Buyer’s Guide for Privileged Access Governance Solutions
2023-11-1 16:46:25 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:6 收藏

We’re excited to announce that we’ve just published our Buyer’s Guide for Privileged Access Governance solutions!

Why we created the guide

Most companies in the world today have already migrated most of their workloads to the cloud, with 91 percent of organizations reporting that they already have or will refactor their applications to use cloud-native technologies. And the major cloud providers, AWS, Azure, and GCP, are now the way that most people work. And most resources, such as databases or machines, are running in the cloud. Yet few teams can effectively manage identities in the cloud at scale, with Gartner estimating that by 2023, 75 percent of cloud security failures will occur due to insufficient management of identities and accesses.

As a result, controlling, monitoring and auditing privileged access has become even more critical for protecting against both external and internal threat vectors, human error and a growing list of compliance requirements. However, organizations are growing increasingly frustrated with the existing solutions designed to deal with the unique nature of privileged  resources, leading to a new category called Privileged Access Governance (PAG).

In this guide, we examine (among other things) the following:

  • Where existing PAM solutions fall short
  • The emergence of a new privileged access solution, Privileged Access Governance 
  • The 10 questions you should ask when evaluating a Privileged Access Governance solution

Get your copy today.

*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from Apono authored by Rom Carmel. Read the original post at:

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