Data dictionary views related to “Tables”
2023-11-15 15:38:10 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:5 收藏

The challenge:

The Oracle Data Dictionary consists of hundreds of views and describes all kind of meta-data that is stored in a database.
The existing documentation from Oracle describes most of these single views.
But the challenge is always to get the full information related to an object-type like:

Table, Index, Partition, Sequence,….

Visualization in ERD-graphs:

Therefore i started to generated ERD-graphs for the most used types.
The attached example shows all data-dictionary views that are related to “Tables”.
The arrows between the views, are like foreign-keys.

The full set of available graphs is visible in:

VISKey (


Finding the adequate dictionary view to support your software development can be challenging.
Therefore  checking the available graphs is helpful to get the full picture of available views and their relation.
