NAPALM - command execution on NAPLM controller from host
2017-7-12 08:0:0 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:0 收藏

July 12, 2017

During a summary code review of NAPALM, we found and exploited several issues that allow a compromised host to execute commands on the NAPALM controller and thus gain access to the other hosts controlled by that controller.

During a summary code review of NAPALM, Computest found and exploited several issues that allow a compromised host to execute commands on the NAPALM controller and thus gain access to the other hosts controlled by that controller.

This was not a full audit and further issues may or may not be present.

NAPALM (Network Automation and Programmability Abstraction Layer with Multivendor support) is a Python library that implements a set of functions to interact with different router vendor devices using a unified API.

NAPALM supports several methods to connect to the devices, to manipulate configurations or to retrieve data.

(Taken from their README)

A big threat to a configuration management system like NAPALM, Ansible, Salt Stack and others is compromise of the central node, or controller. If the controller is compromised, an attacker has unfettered access to all hosts that are controlled by the controller. As such, in any deployment, the central node receives extra attention in terms of security measures and isolation, and threats to this node are taken even more seriously.

The validator allows for a number comparison using < and >. This is handled by the compare_numeric() function in napalm-base/ The function assumes that the value that is retrieved from the router is also a number and continues to use the eval() function for the actual comparison. However, a compromised device can of course also return an arbitrary string, which will be evaluated.

def compare_numeric(src_num, dst_num):
    """Compare numerical values. You can use '<%d','>%d'."""
    complies = eval(str(dst_num)+src_num)
    if not isinstance(complies, bool):
        return False
    return complies

The eval() function is also used quite extensively in the IOS XR driver. Its use case seems to be to transform a string, from the API, which contains true or false to a Python boolean. When the router is compromised however, the string could contain an arbitrary value that is passed to the eval() function. The difficulty in exploiting this would be that the value is first passed to the title() function before it is evaluated as Python code. The title() function capitalizes the first character of each word in a string.

For example:

multipath = eval((napalm_base.helpers.find_txt(
                bgp_group, 'NeighborGroupAFTable/NeighborGroupAF/Multipath') or 'false').title())


Users that are unable to update, can mitigate the issues by not using the < or < validation options and not use the IOS XR driver.

Users can update to version 0.24.3 of napalm-base and 0.5.3 of napalm-iosxr, which fixes these vulnerabilities.

We have taken the liberty to transform this vulnerability into a CTF challenge for SHA2017. Exploitation is left as an exercise for the reader:

#!/usr/bin/env python2


The NAPALM project assumes that all nodes are playing nice. However, this assumption does not hold in a situation where a node is compromised. The project would benefit from a more defensive programming style, were values that are returned from a node are considered hostile and addressed accordingly.

We would like to thank the developers of NAPALM for their quick response. The mentioned vulnerabilities were fixed within 2 hours after our initial email!

2017-07-12 First contact with NAPALM developers
2017-07-12 NAPALM released a fix
