2023-11-2 12:30:1 Author: hackernoon.com(查看原文) 阅读量:1 收藏

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[Transcriber’s note: Do not use lead solder on articles associated with human or animal consumption.] The principles of increasing the area of heating surface in model boilers may be applied very practically to the common kettle. The quick-boiling kettle is useful for camping out, for heating the morning tea water of the very early riser, and for the study “brew,” which sometimes has to be made in a hurry; and, on occasion, it will be so welcome in the kitchen as to constitute a very useful present to the mistress of the house. As the putting in of the tubes entails some trouble, it is worth while to select a good kettle for treatment. Get one that is made of thick tinned sheet iron (cast-iron articles are unsuitable), or even of copper, if you are intent on making a handsome gift which will last indefinitely. The broad shallow kettle is best suited for tubing, as it naturally has a fair heating surface, and its bottom area gives room for inserting plenty of tubes. Also, the tubes can be of good length. Let us, therefore, assume that the kettle will be of at least 8 inches diameter. In Figs. 96 (a) and 96 (b) are shown two forms of fire-tube kettles (a and b) and two of water-tube (c and d). For use over a spirit or Swedish petroleum stove the first two types are most convenient; the third will work well on a stove or an open fire; and the last proves very efficient on an open fire. One may take it that, as a general rule, areas of heating surface being equal, the water-tube kettle will boil more quickly than the fire-tube.

文章来源: https://hackernoon.com/quick-boiling-kettles?source=rss