz      short locret_555555554E1B
.text:0000555555554E16                 call    ___stack_chk_fail
.text:0000555555554E1B ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:0000555555554E1B locret_555555554E1B:                    ; CODE XREF: challenge3+E3↑j
.text:0000555555554E1B                 leave
.text:0000555555554E1C                 retn
.text:0000555555554E1C challenge3      endp

Challenge 3 伪代码:

unsigned __int64 __fastcall challenge3(_BYTE *a1)
  int v2; // [rsp+10h] [rbp-60h]
  int i; // [rsp+14h] [rbp-5Ch]
  int fd; // [rsp+18h] [rbp-58h]
  char v5; // [rsp+1Fh] [rbp-51h] BYREF
  char buf[32]; // [rsp+20h] [rbp-50h] BYREF
  char v7[40]; // [rsp+40h] [rbp-30h] BYREF
  unsigned __int64 v8; // [rsp+68h] [rbp-8h]

  v8 = __readfsqword(0x28u); // 从fs段读取地址0x28处的8个字节,并将其存储在v8变量中。地址0x28处的数据通常被用来存储函数的返回地址
  fd = open("/dev/urandom", 0);
  read(fd, buf, 0x20uLL);
  read(fd, &v5, 1uLL);
  getrandom(v7, 32LL, 1LL);
  v2 = 0;
  for ( i = 0; i <= 31; ++i )
    if ( buf[i] == v7[i] && buf[i] != v5 )
  if ( v2 == 32 )
    *a1 = 1; // 修改指针所指向的内存中的值
  return __readfsqword(0x28u) ^ v8;


  read(fd, buf, 0x20uLL);
  read(fd, &v5, 1uLL);
  getrandom(v7, 32LL, 1LL);

read(fd, buf, 0x20uLL):从文件描述符fd读取32(0x20)字节的数据,并将其存储在字符数组buf中。原函数:ssize_t read(int fd, void *buf, size_t count);

read(fd, &v5, 1uLL):从文件描述符fd读取1字节的数据,并将其存储在字符变量v5中。

getrandom(v7, 32LL, 1LL):系统调用,从系统提供的随机数源获取随机数据。代码含义是从系统熵池中获取32字节的随机数据,并将其存储在字符数组v7中。

我们需要在i循环中让buf[i]v7[i]相等,且buf[i]不等于v5。getrandom是利用系统调用获取随机数,urandom是利用文件读写操作获取随机数,要解决这道题需要让两者一样。关于 /dev/urandomgetrandom 的相关知识:

/dev/urandom 是一个 Unix/Linux 系统中的特殊文件,它是一个伪随机数发生器设备文件,用于生成随机数。

在Qiling中使用 ql.add_fs_mapper("/dev/urandom", "/dev/urandom") 将宿主机中的 /dev/urandom (后面的) 设备文件映射到 Qiling 虚拟机中的 /dev/urandom (前面的) 文件上,以便为虚拟机中的程序提供随机数服务。


getrandom(ql, buf, buflen, flags)

flags:指定 getrandom 函数的行为。常见的 flags 值包括:
    0:如果系统熵池中没有足够的熵,getrandom 会阻塞直到有足够的熵可用。
    GRND_NONBLOCK(通常为 1):getrandom 在系统熵池中没有足够的熵时,会立即返回错误而不是阻塞。
    GRND_RANDOM(通常为 2):尝试从 /dev/random 获取随机数据,而不是从 /dev/urandom 获取。这个选项会导致 getrandom 的行为更加谨慎,可能会在熵不足时阻塞。

如果成功获取随机数据,getrandom 返回实际读取的字节数。
如果出错,返回 -1 并设置 errno。常见的错误包括 EAGAIN(系统熵池中没有足够的熵,且 flags 设置为非阻塞模式)和 EFAULT(buf 指针无效或指向不可访问的内存区域)。


from qiling import Qiling
from qiling.os.mapper import QlFsMappedObject

class FakeUrandom(QlFsMappedObject):

    def read(self, size: int) -> bytes:
        if size == 1: 
         return b"\x42" # v5的长度为1
        # return a constant value upon reading
         return b"\x41"

    def fstat(self) -> int: # fstat() 是Linux/Unix系统调用之一,用来获取文件的状态信息
        # return -1 to let syscall fstat ignore it
        return -1

    def close(self) -> int:
        return 0

if __name__ == "__main__":
    ql = Qiling([r'rootfs/x86_linux/bin/x86_fetch_urandom'], r'rootfs/x86_linux')

    ql.add_fs_mapper(r'/dev/urandom', FakeUrandom())


def hook_getrandom(ql, buf, buflen, flags):
    # 自定义 getrandom 函数实现
    if buflen == 32:
        data = b'\x41' * buflen  # b'\x41' = A
        ql.mem.write(buf, data)

# 调用自定义系统调用
ql.os.set_syscall("getrandom", hook_getrandom)

writeup 3

from qiling import *
from qiling.const import * #?导入Qiling模拟器中的常量
from qiling.os.mapper import QlFsMappedObject

class FakeUrandom(QlFsMappedObject):  

    def read(self, size: int) -> bytes:  
        if size == 1:
            return b"\x42" 
            return b"\x41" * size

    def close(self) -> int:
        return 0

def hook_getrandom(ql, buf, buflen, flags):
    # 自定义 getrandom 函数实现
    if buflen == 32:
        data = b'\x41' * buflen  # b'\x41' = A
        ql.mem.write(buf, data)

def challenge3(ql):
    ql.add_fs_mapper(r'/dev/urandom', FakeUrandom())
    ql.os.set_syscall("getrandom", hook_getrandom)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    path = ["rootfs/x8664_linux/qilinglab-x86_64"]
    rootfs = "rootfs/x8664_linux"
    ql = Qiling(path, rootfs)
    # 记得加上challenge1

运行后,可以看到challenge 3已解决:

Checking which challenge are solved...
[=]     write(fd = 0x1, buf = 0x55555575a260, count = 0x54) = 0x54
Note: Some challenges will results in segfaults and infinite loops if they aren't solved.
[=]     write(fd = 0x1, buf = 0x55555575a260, count = 0x5a) = 0x5a

[=]     write(fd = 0x1, buf = 0x55555575a260, count = 0x1) = 0x1
utsname address: 0x80000000db50
[=]     uname(buf = 0x80000000db50) = 0x0
Challenge 1: SOLVED
[=]     write(fd = 0x1, buf = 0x55555575a260, count = 0x14) = 0x14
[=]     openat(fd = 0xffffff9c, path = 0x555555555698, flags = 0x0, mode = 0x0) = 0x3
[=]     read(fd = 0x3, buf = 0x80000000dcc0, length = 0x20) = 0x20
[=]     read(fd = 0x3, buf = 0x80000000dcbf, length = 0x1) = 0x1
[=]     close(fd = 0x3) = 0x0
[=]     getrandom(buf = 0x80000000dce0, buflen = 0x20, flags = 0x1) = ?
Challenge 2: SOLVED
[=]     write(fd = 0x1, buf = 0x55555575a260, count = 0x14) = 0x14
Challenge 3: SOLVED
[=]     write(fd = 0x1, buf = 0x55555575a260, count = 0x14) = 0x14
[=]     time() = 0x6472521d
Challenge 4: NOT SOLVED
[=]     write(fd = 0x1, buf = 0x55555575a260, count = 0x18) = 0x18

Challenge 4:hook特定地址

Challenge 4: Enter inside the "forbidden" loop.

