XAR Format Package
2023-11-13 16:59:42 Author: blog.cerbero.io(查看原文) 阅读量:9 收藏

We have released the XAR Format package for all licenses of Cerbero Suite.

XAR (eXtensible ARchive format) is an archive file format which is used for software installation routines in macOS as well as browser extensions in Safari.

The support includes inspecting the format’s structures.

The package is also exposed to the SDK:

from Pro.Core import *
from Pkg.XAR import *

def parseXARArchive(fname):
    c = createContainerFromFile(fname)
    if c.isNull():
    obj = XARObject()
    if not obj.Load(c) or not obj.ParseArchive():
    entry = None
    while entry := obj.NextEntry(entry):
        # skip directories
        if obj.IsDirectory(entry):
        print("file name:", entry.path)
        # retrieves the file data as NTContainer
        fc = obj.GetEntryData(entry)

文章来源: https://blog.cerbero.io/?p=2851