2023-11-5 12:30:1 Author: hackernoon.com(查看原文) 阅读量:3 收藏

Too Long; Didn't Read

The hot-water supply—The tank system—The cylinder system—How a lamp works—Gas and gasworks—Automatic stoking—A gas governor—The gas meter—Incandescent gas lighting. HOT-WATER SUPPLY. AWELL-EQUIPPED house is nowadays expected to contain efficient apparatus for supplying plenty of hot water at all hours of the day. There is little romance about the kitchen boiler and the pipes which the plumber and his satellites have sometimes to inspect and put right, but the methods of securing a proper circulation of hot water through the house are sufficiently important and interesting to be noticed in these pages. In houses of moderate size the kitchen range does the heating. The two systems of storing and distributing the heated water most commonly used are—(1) The tank system; (2) the cylinder system. THE TANK SYSTEM is shown diagrammatically in Fig. 192. The boiler is situated at the back of the range, and when a "damper" is drawn the fire and hot gases pass under it to a flue leading to the chimney. The almost boiling water rises to the top of the boiler and thence finds its way up the flow pipe into the hot-water tank a, displacing the somewhat colder water there, which descends through the return pipe to the bottom of the boiler. Water is drawn off from the flow pipe. This pipe projects some distance through the bottom of a, so that the hottest portion of the contents may be drawn off first. A tank situated in the roof, and fed from the main by a ball-cock valve, communicates with a through the siphon pipe s. The bend in this pipe prevents the ascent of hot water, which cannot sink through water colder than itself. From the top of a an expansion pipe is led up and turned over the cold-water tank to discharge any steam which may be generated in the boiler.

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