Popping Blisters for research: An overview of past payloads and exploring recent developments
2023-11-1 20:0:0 Author: research.nccgroup.com(查看原文) 阅读量:14 收藏

Blister is a piece of malware that loads a payload embedded inside it. We provide an overview of payloads dropped by the Blister loader based on 137 unpacked samples from the past one and a half years and take a look at recent activity of Blister. The overview shows that since its support for environmental keying, most samples have this feature enabled, indicating that attackers mostly use Blister in a targeted manner. Furthermore, there has been a shift in payload type from Cobalt Strike to Mythic agents, matching with previous reporting. Blister drops the same type of Mythic agent which we thus far cannot link to any public Mythic agents. Another development is that its developers started obfuscating the first stage of Blister, making it more evasive. We provide YARA rules and scripts1 to help analyze the Mythic agent and the packer we observed with it.

Blister is a loader that loads a payload embedded inside it and in the past was observed with activity linked to Evil Corp2,3. Matching with public reporting, we have also seen it as a follow-up in SocGholish infections. In the past, we observed Blister mostly dropping Cobalt Strike beacons, yet current developments show a shift to Mythic agents, another red teaming framework.

Elastic Security first documented Blister in December 2021 in a campaign that used malicious installers4. It used valid code signatures referencing the company Blist LLC to pose as a legitimate executable, likely leading to the name Blister. That campaign reportedly dropped Cobalt Strike and BitRat.

In 2022, Blister started solely using the x86-64 instruction set, versus including 32-bit as well. Furthermore, RedCanary wrote observing SocGholish dropping Blister5, which was later confirmed by other vendors as well6.

In August the same year, we observed a new version of Blister. This update included more configuration options, along with an optional domain hash for environmental keying, allowing attackers to deploy Blister in a targeted manner. Elastic Security recently wrote about this version7.

2023 initially did not bring new developments for Blister. However, similar to its previous update, we observed development activity in August. Notably, we saw samples with added obfuscation to the first stage of Blister, i.e. the loader component that is injected into a legitimate executable. Additionally, in July, Unit 428 observed SocGholish dropping Blister with a Mythic agent.

In summary, 2023 brought new developments for Blister, with added obfuscations to the first stage and a new type of payload. The next part of this blog is divided into two parts: firstly, we look back at previous Blister payloads and configurations, and in the second part, we discuss the recent developments.

In early 2023, we observed a SocGholish infection at our security operations center (SOC). We notified the customer and were given a binary that was related to the infection. This turned out to be a Blister sample, with Cobalt Strike as its payload.

We wrote an extractor that worked on the sample encountered at the SOC, but for certain other Blister samples it did not. It turned out that the sample from the SOC investigation belonged to a version of Blister that was introduced in August, 2022, while older samples had a different configuration. After writing an extractor for these older versions, we made an overview of what Blister had been dropping in roughly the past two years.

The samples we analyzed are all available on VirusTotal, the platform we used to find samples. We focus on 64-bit Blister samples, newer samples are not using 32-bit anymore, as far as we know. In total, we found 137 samples we could unpack, 33 samples with the older version and 104 samples with the newer version from 2022.

In the Appendix, we list these samples, where version 1 and 2 refer to the old and new version respectively. The table is sorted on the first seen date of a sample in VirusTotal, where you clearly see the introduction of the update.

Because we want to keep the tables comprehensible, we have split up the data into four tables. For now, it is important to note that Table 2 provides information per Blister sample we unpacked, including the date it was first uploaded to VirusTotal, the version, the label of the payload it drops, the type of payload, and two configuration flags. Furthermore, to have a list of Blister and payload hashes in clear text in the blog, we included these in Table 6. We also included a more complete data set at https://github.com/fox-it/blister-research.

Discussing payloads

Looking at the dropped payloads, we see that it mostly conforms with what has already been reported. In Figure 1, we provide a timeline based on the first seen date of a sample in VirusTotal and the family of the payload. The observed payloads consist of Cobalt Strike, Mythic, Putty, and a test application. Initially, Blister dropped various flavors of Cobalt Strike and later dropped a Mythic agent, which we refer to as BlisterMythic. Recently, we also observed a packer that unpacks BlisterMythic, which we refer to as MythicPacker. Interestingly, we did not observe any samples drop BitRat.