.text:0000555555554E1D                 public challenge4
.text:0000555555554E1D challenge4      proc near               ; CODE XREF: start+18F↓p
.text:0000555555554E1D var_18          = qword ptr -18h
.text:0000555555554E1D var_8           = dword ptr -8
.text:0000555555554E1D var_4           = dword ptr -4
.text:0000555555554E1D                 push    rbp
.text:0000555555554E1E                 mov     rbp, rsp
.text:0000555555554E21                 mov     [rbp+var_18], rdi
.text:0000555555554E25                 mov     [rbp+var_8], 0
.text:0000555555554E2C                 mov     [rbp+var_4], 0
.text:0000555555554E33                 jmp     short loc_555555554E40
.text:0000555555554E35 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:0000555555554E35 loc_555555554E35:                       ; CODE XREF: challenge4+29↓j
.text:0000555555554E35                 mov     rax, [rbp+var_18]
.text:0000555555554E39                 mov     byte ptr [rax], 1
.text:0000555555554E3C                 add     [rbp+var_4], 1
.text:0000555555554E40 loc_555555554E40:                       ; CODE XREF: challenge4+16↑j
.text:0000555555554E40                 mov     eax, [rbp+var_8]
.text:0000555555554E43                 cmp     [rbp+var_4], eax
.text:0000555555554E46                 jl      short loc_555555554E35 ; 小于则跳转
.text:0000555555554E48                 nop
.text:0000555555554E49                 pop     rbp
.text:0000555555554E4A                 retn
.text:0000555555554E4A challenge4      endp

IDA 查看伪代码发现什么都看不到:

__int64 challenge4()
  return 0LL;

根据汇编逻辑,我们最终需要实现 mov byte ptr [rax], 1 ,但是在 loc_555555554E40 中 :

mov     [rbp+var_8], 0
mov     [rbp+var_4], 0


mov     eax, [rbp+var_8]
cmp     [rbp+var_4], eax
add     [rbp+var_4], 1

实际上就是 0比0,我们需要让[rbp+var_4]小于[rbp+var_8],jl指令才会跳转到loc_555555554E35函数中,执行*a=1,然后再通过 add [rbp+var_4], 1 跳出循环。

我们根据逻辑patch汇编使得 [rbp+var_8], 1 ,就可以得到正确的伪代码:

__int64 __fastcall challenge4(_BYTE *a1)
  __int64 result; // rax
  int i; // [rsp+14h] [rbp-4h]

  for ( i = 0; ; ++i ) // for 循环运行一次后让*a1 = 1,接着break。
    result = 1LL;
    if ( i >= 1 )
    *a1 = 1;
  return result;

可以看到我们的分析是正确的,接着就来编写 Qiling challenge 4 writeup:

writeup 4

def enter_forbidden_loop_hook(ql):
    ql.arch.regs.eax = 1
def challenge4(ql):
    .text:0000555555554E40                 mov     eax, [rbp+var_8]
    .text:0000555555554E43                 cmp     [rbp+var_4], eax <-- 在运行此命令前hook eax,使得eax = 1
    .text:0000555555554E46                 jl      short loc_555555554E35
    base = ql.mem.get_lib_base(os.path.split(ql.path)[-1])  # 根据文件路径查找已经加载的文件,获取对应文件的基地址
    # os.path.split(ql.path):os.path.split 函数将 ql.path 分成两部分:目录名和基本文件名。这个函数返回一个包含这两部分的元组。
    # os.path.split(ql.path)[-1]:这将返回元组中的最后一个元素,即基本文件名。在 Python 中,-1 索引表示列表或元组的最后一个元素。
    # base = ql.mem.get_lib_base(os.path.split(ql.path)[-1]):ql.mem.get_lib_base 函数使用提取的文件名作为参数,以获取已加载库的基地址。将返回的基地址赋值给变量 base
    hook_addr = base + 0xE43
    ql.hook_address(enter_forbidden_loop_hook, hook_addr) # 当执行流程到达hook_addr时,该函数将被调用。此时hook_addr处的代码还未被执行。

运行后,可以看到 challenge 4 已经被解决:

Challenge 1: SOLVED
[=]     write(fd = 0x1, buf = 0x55555575a260, count = 0x14) = 0x14
[=]     openat(fd = 0xffffff9c, path = 0x555555555698, flags = 0x0, mode = 0x0) = 0x3
[=]     read(fd = 0x3, buf = 0x80000000dcc0, length = 0x20) = 0x20
[=]     read(fd = 0x3, buf = 0x80000000dcbf, length = 0x1) = 0x1
[=]     close(fd = 0x3) = 0x0
[=]     getrandom(buf = 0x80000000dce0, buflen = 0x20, flags = 0x1) = ?
Challenge 2: SOLVED
[=]     write(fd = 0x1, buf = 0x55555575a260, count = 0x14) = 0x14
Challenge 3: SOLVED
[=]     write(fd = 0x1, buf = 0x55555575a260, count = 0x14) = 0x14
[=]     time() = 0x64730987
Challenge 4: SOLVED
[=]     write(fd = 0x1, buf = 0x55555575a260, count = 0x14) = 0x14

Challenge 5:hook函数调用

Challenge 5: Guess every call to rand().

.text:0000555555554E4B                 public challenge5
.text:0000555555554E4B challenge5      proc near               ; CODE XREF: start+1B3↓p
.text:0000555555554E4B var_58          = qword ptr -58h
.text:0000555555554E4B var_48          = dword ptr -48h
.text:0000555555554E4B var_44          = dword ptr -44h
.text:0000555555554E4B var_40          = dword ptr -40h
.text:0000555555554E4B var_20          = dword ptr -20h
.text:0000555555554E4B var_8           = qword ptr -8
.text:0000555555554E4B                 push    rbp
.text:0000555555554E4C                 mov     rbp, rsp
.text:0000555555554E4F                 sub     rsp, 60h
.text:0000555555554E53                 mov     [rbp+var_58], rdi
.text:0000555555554E57                 mov     rax, fs:28h
.text:0000555555554E60                 mov     [rbp+var_8], rax
.text:0000555555554E64                 xor     eax, eax
.text:0000555555554E66                 mov     edi, 0          ; timer
.text:0000555555554E6B                 call    _time
.text:0000555555554E70                 mov     edi, eax        ; seed
.text:0000555555554E72                 call    _srand
.text:0000555555554E77                 mov     [rbp+var_48], 0
.text:0000555555554E7E                 jmp     short loc_555555554EA1
.text:0000555555554E80 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:0000555555554E80 loc_555555554E80:                       ; CODE XREF: challenge5+5A↓j
.text:0000555555554E80                 mov     eax, [rbp+var_48]
.text:0000555555554E83                 cdqe
.text:0000555555554E85                 mov     [rbp+rax*4+var_40], 0
.text:0000555555554E8D                 call    _rand
.text:0000555555554E92                 mov     edx, eax
.text:0000555555554E94                 mov     eax, [rbp+var_48]
.text:0000555555554E97                 cdqe
.text:0000555555554E99                 mov     [rbp+rax*4+var_20], edx
.text:0000555555554E9D                 add     [rbp+var_48], 1
.text:0000555555554EA1 loc_555555554EA1:                       ; CODE XREF: challenge5+33↑j
.text:0000555555554EA1                 cmp     [rbp+var_48], 4
.text:0000555555554EA5                 jle     short loc_555555554E80
.text:0000555555554EA7                 mov     [rbp+var_44], 0
.text:0000555555554EAE                 jmp     short loc_555555554ED3
.text:0000555555554EB0 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:0000555555554EB0 loc_555555554EB0:                       ; CODE XREF: challenge5+8C↓j
.text:0000555555554EB0                 mov     eax, [rbp+var_44]
.text:0000555555554EB3                 cdqe
.text:0000555555554EB5                 mov     edx, [rbp+rax*4+var_40]
.text:0000555555554EB9                 mov     eax, [rbp+var_44]
.text:0000555555554EBC                 cdqe
.text:0000555555554EBE                 mov     eax, [rbp+rax*4+var_20]
.text:0000555555554EC2                 cmp     edx, eax
.text:0000555555554EC4                 jz      short loc_555555554ECF
.text:0000555555554EC6                 mov     rax, [rbp+var_58]
.text:0000555555554ECA                 mov     byte ptr [rax], 0
.text:0000555555554ECD                 jmp     short loc_555555554EE0
.text:0000555555554ECF ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:0000555555554ECF loc_555555554ECF:                       ; CODE XREF: challenge5+79↑j
.text:0000555555554ECF                 add     [rbp+var_44], 1
.text:0000555555554ED3 loc_555555554ED3:                       ; CODE XREF: challenge5+63↑j
.text:0000555555554ED3                 cmp     [rbp+var_44], 4
.text:0000555555554ED7                 jle     short loc_555555554EB0
.text:0000555555554ED9                 mov     rax, [rbp+var_58]
.text:0000555555554EDD                 mov     byte ptr [rax], 1
.text:0000555555554EE0 loc_555555554EE0:                       ; CODE XREF: challenge5+82↑j
.text:0000555555554EE0                 mov     rax, [rbp+var_8]
.text:0000555555554EE4                 xor     rax, fs:28h
.text:0000555555554EED                 jz      short locret_555555554EF4
.text:0000555555554EEF                 call    ___stack_chk_fail
.text:0000555555554EF4 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:0000555555554EF4 locret_555555554EF4:                    ; CODE XREF: challenge5+A2↑j
.text:0000555555554EF4                 leave
.text:0000555555554EF5                 retn
.text:0000555555554EF5 challenge5      endp

