Here’s How the U.S Government Solves Access, Security and Space Problems Simultaneously
2023-5-30 20:18:21 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:16 收藏

Bases, military command posts, ships—whether they be 4 walls, enclosed in a tent, or on the water—still require strict security requirements for accessing critical and classified mission-relevant information.   But our engineers both find themselves asking What If questions to drive creation of capabilities needed to solve the real challenges of physical infrastructure, space, and security.

What if access to Enclaves and Network Domains could be utilized like a shared software resource?  What if we could maintain security and control over networks, but allow access to networks to be shared across bases and locations?  What if we could deploy networks on the fly, at the speed of the mission?  What if people weren’t crowded by 4 – 8 desktop systems and 4 keyboards at their desks?

At Forcepoint, What-Ifs become real capabilities.  Forcepoint Trusted Thin Client is a Cross Domain Access solution that connects to a VDI Infrastructure, such as Citrix, VMWare, and Microsoft VDI– allowing secure access to multiple enclaves or domains simultaneously from a single endpoint, eliminating complexity and simplifying ergonomics.   But unlike other solutions, it has spanning capabilities that provide access to personnel in different locations, where the network isn’t physically hardwired in the space.

What makes Trusted Thin Client architecture the ideal Cross Domain Access solution:

1. Flexible architecture for authentication:  The Forcepoint TTC Solution’s distribution console contains an LDAP Server to ensure authentication - or it can point to an Active Directory server.  If your organization wants to eliminate having to manage 2 different passwords for 2 different networks, this solution can enable that flexibility.

2. Access Multiple Networks on a single endpoint:   Unlike some solutions that offer single network access, this solution allows you to access multiple networks on the same endpoint – with multiple monitors and a single keyboard.      

3. Load Balancing to Scale Out:  When adding a volume of endpoints to an environment, our Enterprise Distribution Consoles load balance to ensure access across the enterprise endpoints – no work required.

4. Spanning to Deploy Networks Rapidly:    Able to share access to networks between bases or locations – without having to run a new cable for that network.  Its available in a hardwired desktop or a remote connection solution.  

5. Secure:  Signal Isolation of Multiple Networks on the single endpoint, Flexibility to provide both endpoint client and user related network access permissions, tamper proofing in software to keep malicious software out, amongst other capabilities.

Interested in learning more from our Principal Consultant Engineer and Innovations Technology Strategist?  Randy Hill showcases the technical capabilities of Trusted Thin Client and more in this webinar.