Figure 1, Overview of Blister samples we were able to unpack, based on the first seen date reported in VirusTotal.

From the 137 samples, we were able to retrieve 74 unique payloads. This discrepancy in amount of unique Blister samples versus unique payloads is mainly caused by various Blister samples that drop the same Putty or test application, namely 18 and 22 samples, respectively. This summer has shown a particular increase in test payloads.

Cobalt Strike

Cobalt Strike was dropped through three different types of payloads, generic shellcode, DLL stagers, or obfuscated shellcode. In total, we retrieved 61 beacons, in Table 1 we list the Cobalt Strike watermarks we observed. Watermarks are a unique value linked to a license key. It should be noted that Cobalt Strike watermarks can be changed and hence are not a sound way to identify clusters of activity.

Watermark (decimal)Watermark (hexadecimal)Nr. of beacons
Table 1, Counted Cobalt Strike watermarks observed in beacons dropped by Blister.

The watermark 206546002, though only used twice, shows up in other reports as well, e.g. a report on an Emotet intrusion9 and a report linking it to Royal, Quantum, and Play ransomware activity10,11. The watermark 1580103824 is mentioned in reports on Gootloader12, but also Cl0p13 and also is the 9th most common beacon watermark, based on our dataset of Cobalt Strike beacons14. Interestingly, 1101991775, the watermark that is most common, is not mentioned in public reporting as far as we can tell.

Cobalt Strike profile generators

In Table 3, we list information on the extracted beacons. In there, we also list the submission path. Most of the submission paths contain /safebrowsing/ and /rest/2/meetings, matching with paths found in SourcePoint15, a Cobalt Strike command-and-control (C2) profile generator. This is only, however, for the regular shellcode beacons, when we look at the obfuscated shellcode and the DLL stager beacons, it seems to use a different C2 profile. The C2 profiles for these payloads match with another public C2 profile generator16.

Domain fronting

Some of the beacons are configured to use “domain fronting”, which is a technique that allows malicious actors to hide the true destination of their network traffic and evade detection by security systems. It involves routing malicious traffic through a content delivery network (CDN) or other intermediary server, making it appear as if the traffic is going to a legitimate or benign domain, while in reality, it’s communicating with a malicious C2 server.

Certain beacons have subdomains of fastly[.]net as their C2 server, e.g. backend.int.global.prod.fastly[.]net or python.docs.global.prod.fastly[.]net. However, the domains they connect to are admin.reddit[.]com or admin.wikihow[.]com, which are legitimate domains hosted on a CDN.

Obfuscated shellcode

In five cases, we observed Blister drop Cobalt Strike by first loading obfuscated shellcode. We included a YARA rule for this particular shellcode in the Appendix.

Performing a retrohunt on VirusTotal yielded only 12 samples, with names indicating potential test files and at least one sample dropping Cobalt Strike. We are unsure whether this is an obfuscator solely used by Evil Corp or whether it is used by other threat actors as well.

Figure 2, Layout of particular shellcode, with denoted steps.

The shellcode is fairly simple, we provide an overview of it in Figure 2. The entrypoint is at the start of the buffer, which calls into the decoding stub. This call instruction automatically pushes the next instruction’s address on the stack, which the decoding stub uses as a starting point to start mutating memory. Figure 3 shows some of these instructions, which are quite distinctive.

Figure 3, Decoding instructions observed in particular shellcode.

At the end of the decoding stub, it either jumps or calls back and then invokes the decryption function. This decryption function uses RC4, but the S-Box is already initialized, thus no key-scheduling algorithm is implemented. Lastly, it jumps to the final payload.