challenge 5 伪代码如下:

unsigned __int64 __fastcall challenge5(_BYTE *a1)
  unsigned int v1; // eax
  int i; // [rsp+18h] [rbp-48h]
  int j; // [rsp+1Ch] [rbp-44h]
  int v5[14]; // [rsp+20h] [rbp-40h]
  unsigned __int64 v6; // [rsp+58h] [rbp-8h]

  v6 = __readfsqword(0x28u);
  v1 = time(0LL);
  srand(v1); // srand 使用时间作为种子,生成真正的随机数
  for ( i = 0; i <= 4; ++i )
    v5[i] = 0;          // 0,1,2,3,4
    v5[i + 8] = rand(); // 8,9,19,11,12
  for ( j = 0; j <= 4; ++j ) // 我们需要绕过此循环
    if ( v5[j] != v5[j + 8] )
      *a1 = 0;
      return __readfsqword(0x28u) ^ v6;
  *a1 = 1;
  return __readfsqword(0x28u) ^ v6;

分析代码逻辑,我们想要最后得到*a1 = 1的话,需要绕过第二个for循环。让rand()得到的值都为0就可以了。hook方法在官方手册 Hijacking OS API (POSIX)

writeup 5

def hook_rand(ql):
    ql.arch.regs.rax = 0 # 在x86-64架构中,函数的返回值通常保存在RAX寄存器中。rand函数的返回值会存储在rax寄存器

def challenge5(ql):
    ql.os.set_api('rand', hook_rand)


Challenge 6:修改寄存器值

Challenge 6: Avoid the infinite loop.

.text:0000555555554EF6                 public challenge6
.text:0000555555554EF6 challenge6      proc near               ; CODE XREF: start+1D7↓p
.text:0000555555554EF6 var_18          = qword ptr -18h
.text:0000555555554EF6 var_5           = byte ptr -5
.text:0000555555554EF6 var_4           = dword ptr -4
.text:0000555555554EF6                 push    rbp
.text:0000555555554EF7                 mov     rbp, rsp
.text:0000555555554EFA                 mov     [rbp+var_18], rdi
.text:0000555555554EFE                 mov     [rbp+var_4], 0
.text:0000555555554F05                 mov     [rbp+var_5], 1
.text:0000555555554F09                 jmp     short loc_555555554F12
.text:0000555555554F0B ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:0000555555554F0B loc_555555554F0B:                       ; CODE XREF: challenge6+22↓j
.text:0000555555554F0B                 mov     [rbp+var_4], 1
.text:0000555555554F12 loc_555555554F12:                       ; CODE XREF: challenge6+13↑j
.text:0000555555554F12                 movzx   eax, [rbp+var_5]
.text:0000555555554F16                 test    al, al          ; 不修改al的内容,只更新标志位
.text:0000555555554F18                 jnz     short loc_555555554F0B ; ZF=0 则跳转loc_555555554F0B函数
.text:0000555555554F1A                 mov     rax, [rbp+var_18]
.text:0000555555554F1E                 mov     byte ptr [rax], 1
.text:0000555555554F21                 nop
.text:0000555555554F22                 pop     rbp
.text:0000555555554F23                 retn
.text:0000555555554F23 challenge6      endp


void challenge6()
  while ( 1 )


主要关注点在test al, al上,这条指令的含义是将EAX的低8位(al)与自身与运算,主要是用于修改ZF标志位。

test al, al = al & al
由于操作数 al 相同,所以运算结果必然是 al 本身的值。
根据运算结果值是否为 0,ZF 标志位会被设置为:
结果为 0:ZF=1
结果不为 0:ZF=0

因此我们需要将eax设置为0,对mov [rbp+var_5], 1 进行patch,改为 mov [rbp+var_5], 0,就可以正确生成伪代码了,得到的和我们预期的一致。

void __fastcall challenge6(_BYTE *a1)
  *a1 = 1;

writeup 6

def hook_rax(ql):
    ql.arch.regs.rax = 0
def challenge6(ql):
    base = ql.mem.get_lib_base(os.path.split(ql.path)[-1])
    hook_addr = base + 0xF16
    ql.hook_address(hook_rax, hook_addr)


Challenge 1: SOLVED
[=]     write(fd = 0x1, buf = 0x55555575a260, count = 0x14) = 0x14
[=]     openat(fd = 0xffffff9c, path = 0x555555555698, flags = 0x0, mode = 0x0) = 0x3
[=]     read(fd = 0x3, buf = 0x80000000dcc0, length = 0x20) = 0x20
[=]     read(fd = 0x3, buf = 0x80000000dcbf, length = 0x1) = 0x1
[=]     close(fd = 0x3) = 0x0
[=]     getrandom(buf = 0x80000000dce0, buflen = 0x20, flags = 0x1) = ?
Challenge 2: SOLVED
[=]     write(fd = 0x1, buf = 0x55555575a260, count = 0x14) = 0x14
Challenge 3: SOLVED
[=]     write(fd = 0x1, buf = 0x55555575a260, count = 0x14) = 0x14
[=]     time() = 0x64732fa5
Challenge 4: SOLVED
[=]     write(fd = 0x1, buf = 0x55555575a260, count = 0x14) = 0x14
Challenge 5: SOLVED
[=]     write(fd = 0x1, buf = 0x55555575a260, count = 0x14) = 0x14

Challenge 7:hook函数调用

Challenge 7: Don't waste time waiting for 'sleep'.

