IMC 2023 论文录用列表
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Internet Measurement Conference (IMC) 属于CCF B类会议,尤其在网络测量领域属于顶级会议。IMC 2023年共收到208篇论文(2022:212; 2020:216),录取52篇论文(2022:56; 2020:53),录用率为25%(2022:26.42%; 2020:24.54%)。国内录用论文的单位集中在清华大学、北京邮电大学等多所高校及研究机构。

New:IMC 2023今年推出一个名为Replicability Track的新专题,用于接收重现之前在IMC上已经发表的研究结果的论文。这个专题被接收的论文收录于ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review (CCR)。该专题下优秀论文的作者也可能收到主要会议的邀请,同时论文会被收录于IMC的会议集,其中今年有4篇该专题的论文被收录。


  • Replication: Towards a Publicly Available Internet scale IP Geolocation Dataset

Omar Darwich (LAAS-CNRS), Hugo Rimliger (Sorbonne Université), Milo Dreyfus (Sorbonne Université), Matthieu Gouel (Sorbonne Université), Kevin Vermeulen (LAAS-CNRS)

  • Replication: 20 Years of Inferring Interdomain Routing Policies

Savvas Kastanakis (Lancaster University), Vasileios Giotsas (Cloudflare), Ioana Livadariu (Simula Metropolitan), Neeraj Suri (Lancaster University)

  • Replication: “When to Use and When Not to Use BBR”

Soumyadeep Datta (New York University), Fraida Fund (New York University)

  • Replication: Contrastive Learning and Data Augmentation in Traffic Classification Using a Flowpic Input Representation

Alessandro Finamore (Huawei Technologies France SASU), Wang Chao (Huawei Technologies France SASU), Jonatan Krolikowski (Huawei Technologies France SAS), Jose M. Navarro (Huawei Technologies France SASU), Fuxing Chen (Huawei Technologies France SASU), Dario Rossi (Huawei Technologies France SASU)

  • On the Importance of Being an AS: An Approach to Country-Level AS Rankings

Bradley Huffaker (UC San Diego / CAIDA), Romain Fontugne (IIJ Research Lab), Alexander Marder (UC San Diego / CAIDA), kc Claffy (UC San Diego / CAIDA)

  • Coarse-grained Inference of BGP Community Intent

Thomas Krenc (UC San Diego / CAIDA), Matthew Luckie (UC San Diego / CAIDA), Alexander Marder (UC San Diego / CAIDA), kc Claffy (UC San Diego / CAIDA)

  • RoVista: Measuring and Understanding the Route Origin Validation (ROV) in RPKI

Weitong Li (Virginia Tech), Zhexiao Lin (University of California, Berkeley), Md. Ishtiaq Ashiq (Virginia Tech), Emile Aben (RIPE NCC), Romain Fontugne (IIJ Research Lab), Amreesh Phokeer (Internet Society), Taejoong “Tijay” Chung (Virginia Tech)

  • Illuminating Router Vendor Diversity Within Providers and Along Network Paths

Taha Albakour (TU Berlin), Oliver Gasser (Max Planck Institute for Informatics), Robert Beverly (Center for Measurement and Analysis of Network Data), Georgios Smaragdakis (Delft University of Technology)

  • IRRegularities in the Internet Routing Registry

Ben Du (UC San Diego), Katherine Izhikevich (UC San Diego), Sumanth Rao (UC San Diego), Gautam Akiwate (Stanford University), Cecilia Testart (Georgia Tech/MIT), Alex C. Snoeren (UC San Diego), kc Claffy (UC San Diego / CAIDA)

  • Flocking to Mastodon: Tracking the Great Twitter Migration

Jiahui HE (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (GZ)), Haris Bin Zia (Queen Mary University of London), Ignacio Castro (Queen Mary University of London), Aravindh Raman (Telefonica Research), Nishanth Sastry (University of Surrey, UK), Gareth Tyson (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (GZ), Queen Mary University of London)

  • The Prevalence of Single Sign-On on the Web: Towards the Next Generation of Web Content Measurement

Calvin Ardi (University of Southern California/Information Sciences Institute), Matt Calder (Meta / Columbia University)

  • Reviving Dead Links on the Web with FABLE

Jingyuan Zhu (University of Michigan), Anish Nyayachavadi (University of Michigan), Jiangchen Zhu (Columbia University), Vaspol Ruamviboonsuk (Microsoft), Harsha V. Madhyastha (University of Southern California)