Matching with what was already reported by Unit 428, Blister recently started using Mythic agents as its payload. Mythic is one of the many red teaming frameworks on GitHub18. You can use various agents, which are listed on GitHub as well19 and can roughly be compared to a Cobalt Strike beacon. It is possible to write your own Mythic agent, as long as you comply with a set of constraints. Thus far, we keep seeing the same Mythic agent, which we discuss in more detail later on. The first sample dropping Mythic agents was uploaded to VirusTotal on July 24th 2023, just days before initial reportings of SocGholish infections leading to Mythic. In Table 4, we provide the C2 information from the observed Mythic agents.

We observed Mythic either as a Portable Executable (PE) or as shellcode. The shellcode seems to be rare and unpacks a PE file which thus far always resulted in a Mythic agent, in our experience. We discuss this packer later on as well and provide scripts that help with retrieving the PE file it packs. We refer to this specific Mythic agent as BlisterMythic and to the packer as MythicPacker.

In Table 5, we list the BlisterMythic C2 servers we were able to find. Interestingly, the domains were all registered at DNSPod. We also observed this in the past with Cobalt Strike domains we linked to Evil Corp. Apart from this, we also see similarities in the domain names used, e.g. domains consisting of two or three words concatenated to each other and using com as top-level domain (TLD).

Test payloads

Besides red team tooling like Mythic and Cobalt Strike, we also observed Putty and a test application as payloads. Running Putty through Blister does not seem logical and is likely linked to testing. It would only result in Putty not touching the disk and running in memory, which in itself is not useful. Additionally, when we look at the domain hashes in the Blister samples, only the Putty and test application samples in some cases share their domain hash.

Blister configurations

We also looked at the configurations of Blister, from this we can to some extent derive how it is used by attackers. Note that the collection also contains “test samples” from the attacker. Except for the more obvious Putty and test application, some samples that dropped Mythic, for instance, could also be linked to testing. We chose to leave out samples that drop Putty or the test application, leaving 97 samples in total. This means that the samples paint a partly biased picture, though we think it is still valuable and provides a view into how Blister is used.

Environmental keying

Since its update in 2022, Blister includes an optional domain hash, that it computes over the DNS search domain of the machine (ComputerNameDnsDomain). It only continues executing if the hash matches with its configuration, enabling environmental keying.

By looking at the amount of samples that have domain hash verification enabled, we can say something about how Blister is deployed. From the 66 Blister samples, only 6 samples did not have domain hash verification enabled. This indicates it is mostly used in a targeted manner, corresponding with using SocGholish for initial access and reconnaissance and then deploying Blister, for example.


Of the 97 samples, 70 have persistence enabled. For persistence, Blister still uses the same method as described by Elastic Security20. It mostly uses IFileOperation COM interface to copy rundll32.exe and itself to the Startup folder, this is significant for detection, as it means that these operations are done by the process DllHost.exe, not the rundll32.exe process that hosts Blister.

Blister’s previous update altered the core payload, however, the loader that is injected into the legitimate executable remained unchanged. In August this year, we observed experimental samples on VirusTotal with an obfuscated loader component, hinting at developer activity. Interestingly, we could link these samples to another sample on VirusTotal which solely contained the function body of the loader and another sample that contained a loader with a large set of INT 3 instructions added to it. Perhaps the developer was experimenting with different mutations to see how it influences the detection rate.

Obfuscating the first stage

Recent samples from September 2023 have the loader obfuscated in the same manner, with bogus instructions and excessive jump instructions. These changes make it harder to detect Blister using YARA, as the loader instructions are now intertwined with junk instructions and sometimes are followed by junk data due to the added jump instructions.

Figure 4, Comparison of two loader components from recent Blister samples, left is without obfuscation and right is with obfuscation.

In Figure 4, we compare the two function bodies of the loader, one body which is normally seen in Blister samples and one obfuscated function body, observed in the recent samples. The comparison shows that naïve YARA rules are less likely to trigger on the obfuscated function body. In the Appendix, we provide a Blister rule that tries to detect these obfuscated samples. The added bogus instructions include instructions, such as btc, bts, lahf and cqo, bogus instructions we also observed in the Blister core before, see the core component of SHA256 4faf362b3fe403975938e27195959871523689d0bf7fba757ddfa7d00d437fd4, for example.