.text:0000555555554F24                 public challenge7
.text:0000555555554F24 challenge7      proc near               ; CODE XREF: start+1FB↓p
.text:0000555555554F24 var_8           = qword ptr -8
.text:0000555555554F24                 push    rbp
.text:0000555555554F25                 mov     rbp, rsp
.text:0000555555554F28                 sub     rsp, 10h
.text:0000555555554F2C                 mov     [rbp+var_8], rdi
.text:0000555555554F30                 mov     rax, [rbp+var_8]
.text:0000555555554F34                 mov     byte ptr [rax], 1
.text:0000555555554F37                 mov     edi, 0FFFFFFFFh ; seconds
.text:0000555555554F3C                 call    _sleep          ; <------- hook
.text:0000555555554F41                 nop
.text:0000555555554F42                 leave
.text:0000555555554F43                 retn
.text:0000555555554F43 challenge7      endp


unsigned int __fastcall challenge7(_BYTE *a1)
  *a1 = 1;
  return sleep(0xFFFFFFFF);

我们可以利用之前学的方法hook sleep函数,还是比较简单的。

writeup 7

def hook_sleep(ql):
    return 0
def challenge7(ql):
    ql.os.set_api('sleep', hook_sleep)


[=]     write(fd = 0x1, buf = 0x55555575a260, count = 0x19) = 0x19
You solved 7/11 of the challenges
[=]     write(fd = 0x1, buf = 0x55555575a260, count = 0x22) = 0x22
[=]     exit_group(code = 0x0) = ?

Challenge 8:修改结构体的值

Challenge 8: Unpack the struct and write at the target address.

.text:0000555555554F44                 public challenge8
.text:0000555555554F44 challenge8      proc near               ; CODE XREF: start+21F↓p
.text:0000555555554F44 var_18          = qword ptr -18h
.text:0000555555554F44 var_8           = qword ptr -8
.text:0000555555554F44                 push    rbp
.text:0000555555554F45                 mov     rbp, rsp
.text:0000555555554F48                 sub     rsp, 20h
.text:0000555555554F4C                 mov     [rbp+var_18], rdi
.text:0000555555554F50                 mov     edi, 18h        ; size
.text:0000555555554F55                 call    _malloc
.text:0000555555554F5A                 mov     [rbp+var_8], rax
.text:0000555555554F5E                 mov     edi, 1Eh        ; size
.text:0000555555554F63                 call    _malloc
.text:0000555555554F68                 mov     rdx, rax
.text:0000555555554F6B                 mov     rax, [rbp+var_8]
.text:0000555555554F6F                 mov     [rax], rdx
.text:0000555555554F72                 mov     rax, [rbp+var_8]
.text:0000555555554F76                 mov     dword ptr [rax+8], 539h
.text:0000555555554F7D                 mov     rax, [rbp+var_8]
.text:0000555555554F81                 movss   xmm0, cs:dword_555555555A98
.text:0000555555554F89                 movss   dword ptr [rax+0Ch], xmm0
.text:0000555555554F8E                 mov     rax, [rbp+var_8]
.text:0000555555554F92                 mov     rax, [rax]
.text:0000555555554F95                 mov     rcx, 64206D6F646E6152h
.text:0000555555554F9F                 mov     [rax], rcx
.text:0000555555554FA2                 mov     dword ptr [rax+8], 617461h
.text:0000555555554FA9                 mov     rax, [rbp+var_8]
.text:0000555555554FAD                 mov     rdx, [rbp+var_18]
.text:0000555555554FB1                 mov     [rax+10h], rdx
.text:0000555555554FB5                 nop
.text:0000555555554FB6                 leave
.text:0000555555554FB7                 retn
.text:0000555555554FB7 challenge8      endp


_DWORD *__fastcall challenge8(__int64 a1)
  _DWORD *result; // rax
  _DWORD *v2; // [rsp+18h] [rbp-8h]

  v2 = malloc(0x18uLL);             // 调用malloc函数,请求分配0x18字节(24字节)的内存。分配成功后,指向分配内存的指针被赋值给变量v2
  *(_QWORD *)v2 = malloc(0x1EuLL);  // 调用malloc函数,请求分配0x1E字节(30字节)的内存。
                                    // 将返回的指针(指向分配的30字节内存块)存储在v2所指向的内存中的前8个字节(64位系统一个指针大小为8字节,即一个_QWORD)
  v2[2] = 1337;
  v2[3] = 1039980266;
  strcpy(*(char **)v2, "Random data");
  result = v2;
  *((_QWORD *)v2 + 2) = a1;
  return result;


typedef struct {
    char *string_ptr; // 8 字节的指针,指向字符串 "Random data" 所在的内存
    uint32_t value1;  // 4 字节的整数,值为 1337
    uint32_t value2;  // 4 字节的整数,值为 1039980266
    int64_t a1;       // 8 字节的整数,值为传入的参数 a1
} CustomStruct;


writeup 8

import struct

def challenge8_hook(ql):

    # 在内存中寻找魔数
    MAGIC = 0x3DFCD6EA00000539
    魔数由结构体中 value1 与 value2 构成。
    1. 将 value1 转换为 16 进制表示:1337 的 16 进制表示为 0x539。
    2. 将 value2 转换为 16 进制表示:1039980266 的 16 进制表示为 0x3DFCD6EA。
    3. 将 value2 字段左移 32 位,这相当于将其乘以 2^32:0x3DFCD6EA * 2^32 = 0x3DFCD6EA00000000。
    4. 将 value2 与 alue1 的值相加:0x3DFCD6EA00000000 + 0x539 = 0x3DFCD6EA00000539。
    所以,将 value1 和 value2 字段组合得到的魔数是 0x3DFCD6EA00000539。

    magic_addrs = ql.mem.search(ql.pack64(MAGIC)) # 转换魔数成为字节序列

    for magic_addr in magic_addrs: # 为了避免重复,循环检测

        # Dump and unpack the candidate structure
        candidate_heap_struct_addr = magic_addr - 8 # 魔数距离堆头指针距离为 8 bytes
        candidate_heap_struct = ql.mem.read(candidate_heap_struct_addr, 24) # 获取结构体地址结构

        string_addr, _ , check_addr = struct.unpack('QQQ', candidate_heap_struct) 
        # struct.unpack() 是一个 Python 函数,用于将字节序列解包为多个值,解包 candidate_heap_struct 地址结构。
        # 'QQQ' 是一个格式字符串,表示要解包的数据结构包含3个64位(8 字节)无符号整数。
        # string_addr, _ , check_addr:只关注 string_addr 与 check_addr,最后得到相应地址

        if ql.mem.string(string_addr) == "Random data":
            # 修改*a1为1
            ql.mem.write(check_addr, b"\x01")

def challenge8(ql):
    base_addr = ql.mem.get_lib_base(os.path.split(ql.path)[-1])
    end_of_challenge8 = base_addr + 0xFB5     # 程序运行结束时的地址

    ql.hook_address(challenge8_hook, end_of_challenge8)


You solved 8/11 of the challenges
[=]     write(fd = 0x1, buf = 0x55555575a260, count = 0x22) = 0x22
[=]     exit_group(code = 0x0) = ?

Challenge 9: hook函数调用

Challenge 9: Fix some string operation to make the iMpOsSiBlE come true.

