Preparing installer packages for installation using MDM commands
2023-10-25 00:45:11 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:9 收藏

Home > Mac administration, macOS, Mobile Device Management, Packaging > Preparing installer packages for installation using MDM commands

Preparing installer packages for installation using MDM commands

An issue that some Mac admins have had to deal with is that their system management tool is using MDM commands to install installer packages. This usually applies if the system management tool does not have an agent installed on the managed Macs and instead is using only MDM for management.

In those cases, installer packages must have the following attributes for a successful installation via MDM command:

  1. Signed with an Apple Developer ID Installer certificate
  2. Be a distribution installer package

For criteria #2, this references the fact that there are two kinds of modern installer packages for macOS:

  • Component packages: these are the standard type of installer package, which contain an archive of files to install and the information on where the files should be installed.
  • Distribution packages: These packages can contain one or more component packages, and may also include additional resources to customize and control the user interface shown in the Installer application.

Both component and distribution packages use the same icon by default, so you can’t tell the difference by visually looking at an installer package. However, you can use the xar command line tool to check inside an installer package and list the files stored inside. The reason why this helps is that all distribution packages will have a file inside named Distribution and component packages will not.

To check an installer package to see if it is a distribution package, use the command shown below:

If it’s a distribution package, you should get output similar to this:

If it’s not a distribution package, you should get output similar to this:

If it is not a distribution package, you can use the productbuild command line tool to convert the installer package into a distribution package. To convert a component installer package to a distribution installer package, use the command shown below:

In this case, package_being_converted_to_distribution.pkg is the name of the package that you want to convert to a distribution package and new_distribution_package.pkg is the name you want to give to the newly-created distribution package.

Note: If converting a signed installer package, the new distribution package will not be signed. If needed, you will need to sign the distribution package following its creation.