Dropping Mythic agents

Apart from an obfuscated loader, Mythic agents currently are the payload of choice. In September and October, we found obfuscated Blister samples only dropping Mythic. Certain samples have low or zero detections on VirusTotal21 at the time of writing, showing that obfuscation does pay off.

We now discuss one sample22 that drops a shellcode eventually executing a Mythic agent. The shellcode unpacks a PE file and executes it. We provide a YARA rule for this packer in the Appendix, which we refer to as MythicPacker. Based on this rule, we did not find other samples, suggesting it is a custom packer. Until now, we have only seen this packer unpacking Mythic agents.

The dropped Mythic agents are all similar and we cannot link them to any public agents thus far. This could mean that Blister developers created their own Mythic agent, though this is uncertain. We provided a YARA rule that matches on all agents we encountered, a VirusTotal retrohunt over the past year resulted in only four samples, all linked to Blister. We think this Mythic agent is likely custom-made.

Figure 5, BlisterMythic configuration decryption.

The agents all share a similar structure, namely an encrypted configuration in the .bss section of the executable. The agent has an encrypted configuration which is decrypted by XORing the size of the configuration with a constant that differs per sample, it seems. For PE files, we have a Python script that can decrypt a configuration. Figure 5 denotes this decryption loop, where the XOR constant is 0x48E12000.

Figure 6, Decrypted BlisterMythic configuration

Dumping the configuration results in a binary blob that contains various information, including the C2 server. Figure 6 shows a hexdump of a snippet from the decrypted configuration. We created a script to dump the decrypted configuration of the BlisterMythic agent in PE format and also a script that unpacks MythicPacker shellcode and outputs a reconstructed PE file, see https://github.com/fox-it/blister-research.

In this post, we provided an overview of observed Blister payloads from the past one and a half years on VirusTotal and also gave insight into recent developments. Furthermore, we provided scripts and YARA rules to help analyze Blister and the Mythic agent it drops.

From the analyzed payloads, we see that Cobalt Strike was the favored choice, but that lately this has been replaced by Mythic. Cobalt Strike was mostly dropped as shellcode and briefly run through obfuscated shellcode or a DLL stager. Apart from Cobalt Strike and Mythic, we saw that Blister test samples are uploaded to VirusTotal as well.

The custom Mythic agent together with the obfuscated loader, are new Blister developments that happened in the past months. It is likely that its developers were aware that the loader component was still a weak spot in terms of static detection. Additionally, throughout the years, Cobalt Strike has received a lot of attention from the security community, with available dumpers and C2 feeds readily available. Mythic is not as popular and allows you to write your own agent, making it an appropriate replacement for now.

  1. https://github.com/fox-it/blister-research ↩︎
  2. https://www.mandiant.com/resources/blog/unc2165-shifts-to-evade-sanctions ↩︎
  3. https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/security/blog/2022/05/09/ransomware-as-a-service-understanding-the-cybercrime-gig-economy-and-how-to-protect-yourself/ ↩︎
  4. https://www.elastic.co/security-labs/elastic-security-uncovers-blister-malware-campaign ↩︎
  5. https://redcanary.com/blog/intelligence-insights-january-2022/ ↩︎
  6. https://www.trendmicro.com/en_ie/research/22/d/Thwarting-Loaders-From-SocGholish-to-BLISTERs-LockBit-Payload.html ↩︎
  7. https://www.elastic.co/security-labs/revisiting-blister-new-developments-of-the-blister-loader ↩︎
  8. https://twitter.com/Unit42_Intel/status/1684583246032506880 ↩︎
  9. https://thedfirreport.com/2022/09/12/dead-or-alive-an-emotet-story/ ↩︎
  10. https://www.group-ib.com/blog/shadowsyndicate-raas/ ↩︎
  11. https://www.trendmicro.com/en_us/research/22/i/play-ransomware-s-attack-playbook-unmasks-it-as-another-hive-aff.html ↩︎
  12. https://thedfirreport.com/2022/05/09/seo-poisoning-a-gootloader-story/ ↩︎
  13. https://redcanary.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Gootloader.pdf ↩︎
  14. https://research.nccgroup.com/2022/03/25/mining-data-from-cobalt-strike-beacons/ ↩︎
  15. https://github.com/Tylous/SourcePoint ↩︎
  16. https://github.com/threatexpress/random_c2_profile ↩︎
  17. https://twitter.com/Unit42_Intel/status/1684583246032506880 ↩︎
  18. https://github.com/its-a-feature/Mythic ↩︎
  19. https://mythicmeta.github.io/overview/ ↩︎
  20. https://www.elastic.co/security-labs/blister-loader ↩︎
  21. https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/a5fc8d9f9f4098e2cecb3afc66d8158b032ce81e0be614d216c9deaf20e888ac ↩︎
  22. https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/f58de1733e819ea38bce21b60bb7c867e06edb8d4fd987ab09ecdbf7f6a319b9 ↩︎