.text:0000555555554FB8                 public challenge9
.text:0000555555554FB8 challenge9      proc near               ; CODE XREF: start+243↓p
.text:0000555555554FB8 var_68          = qword ptr -68h
.text:0000555555554FB8 var_58          = qword ptr -58h
.text:0000555555554FB8 dest            = byte ptr -50h
.text:0000555555554FB8 src             = byte ptr -30h
.text:0000555555554FB8 var_28          = qword ptr -28h
.text:0000555555554FB8 var_20          = qword ptr -20h
.text:0000555555554FB8 var_18          = dword ptr -18h
.text:0000555555554FB8 var_8           = qword ptr -8
.text:0000555555554FB8                 push    rbp
.text:0000555555554FB9                 mov     rbp, rsp
.text:0000555555554FBC                 sub     rsp, 70h
.text:0000555555554FC0                 mov     [rbp+var_68], rdi
.text:0000555555554FC4                 mov     rax, fs:28h
.text:0000555555554FCD                 mov     [rbp+var_8], rax
.text:0000555555554FD1                 xor     eax, eax
.text:0000555555554FD3                 mov     rax, cs:qword_5555555556A5
.text:0000555555554FDA                 mov     rdx, cs:qword_5555555556AD
.text:0000555555554FE1                 mov     qword ptr [rbp+src], rax
.text:0000555555554FE5                 mov     [rbp+var_28], rdx
.text:0000555555554FE9                 mov     rax, cs:qword_5555555556B5
.text:0000555555554FF0                 mov     [rbp+var_20], rax
.text:0000555555554FF4                 mov     eax, cs:dword_5555555556BD
.text:0000555555554FFA                 mov     [rbp+var_18], eax
.text:0000555555554FFD                 lea     rdx, [rbp+src]
.text:0000555555555001                 lea     rax, [rbp+dest]
.text:0000555555555005                 mov     rsi, rdx        ; src
.text:0000555555555008                 mov     rdi, rax        ; dest
.text:000055555555500B                 call    _strcpy
.text:0000555555555010                 lea     rax, [rbp+dest]
.text:0000555555555014                 mov     [rbp+var_58], rax
.text:0000555555555018                 jmp     short loc_555555555038
.text:000055555555501A ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:000055555555501A loc_55555555501A:                       ; CODE XREF: challenge9+89↓j
.text:000055555555501A                 mov     rax, [rbp+var_58]
.text:000055555555501E                 movzx   eax, byte ptr [rax]
.text:0000555555555021                 movsx   eax, al
.text:0000555555555024                 mov     edi, eax        ; c
.text:0000555555555026                 call    _tolower
.text:000055555555502B                 mov     edx, eax
.text:000055555555502D                 mov     rax, [rbp+var_58]
.text:0000555555555031                 mov     [rax], dl
.text:0000555555555033                 add     [rbp+var_58], 1
.text:0000555555555038 loc_555555555038:                       ; CODE XREF: challenge9+60↑j
.text:0000555555555038                 mov     rax, [rbp+var_58]
.text:000055555555503C                 movzx   eax, byte ptr [rax]
.text:000055555555503F                 test    al, al
.text:0000555555555041                 jnz     short loc_55555555501A
.text:0000555555555043                 lea     rdx, [rbp+dest]
.text:0000555555555047                 lea     rax, [rbp+src]
.text:000055555555504B                 mov     rsi, rdx        ; s2
.text:000055555555504E                 mov     rdi, rax        ; s1
.text:0000555555555051                 call    _strcmp
.text:0000555555555056                 test    eax, eax
.text:0000555555555058                 setz    dl
.text:000055555555505B                 mov     rax, [rbp+var_68]
.text:000055555555505F                 mov     [rax], dl
.text:0000555555555061                 nop
.text:0000555555555062                 mov     rax, [rbp+var_8]
.text:0000555555555066                 xor     rax, fs:28h
.text:000055555555506F                 jz      short locret_555555555076
.text:0000555555555071                 call    ___stack_chk_fail
.text:0000555555555076 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:0000555555555076 locret_555555555076:                    ; CODE XREF: challenge9+B7↑j
.text:0000555555555076                 leave
.text:0000555555555077                 retn
.text:0000555555555077 challenge9      endp


unsigned __int64 __fastcall challenge9(bool *a1)
  char *i; // [rsp+18h] [rbp-58h]
  char dest[32]; // [rsp+20h] [rbp-50h] BYREF
  char src[40]; // [rsp+40h] [rbp-30h] BYREF
  unsigned __int64 v5; // [rsp+68h] [rbp-8h]

  v5 = __readfsqword(0x28u);
  strcpy(src, "aBcdeFghiJKlMnopqRstuVWxYz");
  strcpy(dest, src);
  for ( i = dest; *i; ++i )
    *i = tolower(*i);
  *a1 = strcmp(src, dest) == 0;
  return __readfsqword(0x28u) ^ v5;

根据代码,我们需要让 strcmp(src, dest) == 0 ,strcmp(str1,str2) 如果str1 == str2,则返回 0。 tolower函数是将给定的字符转换为小写形式。我们可以通过hook tolower让tolower失效,strcmp自然能够顺利对比一致。

writeup 9

def hook_tolower(ql):
    return 0
def challenge9(ql):
    ql.os.set_api('tolower', hook_tolower)


You solved 9/11 of the challenges
[=]     write(fd = 0x1, buf = 0x55555575a260, count = 0x22) = 0x22
[=]     exit_group(code = 0x0) = ?

Challenge 10:自定义文件对象

Challenge 10: Fake the 'cmdline' line file to return the right content.