  • Demystifying Web-based Mobile Extended Reality Accelerated by WebAssembly

Kaiyan Liu (Geogre Mason University), Nan Wu (George Mason University), Bo Han (George Mason University)

  • Thou Shalt Not Reject: Analyzing Accept-Or-Pay Cookie Banners on the Web

Ali Rasaii (Max Planck Institute for Informatics), Devashish Gosain (KU Leuven), Oliver Gasser (Max Planck Institute for Informatics)

  • A Longitudinal Study of Vulnerable Client-side Resources and Web Developers' Updating Behaviors

Kyungchan Lim (University of Tennessee, Knoxville), Yonghwi Kwon (University of Virginia), Doowon Kim (University of Tennessee, Knoxville)

  • Not only E.T. Phones Home: Analysing the Native User Tracking of Mobile Browsers

John Pegioudis (FORTH & University of Crete), Emmanouil Papadogianakis (FORTH & University of Crete), Nicolas Kourtellis (Telefonica Research), Evangelos P. Markatos (FORTH & University of Crete), Panagiotis Papadopoulos (FORTH)

  • Wolf in Sheep's Clothing: Evaluating Security Risks of the Undelegated Record on DNS Hosting Services

Fenglu Zhang (Tsinghua University), Yunyi Zhang (National University of Defense Technology), Baojun Liu (Tsinghua University), Eihal Alowaisheq (King Saud University), Lingyun Ying (QI-ANXIN Technology Research Institute), Xiang Li (Tsinghua University), Zaifeng Zhang (360 Security Technology Inc.), Ying Liu (Tsinghua University), Haixin Duan (Tsinghua University; Quancheng Laboratory), Min Zhang (National University of Defense Technology)

  • Dial “N” for NXDomain: The Scale, Origin, and Security Implications of DNS Queries to Non-Existent Domains

Guannan Liu (Virginia Tech), Lin Jin (University of Delaware), Shuai Hao (Old Dominion University), Yubao Zhang (University of Delaware), Daiping Liu (University of Delaware), Angelos Stavrou (Virginia Tech), Haining Wang (Virginia Tech)

  • Extended DNS Errors: Unlocking the Full Potential of DNS Troubleshooting

Yevheniya Nosyk (Université Grenoble Alpes), Maciej Korczyński (Université Grenoble Alpes), Andrzej Duda (Université Grenoble Alpes)

  • Stale TLS Certificates: Investigating Precarious Third-Party Access to Valid TLS Keys

Zane Ma (Georgia Institute of Technology), Aaron Faulkenberry (Georgia Institute of Technology), Thomas Papastergiou (Georgia Institute of Technology), Zakir Durumeric (Stanford University), Michael D. Bailey (Georgia Institute of Technology), Angelos D. Keromytis (Georgia Institute of Technology), Fabian Monrose (Georgia Institute of Technology), Manos Antonakakis (Georgia Institute of Technology)

  • The CVE Wayback Machine: Measuring Coordinated Disclosure from Exploits Against 2 Years of Zero-Days

Eric Pauley (University of Wisconsin–Madison), Paul Barford (University of Wisconsin–Madison), Patrick McDaniel (University of Wisconsin–Madison)

  • Re-measuring the Label Dynamics of Online Anti-Malware Engines from Millions of Samples

Jingjing Wang (Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications), Liu Wang (Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications), Feng Dong (Huazhong University of Science and Technology), Haoyu Wang (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)

  • Phishing in the Free Waters: A Study of Phishing Attacks Created using Free Website Building Services

Sayak Saha Roy (The University of Texas at Arlington), Unique Karanjit (The University of Texas at Arlington), Shirin Nilizadeh (The University of Texas at Arlington)

  • Fifteen Months in the Life of a Honeyfarm

Cristian Munteanu (Max Planck Institute for Informatics), Said Jawad Saidi (Max Planck Institute for Informatics), Oliver Gasser (Max Planck Institute for Informatics), Georgios Smaragdakis (Delft University of Technology), Anja Feldmann (Max Planck Institute for Informatics)

  • Evolving Bots: The New Generation of Comment Bots and their Underlying Scam Campaigns in YouTube

Seung Ho Na (KAIST), Sumin Cho (KAIST), Seungwon Shin (KAIST)