YARA rules

rule shellcode_obfuscator
        os = "Windows"
        arch = "x86-64"
        description = "Detects shellcode packed with unknown obfuscator observed in Blister samples."
        reference_sample = "178ffbdd0876b99ad1c2d2097d9cf776eca56b540a36c8826b400cd9d5514566"
        $rol_ror = { 48 C1 ?? ?? ?? 48 C1 ?? ?? ?? 48 C1 ?? ?? ?? }
        $mov_rol_mov = { 4d ?? ?? ?? 49 c1 ?? ?? ?? 4d ?? ?? ?? }
        $jmp = { 49 81 ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? 41 ?? }
        #rol_ror > 60 and $jmp and filesize < 2MB and #mov_rol_mov > 60

import "pe"
import "math"

rule blister_x64_windows_loader {
        os = "Windows"
        arch = "x86-64"
        family = "Blister"
        description = "Detects Blister loader component injected into legitimate executables."
        reference_sample = "343728792ed1e40173f1e9c5f3af894feacd470a9cdc72e4f62c0dc9cbf63fc1, 8d53dc0857fa634414f84ad06d18092dedeb110689a08426f08cb1894c2212d4, a5fc8d9f9f4098e2cecb3afc66d8158b032ce81e0be614d216c9deaf20e888ac"
        // 65 48 8B 04 25 60 00 00 00                          mov     rax, gs:60h
        $inst_1 = {65 48 8B 04 25 60 00 00 00}
        // 48 8D 87 44 6D 00 00                                lea     rax, [rdi+6D44h]
        $inst_2 = {48 8D 87 44 6D 00 00}
        // 44 69 C8 95 E9 D1 5B                                imul    r9d, eax, 5BD1E995h
        $inst_3 = {44 ?? ?? 95 E9 D1 5B}
        // 41 81 F9 94 85 09 64                                cmp     r9d, 64098594h
        $inst_4 = {41 ?? ?? 94 85 09 64}
        // B8 FF FF FF 7F                                      mov     eax, 7FFFFFFFh
        $inst_5 = {B8 FF FF FF 7F}
        // 48 8D 4D 48                                         lea     rcx, [rbp+48h]
        $inst_6 = {48 8D 4D 48}
        uint16(0) == 0x5A4D and
        all of ($inst_*) and
        pe.number_of_resources > 0 and
        for any i in (0..pe.number_of_resources - 1):
            ( (math.entropy(pe.resources[i].offset, pe.resources[i].length) > 6) and
                pe.resources[i].length > 200000 

rule blister_mythic_payload {
        os = "Windows"
        arch = "x86-64"
        family = "BlisterMythic"
        description = "Detects specific Mythic agent dropped by Blister."
        reference_samples = "2fd38f6329b9b2c5e0379a445e81ece43fe0372dec260c1a17eefba6df9ffd55, 3d2499e5c9b46f1f144cfbbd4a2c8ca50a3c109496a936550cbb463edf08cd79, ab7cab5192f0bef148670338136b0d3affe8ae0845e0590228929aef70cb9b8b, f89cfbc1d984d01c57dd1c3e8c92c7debc2beb5a2a43c1df028269a843525a38"
        $start_inst = { 48 83 EC 28 B? [4-8] E8 ?? ?? 00 00 }
        $for_inst = { 48 2B C8 0F 1F 00 C6 04 01 00 48 2D 00 10 00 00 }
        all of them