.text:0000555555555078                 public challenge10
.text:0000555555555078 challenge10     proc near               ; CODE XREF: start+267↓p
.text:0000555555555078 var_68          = qword ptr -68h
.text:0000555555555078 var_60          = dword ptr -60h
.text:0000555555555078 fd              = dword ptr -5Ch
.text:0000555555555078 var_58          = qword ptr -58h
.text:0000555555555078 buf             = byte ptr -50h
.text:0000555555555078 var_8           = qword ptr -8
.text:0000555555555078                 push    rbp
.text:0000555555555079                 mov     rbp, rsp
.text:000055555555507C                 sub     rsp, 70h
.text:0000555555555080                 mov     [rbp+var_68], rdi
.text:0000555555555084                 mov     rax, fs:28h
.text:000055555555508D                 mov     [rbp+var_8], rax
.text:0000555555555091                 xor     eax, eax
.text:0000555555555093                 mov     esi, 0          ; oflag
.text:0000555555555098                 lea     rdi, aProcSelfCmdlin ; "/proc/self/cmdline"
.text:000055555555509F                 mov     eax, 0
.text:00005555555550A4                 call    _open
.text:00005555555550A9                 mov     [rbp+fd], eax
.text:00005555555550AC                 cmp     [rbp+fd], 0FFFFFFFFh
.text:00005555555550B0                 jz      loc_55555555513F
.text:00005555555550B6                 lea     rcx, [rbp+buf]
.text:00005555555550BA                 mov     eax, [rbp+fd]
.text:00005555555550BD                 mov     edx, 3Fh ; '?'  ; nbytes
.text:00005555555550C2                 mov     rsi, rcx        ; buf
.text:00005555555550C5                 mov     edi, eax        ; fd
.text:00005555555550C7                 call    _read
.text:00005555555550CC                 mov     [rbp+var_58], rax
.text:00005555555550D0                 cmp     [rbp+var_58], 0
.text:00005555555550D5                 jle     short loc_555555555142
.text:00005555555550D7                 mov     eax, [rbp+fd]
.text:00005555555550DA                 mov     edi, eax        ; fd
.text:00005555555550DC                 call    _close
.text:00005555555550E1                 mov     [rbp+var_60], 0
.text:00005555555550E8                 jmp     short loc_555555555106
.text:00005555555550EA ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:00005555555550EA loc_5555555550EA:                       ; CODE XREF: challenge10+97↓j
.text:00005555555550EA                 mov     eax, [rbp+var_60]
.text:00005555555550ED                 cdqe
.text:00005555555550EF                 movzx   eax, [rbp+rax+buf]
.text:00005555555550F4                 test    al, al
.text:00005555555550F6                 jnz     short loc_555555555102
.text:00005555555550F8                 mov     eax, [rbp+var_60]
.text:00005555555550FB                 cdqe
.text:00005555555550FD                 mov     [rbp+rax+buf], 20h ; ' '
.text:0000555555555102 loc_555555555102:                       ; CODE XREF: challenge10+7E↑j
.text:0000555555555102                 add     [rbp+var_60], 1
.text:0000555555555106 loc_555555555106:                       ; CODE XREF: challenge10+70↑j
.text:0000555555555106                 mov     eax, [rbp+var_60]
.text:0000555555555109                 cdqe
.text:000055555555510B                 cmp     [rbp+var_58], rax
.text:000055555555510F                 jg      short loc_5555555550EA ; 大于则跳转
.text:0000555555555111                 lea     rdx, [rbp+buf]
.text:0000555555555115                 mov     rax, [rbp+var_58]
.text:0000555555555119                 add     rax, rdx
.text:000055555555511C                 mov     byte ptr [rax], 0
.text:000055555555511F                 lea     rax, [rbp+buf]
.text:0000555555555123                 lea     rsi, s2         ; "qilinglab"
.text:000055555555512A                 mov     rdi, rax        ; s1
.text:000055555555512D                 call    _strcmp
.text:0000555555555132                 test    eax, eax
.text:0000555555555134                 jnz     short loc_555555555143
.text:0000555555555136                 mov     rax, [rbp+var_68]
.text:000055555555513A                 mov     byte ptr [rax], 1
.text:000055555555513D                 jmp     short loc_555555555143
.text:000055555555513F ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:000055555555513F loc_55555555513F:                       ; CODE XREF: challenge10+38↑j
.text:000055555555513F                 nop
.text:0000555555555140                 jmp     short loc_555555555143
.text:0000555555555142 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:0000555555555142 loc_555555555142:                       ; CODE XREF: challenge10+5D↑j
.text:0000555555555142                 nop
.text:0000555555555143 loc_555555555143:                       ; CODE XREF: challenge10+BC↑j
.text:0000555555555143                                         ; challenge10+C5↑j ...
.text:0000555555555143                 mov     rax, [rbp+var_8]
.text:0000555555555147                 xor     rax, fs:28h
.text:0000555555555150                 jz      short locret_555555555157
.text:0000555555555152                 call    ___stack_chk_fail
.text:0000555555555157 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:0000555555555157 locret_555555555157:                    ; CODE XREF: challenge10+D8↑j
.text:0000555555555157                 leave
.text:0000555555555158                 retn
.text:0000555555555158 challenge10     endp


unsigned __int64 __fastcall challenge10(_BYTE *a1)
  int i; // [rsp+10h] [rbp-60h]
  int fd; // [rsp+14h] [rbp-5Ch]
  ssize_t v4; // [rsp+18h] [rbp-58h]
  char buf[72]; // [rsp+20h] [rbp-50h] BYREF
  unsigned __int64 v6; // [rsp+68h] [rbp-8h]

  v6 = __readfsqword(0x28u);
  fd = open("/proc/self/cmdline", 0);
  if ( fd != -1 )
    v4 = read(fd, buf, 0x3FuLL);
    if ( v4 > 0 )
      for ( i = 0; v4 > i; ++i )
        if ( !buf[i] )
          buf[i] = 32;
      buf[v4] = 0;
      if ( !strcmp(buf, "qilinglab") )
        *a1 = 1;
  return __readfsqword(0x28u) ^ v6;

根据代码,我们需要让 buf 等于 "qilinglab"。 fd:open失败为-1,open成功为0。 /proc/self/cmdline是一个在Linux系统中的特殊文件,它提供了当前进程(即访问/proc/self/cmdline的进程)的命令行参数信息。

假如我们使用命令./my_program arg1 arg2 arg3启动一个程序时,读取/proc/self/cmdline的过程在 ./my_program 中,/proc/self/cmdline文件的内容将是:



writeup 10

class Fake_cmdline(QlFsMappedObject):
    def read(self, expected_len):
        return b'qilinglab' 

    def close(self):
        return 0

def challenge10(ql):
    ql.add_fs_mapper('/proc/self/cmdline', Fake_cmdline())

在运行后并没有解题成功,好像是在hook /proc/self/cmdline 这里存在问题,我写了个脚本单独调试以下cmdline读取程序:

c 程序:用来读取cmdline,文件名:test_cmdline

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main() {
    FILE *file;
    char ch;

    // 打开/proc/self/cmdline文件
    file = fopen("/proc/self/cmdline", "r");
    if (file == NULL) {
    // 逐个字符读取文件内容并输出到终端
    while ((ch = fgetc(file)) != EOF) {
        // 将空字符替换为换行符以提高可读性
        if (ch == '\0') {
        } else {

    // 关闭文件

    return 0;

python程序:用来hook test_cmdline 中的文件操作

from qiling import *  
from qiling.const import *   
from qiling.os.mapper import QlFsMappedObject
from qiling.const import QL_INTERCEPT
from qiling.os.const import STRING

import struct
import os

class Fake_cmdline(QlFsMappedObject):
    def read(self, expected_len):
        return b'qilinglab'

    def close(self):
        return 0

def challenge10(ql):
    ql.add_fs_mapper('/proc/self/cmdline', Fake_cmdline())

if __name__ == '__main__':
     path = ["test_cmdline"]
     rootfs = "rootfs/x8664_linux"
     ql = Qiling(path, rootfs)


[=]     write(fd = 0x1, buf = 0x55555555b490, count = 0x1c) = 0x1c
[=]     fstat(fd = 0x3, buf_ptr = 0x80000000dc50) = -0x1 (EPERM)
[=]     read(fd = 0x3, buf = 0x55555555b8a0, length = 0x2000) = 0xd
[=]     write(fd = 0x1, buf = 0x55555555b490, count = 0xd) = 0xd
[=]     read(fd = 0x3, buf = 0x55555555b8a0, length = 0x2000) = 0x0
[=]     close(fd = 0x3) = 0x0

切换到 Qilinglab当时使用的版本看一下是否存在这个问题,Qilinglab的文章是7月21发的,对应Qiling版本应该是1.2.4,使用pip指定版本安装方法:

pip install Qiling==1.2.4


1.4.3 可以正确进行文件映射:

Challenge 10: SOLVED
[=]     write(fd = 0x1, buf = 0x55555575a260, count = 0x15) = 0x15

1.4.4 无法正确进行文件映射:

Challenge 10: NOT SOLVED
[=]     write(fd = 0x1, buf = 0x55555575a260, count = 0x19) = 0x19

我们使用的最新版是 1.4.5,也就是说在1.4.3到1.4.4这个版本更新中可能存在问题,因此接下来进行代码审计。文件映射在源码对应的 qiling/os/mapper.py 中,我们对比一下文件改动:


  1. 新增 QlFsMappedCallable
  2. 由 inspect.isclass(real_dest) 扩展到 callable(real_dest)
  3. 由 real_path 更改为 host_path
  4. 新增 ql.fs_mapper.add_fs_mapping() 方法,使用 ql.add_fs_mapper() (QlFsMapper 的实例)进行调用,能够卸载映射的文件



