Sandfly Review - Agentless Linux Security with Unmatched Speed and Reliability
2023-6-30 07:10:7 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:7 收藏

Reviews News

June 29, 2023
The Sandfly Security Team

Sandfly received a great review from Russ McRee on his HolisticInfosec blog:

Sandfly Review - Agentless Linux Security with Unmatched Speed and Reliability

Of immediate interest to me was zero errors and minimal CPU load. The agentless approach really does offer significant advantage...

If I were still in the business of security operations and caring for Linux systems, Sandfly Security would absolutely be front and center in my defender’s arsenal. This offering, quite candidly, exceeded my expectations. I expected great, it’s even better. Well done to Craig and team!"

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