rule mythic_packer
        os = "Windows"
        arch = "x86-64"
        family = "MythicPacker"
        description = "Detects specific PE packer dropped by Blister."
        reference_samples = "9a08d2db7d0bd7d4251533551d4def0f5ee52e67dff13a2924191c8258573024, 759ac6e54801e7171de39e637b9bb525198057c51c1634b09450b64e8ef47255"
        // 41 81 38 72 47 65 74        cmp     dword ptr [r8], 74654772h
        $a = { 41 ?? ?? 72 47 65 74 }
        // 41 81 38 72 4C 6F 61        cmp     dword ptr [r8], 616F4C72h
        $b = { 41 ?? ?? 72 4C 6F 61 }
        // B8 01 00 00 00              mov     eax, 1
        // C3                          retn
        $c = { B8 01 00 00 00 C3 }
        all of them and uint8(0) == 0x48

Blister payloads listing

First seenVersionPayload familyPayload typeEnvironmental keyingPersistence
2021-12-031Cobalt StrikeshellcodeN/a0
2021-12-051Cobalt StrikeshellcodeN/a0
2021-12-141Cobalt StrikeshellcodeN/a0
2022-01-101Cobalt StrikeshellcodeN/a1
2022-01-111Cobalt StrikeshellcodeN/a1
2022-01-191Cobalt StrikeshellcodeN/a1
2022-01-191Cobalt StrikeshellcodeN/a1
2022-01-311Cobalt StrikeshellcodeN/a1
2022-02-141Cobalt StrikeshellcodeN/a1
2022-02-171Cobalt StrikeshellcodeN/a1
2022-02-221Cobalt StrikeshellcodeN/a1
2022-02-261Cobalt StrikeshellcodeN/a1
2022-03-101Cobalt StrikeshellcodeN/a1
2022-03-141Cobalt StrikeshellcodeN/a1
2022-03-151Cobalt StrikeshellcodeN/a0
2022-03-151Cobalt StrikeshellcodeN/a0
2022-03-181Cobalt StrikeshellcodeN/a0
2022-03-181Cobalt StrikeshellcodeN/a1
2022-03-301Cobalt StrikeshellcodeN/a1
2022-04-011Cobalt StrikeshellcodeN/a0
2022-04-111Cobalt StrikeshellcodeN/a1
2022-04-221Cobalt StrikeshellcodeN/a1
2022-04-251Cobalt StrikeshellcodeN/a0
2022-06-011Cobalt StrikeshellcodeN/a0
2022-06-021Cobalt StrikeshellcodeN/a1
2022-06-141Cobalt StrikeshellcodeN/a1
2022-07-041Cobalt StrikeshellcodeN/a1
2022-07-191Cobalt StrikeshellcodeN/a0
2022-07-211Cobalt StrikeshellcodeN/a0
2022-08-051Cobalt StrikeshellcodeN/a1
2022-08-292Cobalt Strikeshellcode01
2022-09-022Cobalt Strikeshellcode00
2022-09-292Cobalt Strikeshellcode10
2022-10-182Cobalt Strikeshellcode11
2022-10-182Cobalt Strikeshellcode11
2022-10-182Cobalt Strikeshellcode10
2022-10-182Cobalt Strikeshellcode11
2022-10-212Cobalt Strikeshellcode11
2022-10-212Cobalt Strikeshellcode10
2022-10-242Cobalt Strikeshellcode11
2022-10-262Cobalt Strikeshellcode11
2022-10-262Cobalt Strikeshellcode11
2022-10-282Cobalt Strikeshellcode10
2022-10-312Cobalt Strikeshellcode11
2022-11-022Cobalt Strikeshellcode11
2022-11-032Cobalt Strikeshellcode11
2022-11-072Cobalt Strikeshellcode11