用于 add_fs_mapping(self, ql_path: Union[os.PathLike, str], real_dest: Union[str, QlFsMappedObject, QlFsMappedCallable])


  • isclass 只检查类
  • callable 可以检查函数和类


  • Guest 程序指的是在 Qiling 框架下被模拟执行的程序
  • real_path 是 Guest 程序运行时所使用的路径
  • host_path 是可以被 Guest 程序打开的 Host 系统中的一个路径


  • 属于新增能够卸载映射的文件的功能


vim /home/ubuntu/anaconda3/envs/ql1-4-4/lib/python3.9/site-packages/qiling/os/mapper.py

更改后依然没变化,报错。接着分析是否是针对 /proc/self/cmdline 有新的处理方式,加载1.4.4的源码到vscode中,发现在 linux.py 文件中新增以下代码:



  1. 添加了setup_procfs()方法,用于设置/proc伪文件系统。这使得Qiling可以模拟/proc目录和相关文件,提供更真实的linux环境。
  2. /proc/self目录下的几个文件(auxv、cmdline、environ、exe、maps)被映射到QlProcFS类的静态方法上,这使得Qiling可以模拟读取这几个文件。
  3. run()方法中,除非是处理驱动程序或shellcode,否则都会调用setup_procfs()设置/proc文件系统。这确保除特殊情况外,Qiling都会模拟/proc文件系统。
  4. 添加了fs_mapper属性,用于管理文件系统映射。setup_procfs()就是通过fs_mapper添加/proc文件系统映射的。


  1. 直接读取/proc文件内容
  2. 通过QlFsMappedCallable映射/proc文件,返回自定义内容


  1. 无法方便地重用/proc内容,需要多次读取
  2. 映射时需要定义QlFsMappedCallable类,很麻烦,处理方式不统一

所以总的来说1.4.4版本对/proc处理做了封装,使得它更模块化、易用。但是在新增的几个模块中对 '/proc/self/auxv' 等文件做出了额外的限制,我们在映射这几个文件时可能存在问题。因此我怀疑 cmdline 的问题就是在这个地方。


    def run(self):
        # do not set-up procfs for drivers and shellcode
        if not self.ql.code and not self.ql.loader.is_driver:



  1. 对于直接加载Shellcode(self.ql.code)的情况,不设置/proc文件系统
  2. 对于加载驱动程序 (self.ql.loader.is_driver) 的情况,也不设置/proc文件系统
vim /home/ubuntu/anaconda3/envs/ql1-4-4/lib/python3.9/site-packages/qiling/os/linux/linux.py


Challenge 8: SOLVED
[=]     write(fd = 0x1, buf = 0x55555575a260, count = 0x14) = 0x14
[=]     openat(fd = 0xffffff9c, path = 0x5555555556c1, flags = 0x0, mode = 0x0) = 0x3
[=]     read(fd = 0x3, buf = 0x80000000dcc0, length = 0x3f) = 0x9
[=]     close(fd = 0x3) = 0x0
Challenge 9: SOLVED
[=]     write(fd = 0x1, buf = 0x55555575a260, count = 0x14) = 0x14
Challenge 10: SOLVED
[=]     write(fd = 0x1, buf = 0x55555575a260, count = 0x15) = 0x15


这个问题应该在1.4.4和1.4.5中都存在,我们可以通过新增一个选项 ql = Qiling(path, rootfs, enable_procfs=False) 来控制是否设置/proc文件系统,当enable_procfs=False 时关闭,默认值为True。我们需要修改 core.py 文件:

vim /home/ubuntu/anaconda3/envs/ql1-4-4/lib/python3.9/site-packages/qiling/core.py
def __init__(
    argv: Sequence[str] = None,
    rootfs: str = r'.',
    env: MutableMapping[AnyStr, AnyStr] = {},
    code: bytes = None,
    ostype: Union[str, QL_OS] = None,
    archtype: Union[str, QL_ARCH] = None,
    profile: str = None,
    console: bool = True,
    log_plain: bool = False,
    multithread: bool = False,
    stop: QL_STOP = QL_STOP.NONE,
    endian: Optional[QL_ENDIAN] = None,
    thumb: bool = False,
    libcache: bool = False,
    enable_procfs: bool = True         # <---------------------------- 新添加的参数,默认值为True
    self.enable_procfs = enable_procfs # <---------------------------- 设置 enable_procfs 属性

修改 linux.py 中的代码新增对参数enable_procfs的判断:

    def run(self):
        # if not self.ql.code and not self.ql.loader.is_driver:   # 原来的代码
        if self.ql.enable_procfs and not self.ql.code and not self.ql.loader.is_driver:


ql = Qiling(path, rootfs, enable_procfs=False)


Challenge 8: SOLVED
[=]     write(fd = 0x1, buf = 0x55555575a260, count = 0x14) = 0x14
[=]     openat(fd = 0xffffff9c, path = 0x5555555556c1, flags = 0x0, mode = 0x0) = 0x3
[=]     read(fd = 0x3, buf = 0x80000000dcc0, length = 0x3f) = 0x9
[=]     close(fd = 0x3) = 0x0
Challenge 9: SOLVED
[=]     write(fd = 0x1, buf = 0x55555575a260, count = 0x14) = 0x14
Challenge 10: SOLVED
[=]     write(fd = 0x1, buf = 0x55555575a260, count = 0x15) = 0x15

Challenge 11:绕过CPUID校验

Challenge 11: Bypass CPUID/MIDR_EL1 checks.


unsigned __int64 __fastcall challenge11(_BYTE *a1)
  int v7; // [rsp+1Ch] [rbp-34h]
  int v8; // [rsp+24h] [rbp-2Ch]
  char s[4]; // [rsp+2Bh] [rbp-25h] BYREF
  char v10[4]; // [rsp+2Fh] [rbp-21h] BYREF
  char v11[4]; // [rsp+33h] [rbp-1Dh] BYREF
  unsigned __int64 v12; // [rsp+38h] [rbp-18h]

  v12 = __readfsqword(0x28u);
  _RAX = 0x40000000LL;
  __asm { cpuid }
  v7 = _RCX;
  v8 = _RDX;
  if ( __PAIR64__(_RBX, _RCX) == 0x696C6951614C676ELL && (_DWORD)_RDX == 538976354 )
    *a1 = 1;
    (unsigned int)_RBX,
    (unsigned int)((int)_RBX >> 8),
    (unsigned int)((int)_RBX >> 16),
    (unsigned int)((int)_RBX >> 24));
    (unsigned int)v7,
    (unsigned int)(v7 >> 8),
    (unsigned int)(v7 >> 16),
    (unsigned int)(v7 >> 24));
    (unsigned int)v8,
    (unsigned int)(v8 >> 8),
    (unsigned int)(v8 >> 16),
    (unsigned int)(v8 >> 24));
  return __readfsqword(0x28u) ^ v12;


.text:000055555555518F                 cpuid
.text:0000555555555191                 mov     eax, edx
.text:0000555555555193                 mov     esi, ebx
.text:0000555555555195                 mov     [rbp+var_30], esi
.text:0000555555555198                 mov     [rbp+var_34], ecx
.text:000055555555519B                 mov     [rbp+var_2C], eax
.text:000055555555519E                 cmp     [rbp+var_30], 696C6951h
.text:00005555555551A5                 jnz     short loc_5555555551C0
.text:00005555555551A7                 cmp     [rbp+var_34], 614C676Eh
.text:00005555555551AE                 jnz     short loc_5555555551C0
.text:00005555555551B0                 cmp     [rbp+var_2C], 20202062h
.text:00005555555551B7                 jnz     short loc_5555555551C0
.text:00005555555551B9                 mov     rax, [rbp+var_48]
.text:00005555555551BD                 mov     byte ptr [rax], 1