  • Cloud Watching: Understanding Attacks Against Cloud-Hosted Services

Liz Izhikevich (Stanford University), Manda Tran (Stanford University), Michalis Kallitsis (Merit Network, Inc.), Aurore Fass (Stanford University, CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security), Zakir Durumeric (Stanford University)

  • How to Operate a Meta-Telescope in your Spare Time

Daniel Wagner (DE-CIX / Max Planck Institute for Informatics), Sahil Ashish Ranadive (Georgia Institute of Technology), Harm Griffioen (Delft University of Technology), Michalis Kallitsis (Merit Network, Inc.), Alberto Dainotti (Georgia Institute of Technology), Georgios Smaragdakis (Delft University of Technology), Anja Feldmann (Max Planck Institute for Informatics)

  • Lazy Gatekeepers: A Large-Scale Study on SPF Configuration in the Wild

Stefan Czybik (Technische Universität Berlin), Micha Horlboge (Technische Universität Berlin), Konrad Rieck (Technische Universität Berlin)

  • On the Similarity of Web Privacy Measurements Under Different Experimental Setups

Nurullah Demir (Institut for Internet Security, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)), Tobias Urban (Institute for Internet Security, Westphalian University of Applied Sciences), Jan Hörnemann (Institute for Internet Security and AWARE7 GmbH), Matteo Grosse-Kampmann (AWARE7 GmbH), Thorsten Holz (CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security), Norbert Pohlmann (Institute for Internet Security, Westphalian University of Applied Sciences), Christian Wressnegger (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT))

  • Understanding the Privacy Risks of Popular Search Engine Advertising Systems

Salim Chouaki (LIX, CNRS, Ecole Polytechnique, Institut Polytechnique de Paris), Oana Goga (LIX, CNRS, Ecole Polytechnique, Institut Polytechnique de Paris), Hamed Haddadi (Imperial College London, Brave Software), Peter Snyder (Brave Software)

  • A First Look at the Privacy Harms of the Public Suffix List

Stephen McQuistin (University of Glasgow), Pete Snyder (Brave Software), Colin Perkins (University of Glasgow), Hamed Haddadi (Brave Software, Imperial College London), Gareth Tyson (Hong Kong University of Science & Technology)

  • The Cloud Strikes Back: Investigating the Decentralization of IPFS

Leonhard Balduf (Technical University of Darmstadt), Maciej Korczyński (University of Grenoble Alps, Grenoble Informatics Laboratory), Onur Ascigil (Lancaster University), Navin Keizer (University College London), George Pavlou (UCL), Björn Scheuermann (Technical University of Darmstadt), Michał Król (City, University of London)

  • Ethereum's Proposer-Builder Separation: Promises and Realities

Lioba Heimbach (ETH Zurich), Christof Ferreira Torres (ETH Zurich), Lucianna Kiffer (ETH Zurich), Roger Wattenhofer (ETH Zurich)

  • BehavIoT: Measuring Smart Home IoT Behavior Using Network-Inferred Behavior Models

Tianrui Hu (Northeastern University), Daniel J. Dubois (Northeastern University), David Choffnes (Northeastern University)

  • In the Room Where It Happens: Characterizing Local Communication and Threats in Smart Homes

Aniketh Girish (IMDEA Networks / Universidad Carlos III de Madrid), Tianrui Hu (Northeastern University), Vijay Prakash (New York University), Daniel J. Dubois (Northeastern University), Srdjan Matic (IMDEA Software Institute), Danny Yuxing Huang (New York University), Serge Egelman (UC Berkeley / ICSI), Joel Reardon (University of Calgary), Juan Tapiador (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid), David Choffnes (Northeastern University), Narseo Vallina-Rodriguez (IMDEA Networks/AppCensus)

  • Behind the Scenes: Uncovering TLS and Server Certificate Practice of IoT Device Vendors in the Wild

Hongying Dong (University of Virginia), Hao Shu (New York University), Vijay Prakash (New York University), Yizhe Zhang (University of Virginia), Muhammad Talha Paracha (Northeastern University), David Choffnes (Northeastern University), Santiago Torres-Arias (Purdue University), Danny Yuxing Huang (New York University), Yixin Sun (University of Virginia)

  • An LLM-based Framework for Fingerprinting Internet-connected Devices

Armin Sarabi (University of Michigan), Tongxin Yin (University of Michigan), Mingyan Liu (University of Michigan)