2022-11-082Cobalt Strikeshellcode11
2022-11-172Cobalt Strikeshellcode11
2022-11-222Cobalt Strikeshellcode11
2022-11-302Cobalt Strikeshellcode11
2022-12-012Cobalt Strikeshellcode11
2022-12-012Cobalt Strikeshellcode10
2022-12-012Cobalt Strikeshellcode10
2022-12-022Cobalt Strikeshellcode11
2022-12-052Cobalt Strikeshellcode11
2022-12-122Cobalt Strikeshellcode11
2022-12-132Cobalt Strikeshellcode11
2022-12-232Cobalt Strikeshellcode11
2023-01-062Cobalt Strikeshellcode11
2023-01-162Cobalt Strike obfuscated shellcodeshellcode11
2023-01-162Cobalt Strike obfuscated shellcodeshellcode11
2023-01-162Cobalt Strike obfuscated shellcodeshellcode11
2023-01-172Cobalt Strikeshellcode01
2023-01-172Cobalt Strike obfuscated shellcodeshellcode11
2023-01-202Cobalt Strike obfuscated shellcodeshellcode11
2023-01-202Cobalt Strike obfuscated shellcodeshellcode11
2023-01-242Cobalt Strikeshellcode11
2023-01-262Cobalt Strikeshellcode11
2023-01-262Cobalt Strikeshellcode11
2023-02-022Cobalt Strikeshellcode11
2023-02-022Test applicationshellcode10
2023-02-022Test applicationshellcode10
2023-02-022Test applicationshellcode10
2023-02-152Test applicationshellcode10
2023-02-152Test applicationshellcode10
2023-02-172Cobalt Strike stagerexe11
2023-02-272Cobalt Strike stagerexe11
2023-02-282Cobalt Strike stagerexe11
2023-03-062Cobalt Strike stagerexe11
2023-03-062Cobalt Strike stagerexe11
2023-03-062Cobalt Strike stagerexe11
2023-03-152Cobalt Strike stagerexe10
2023-03-192Cobalt Strike stagerexe11
2023-03-231Cobalt StrikeshellcodeN/a1
2023-03-282Cobalt Strike stagerexe11
2023-03-282Cobalt Strike stagerexe10
2023-04-032Cobalt Strike stagerexe11
2023-05-252Cobalt Strike stagerexe01
2023-05-262Cobalt Strikeshellcode11
2023-06-112Test applicationshellcode10
2023-08-092Test applicationshellcode10
2023-08-092Test applicationshellcode10
2023-08-092Test applicationshellcode10
2023-08-092Test applicationshellcode10
2023-08-092Test applicationshellcode10
2023-08-092Test applicationshellcode10
2023-08-092Test applicationshellcode10
2023-08-092Test applicationshellcode10
2023-08-092Test applicationshellcode10
2023-08-092Test applicationshellcode10
2023-08-092Test applicationshellcode10
2023-08-152Test applicationshellcode10
2023-09-082Test applicationshellcode10
2023-09-082Test applicationshellcode10
2023-09-082Test applicationshellcode10
2023-09-082Test applicationshellcode10
Table 2, Information on unpacked Blister samples.

Cobalt Strike beacons

Table 3, Information on observed Cobalt Strike beacons dropped by Blister.

BlisterMythic agents

Table 4, Information on observed Mythic agents dropped by Blister.