我们需要让*a=1,就要让if的判断顺利通过,if ( __PAIR64__(_RBX, _RCX) == 0x696C6951614C676ELL && (_DWORD)_RDX == 538976354 ) 的含义为:

  1. rbx和rcx两个32位寄存器组成的64位值等于0x696C6951614C676ELL
  2. RDX寄存器的低32位等于538976354


writeup 11

def hook_cpuid(ql, address, size):

    if ql.mem.read(address, size) == b'\x0F\xA2': # CPUID指令的机器码是 0F A2
        regs = ql.arch.regs
        regs.ebx = 0x696C6951
        regs.ecx = 0x614C676E
        regs.edx = 0x20202062
        regs.rip += 2 # 跳过cpuid指令防止被cpuid篡改 000055555555518F -> 0000555555555191

def challenge11(ql):
    begin, end = 0, 0
    for info in ql.mem.map_info:
        if info[2] == 5 and 'qilinglab-x86_64' in info[3]:
            begin, end = info[:2]
            print(f"{begin} -> {end}")

    ql.hook_code(hook_cpuid, begin=begin, end=end)


You solved 11/11 of the challenges
[=]     write(fd = 0x1, buf = 0x55555575a260, count = 0x23) = 0x23
[=]     exit_group(code = 0x0) = ?


from qiling import *  
from qiling.const import *   
from qiling.os.mapper import QlFsMappedObject
from qiling.const import QL_INTERCEPT
from qiling.os.const import STRING
from qiling.os.mapper import QlFsMappedCallable

import struct
import os

def challenge1(ql):
     ql.mem.map(0x1000, 0x1000, info='[challenge1]')  
     ql.mem.write(0x1337, ql.pack16(1337))   

def my_uname_on_exit_hook(ql, *args):
     rdi = ql.arch.regs.rdi  
     print(f"utsname address: {hex(rdi)}")
     ql.mem.write(rdi, b'QilingOS\x00')  
     ql.mem.write(rdi + 65 * 3, b'ChallengeStart\x00')

def challenge2(ql):  
     ql.os.set_syscall("uname", my_uname_on_exit_hook, QL_INTERCEPT.EXIT)

class FakeUrandom(QlFsMappedObject):

    def read(self, size: int) -> bytes:  
        if size == 1:
            return b"\x42" 
            return b"\x41" * size

    def close(self) -> int:
        return 0

def hook_getrandom(ql, buf, buflen, flags):
    # 自定义 getrandom 函数实现
    if buflen == 32:
        data = b'\x41' * buflen  # b'\x41' = A
        ql.mem.write(buf, data)

def challenge3(ql):
     ql.add_fs_mapper(r'/dev/urandom', FakeUrandom())  
     ql.os.set_syscall("getrandom", hook_getrandom)

def enter_forbidden_loop_hook(ql):
     ql.arch.regs.eax = 1

def challenge4(ql):
    .text:0000555555554E40                 mov     eax, [rbp+var_8]
    .text:0000555555554E43                 cmp     [rbp+var_4], eax <-- 在运行此命令前hook eax,使得eax = 1
    .text:0000555555554E46                 jl      short loc_555555554E35
    base = ql.mem.get_lib_base(os.path.split(ql.path)[-1])  # 根据文件路径查找已经加载的文件,获取对应文件的基地址
    hook_addr = base + 0xE43
    ql.hook_address(enter_forbidden_loop_hook, hook_addr) # 当执行流程到达hook_addr时,该函数将被调用。此时hook_addr处的代码还未被执行。

def hook_rand(ql):
    ql.arch.regs.rax = 0

def challenge5(ql):
    ql.os.set_api('rand', hook_rand)

def hook_rax(ql):
    ql.arch.regs.rax = 0
def challenge6(ql):
    base = ql.mem.get_lib_base(os.path.split(ql.path)[-1])
    hook_addr = base + 0xF16
    ql.hook_address(hook_rax, hook_addr)

def hook_sleep(ql):
    return 0
def challenge7(ql):
    ql.os.set_api('sleep', hook_sleep)

def challenge8_hook(ql):

    # Find all occurrences of the magic in memory
    MAGIC = 0x3DFCD6EA00000539
    magic_addrs = ql.mem.search(ql.pack64(MAGIC)) 

    for magic_addr in magic_addrs:

        # Dump and unpack the candidate structure
        candidate_heap_struct_addr = magic_addr - 8
        candidate_heap_struct = ql.mem.read(candidate_heap_struct_addr, 24)

        string_addr, _ , check_addr = struct.unpack('QQQ', candidate_heap_struct) 
        # struct.unpack() 是一个 Python 函数,用于将字节序列解包为多个值,解包 candidate_heap_struct 变量中的数据。
        # 'QQQ' 是一个格式字符串,表示要解包的数据结构包含3个64位(8 字节)无符号整数。
        # string_addr, _ , check_addr:只关注 string_addr 与 check_addr

        if ql.mem.string(string_addr) == "Random data":
            # 修改*a1为1
            ql.mem.write(check_addr, b"\x01")

def challenge8(ql):
    base_addr = ql.mem.get_lib_base(os.path.split(ql.path)[-1])
    end_of_challenge8 = base_addr + 0xFB5     # 程序运行结束时的地址

    ql.hook_address(challenge8_hook, end_of_challenge8)

def hook_tolower(ql):
    return 0

def challenge9(ql):
    ql.os.set_api('tolower', hook_tolower)

class Fake_cmdline(QlFsMappedObject):
    def read(self, expected_len):
        return b'qilinglab'

    def close(self):
        return 0

def challenge10(ql):
    # ql.add_fs_mapper('/proc/self/cmdline', Fake_cmdline())
    ql.add_fs_mapper('/proc/self/cmdline', QlFsMappedCallable(Fake_cmdline))

def hook_cpuid(ql, address, size):
    if ql.mem.read(address, size) == b'\x0F\xA2':
        regs = ql.arch.regs
        regs.ebx = 0x696C6951
        regs.ecx = 0x614C676E
        regs.edx = 0x20202062
        regs.rip += 2

def challenge11(ql):
    begin, end = 0, 0
    for info in ql.mem.map_info:
        if info[2] == 5 and 'qilinglab-x86_64' in info[3]:
            begin, end = info[:2]
            print(f"{begin} -> {end}")

    ql.hook_code(hook_cpuid, begin=begin, end=end)

if __name__ == '__main__':  
     path = ["rootfs/x8664_linux/qilinglab-x86_64"]  
     rootfs = "rootfs/x8664_linux"  
     ql = Qiling(path, rootfs, enable_procfs=False)


跟着上面的文章思路走一遍,我相信大家已经了解了 Qiling 框架的使用方法。通过分析 Qiling 的源码,也加强了我对 Qiling框架的理解。



Qiling 官方文档
Qiling lab
Qiling Framework入门,11个挑战快速上手@PJXRocks
浅尝qiling框架-qilinglab [email protected]
11个小挑战,Qiling Framework 入门上手跟练@Cr0ssx2

Paper 本文由 Seebug Paper 发布,如需转载请注明来源。本文地址:https://paper.seebug.org/2073/

文章来源: https://paper.seebug.org/2073/