  • Estimating WebRTC Video QoE Metrics Without Using Application Headers

Taveesh Sharma (University of Chicago), Tarun Mangla (University of Chicago), Arpit Gupta (UCSB), Junchen Jiang (University of Chicago), Nick Feamster (University of Chicago)

  • PTPerf: On the performance evaluation of Tor Pluggable Transports

Zeya Umayya (IIIT Delhi), Dhruv Malik (IIIT Delhi), Devashish Gosain (KU Leuven), Piyush Kumar Sharma (KU Leuven)

  • Containing the Cambrian Explosion in QUIC Congestion Control

Ayush Mishra (National University of Singapore), Ben Leong (National University of Singapore)

  • ECN with QUIC: Challenges in the Wild

Constantin Sander (RWTH Aachen University), Ike Kunze (RWTH Aachen University), Leo Blöcher (RWTH Aachen University), Mike Kosek (Technical University of Munich), Klaus Wehrle (RWTH Aachen University)

  • Does It Spin? On the Adoption and Use of QUIC’s Spin Bit

Ike Kunze (RWTH Aachen University), Constantin Sander (RWTH Aachen University), Klaus Wehrle (RWTH Aachen University)

  • I Tag, You Tag, Everybody Tags!

Hazem Ibrahim (New York University Abu Dhabi), Rohail Asim (New York University Abu Dhabi (NYUAD)), Matteo Varvello (Nokia), Yasir Zaki (New York University Abu Dhabi (NYUAD))

  • Tracking, Profiling, and Ad Targeting in the Alexa Echo Smart Speaker Ecosystem

Umar Iqbal (University of Washington), Pouneh Nikkhah Bahrami (University of California, Davis), Rahmadi Trimananda (University of California, Irvine), Hao Cui (University of California, Irvine), Alexander Gamero-Garrido (Northeastern University), Daniel Dubois (Northeastern University), David Choffnes (Northeastern University), Athina Markopoulou (University of California, Irvine), Franziska Roesner (University of Washington), Zubair Shafiq (University of California, Davis)

  • Pushing Alias Resolution to the Limit

Taha Albakour (TU Berlin), Oliver Gasser (Max Planck Institute for Informatics), Georgios Smaragdakis (Delft University of Technology)

  • Localizing Traffic Differentiation

Zeinab Shmeis (EPFL), Mohammad Abdullah (EPFL), Pavlos Nikolopoulos (EPFL), Katerina Argyraki (EPFL), David Choffnes (Northeastern University), Phillipa Gill (Google)

  • Using gaming footage as a source of Internet latency information

Catalina Alvarez (EPFL), Katerina Argyraki (EPFL)

  • Inferring Changes in Daily Human Activity from Internet Response

Xiao Song (University of Southern California), Guillermo Baltra (University of Southern California / Information Sciences Institute), John Heidemann (University of Southern California / Information Sciences Institute)

  • Characterizing Mobile Service Demands at Indoor Cellular Networks

Stefanos Bakirtzis (University of Cambridge, Ranplan Wireless), André Felipe Zanella (IMDEA Networks, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (U3CM)), Stefania Rubrichi (Orange), Cezary Ziemlicki (Orange), Zbigniew Smoreda (Orange), Ian Wassell (University of Cambridge), Jie Zhang (University of Sheffield, Ranplan Wireless), Marco Fiore (IMDEA Networks)

  • Modeling and Generating Control-Plane Traffic for Cellular Networks

Jiayi Meng (Purdue University), Jinqgi Huang (Purdue University), Y. Charlie Hu (Purdue University), Yaron Koral (AT&T Labs), Xiaojun Lin (Purdue University), Muhammad Shahbaz (Purdue University), Abhigyan Sharma (AT&T Labs)

  • Performance of Cellular Networks on the Wheels

Moinak Ghoshal (Northeastern University), Imran Khan (Northeastern University), Z. Jonny Kong (Purdue University), Phuc Dinh (Northeastern University), Jiayi Meng (Purdue University), Y. Charlie Hu (Purdue University), Dimitrios Koutsonikolas (Northeastern University)

  • Characterizing and Modeling Session-Level Mobile Traffic Demands from Large-Scale Measurements

André Felipe Zanella (IMDEA Networks, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (U3CM)), Antonio Bazco-Nogueras (IMDEA Networks Institute), Cezary Ziemlicki (Orange Labs), Marco Fiore (IMDEA Networks Institute)