BlisterMythic C2 servers

Table 5, Detected BlisterMythic C2 servers

Blister samples

SHA256Payload familyPayload SHA256
0a73a9ee3650821352d9c4b46814de8f73fde659cae6b82a11168468becb68d1Cobalt Strike397c08f5cdc59085a48541c89d23a8880d41552031955c4ba38ff62e57cfd803
0e8458223b28f24655caf37e5c9a1c01150ac7929e6cb1b11d078670da892a5bCobalt Strike4420bd041ae77fce2116e6bd98f4ed6945514fad8edfbeeeab0874c84054c80a
0f07c23f7fe5ff918ee596a7f1df320ed6e7783ff91b68c636531aba949a6f33Test application43308bde79e71b2ed14f318374a80fadf201cc3e34a887716708635294031b1b
a3cb53ddd4a5316cb02b7dc4ccd1f615755b46e86a88152a1f8fc59efe170497Cobalt Strikee85a2e8995ef37acf15ea79038fae70d4566bd912baac529bad74fbec5bb9c21
a403b82a14b392f8485a22f105c00455b82e7b8a3e7f90f460157811445a8776Cobalt Strikee0c0491e45dda838f4ac01b731dd39cc7064675a6e1b79b184fff99cdce52f54
a5fc8d9f9f4098e2cecb3afc66d8158b032ce81e0be614d216c9deaf20e888acTest application43308bde79e71b2ed14f318374a80fadf201cc3e34a887716708635294031b1b
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ac232e7594ce8fbbe19fc74e34898c562fe9e8f46d4bfddc37aefeb26b85c02bCobalt Strike obfuscated shellcodecef1a88dfc436dab9ae104f0770a434891bbd609e64df43179b42b03a7e8f908
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b4f37f13a7e9c56ea95fa3792e11404eb3bdb878734f1ca394ceed344d22858fTest application43308bde79e71b2ed14f318374a80fadf201cc3e34a887716708635294031b1b
b956c5e8ec6798582a68f24894c1e78b9b767aae4d5fb76b2cc71fc9c8befed8Cobalt Strike6fc283acfb7dda7bab02f5d23dc90b318f4c73a8e576f90e1cac235bf8d02470
b99ba2449a93ab298d2ec5cacd5099871bacf6a8376e0b080c7240c8055b1395Cobalt Strike96fab57ef06b433f14743da96a5b874e96d8c977b758abeeb0596f2e1222b182
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89196b39a0edebdf2026053cb4e87d703b9942487196ff9054ef775fdcad1899Test application43308bde79e71b2ed14f318374a80fadf201cc3e34a887716708635294031b1b
91446c6d3c11074e6ff0ff42df825f9ffd5f852c2e6532d4b9d8de340fa32fb8Test application43308bde79e71b2ed14f318374a80fadf201cc3e34a887716708635294031b1b
96823bb6befe5899739bd69ab00a6b4ae1256fd586159968301a4a69d675a5ecCobalt Strike3b3bdd819f4ee8daa61f07fc9197b2b39d0434206be757679c993b11acc8d05f
315217b860ab46c6205b36e49dfaa927545b90037373279723c3dec165dfaf11Cobalt Strike96fab57ef06b433f14743da96a5b874e96d8c977b758abeeb0596f2e1222b182
595153eb56030c0e466cda0becb1dc9560e38601c1e0803c46e7dfc53d1d2892Cobalt Strikef245b2bc118c3c20ed96c8a9fd0a7b659364f9e8e2ee681f5683681e93c4d78b
812263ea9c6c44ef6b4d3950c5a316f765b62404391ddb6482bdc9a23d6cc4a6Cobalt Strike18a9eafb936bf1d527bd4f0bfae623400d63671bafd0aad0f72bfb59beb44d5f
1358156c01b035f474ed12408a9e6a77fe01af8df70c08995393cbb7d1e1f8a6Cobalt Strikeb916749963bb08b15de7c302521fd0ffec1c6660ba616628997475ae944e86a3
73162738fb3b9cdd3414609d3fe930184cdd3223d9c0d7cb56e4635eb4b2ab67Cobalt Strike19e7bb5fa5262987d9903f388c4875ff2a376581e4c28dbf5ae7d128676b7065
384408659efa1f87801aa494d912047c26259cd29b08de990058e6b45619d91aCobalt Strike stager824914bb34ca55a10f902d4ad2ec931980f5607efcb3ea1e86847689e2957210
49925637250438b05d3aebaac70bb180a0825ec4272fbe74c6fecb5e085bcf10Cobalt Strikee0c0491e45dda838f4ac01b731dd39cc7064675a6e1b79b184fff99cdce52f54
Table 6, Hashes of Blister samples and of the payload it drops, including the payload label.

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文章来源: https://research.nccgroup.com/2023/11/01/popping-blisters-for-research-an-overview-of-past-payloads-and-exploring-recent-developments/