Automating setup of a Jamf Pro server on Ubuntu LTS
2023-11-29 06:26:1 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:10 收藏

Automating setup of a Jamf Pro server on Ubuntu LTS

I recently had a need to set up an on-premise Jamf Pro server for some quick testing. In this case, I needed to set up a Jamf Pro server with the following characteristics:

  1. MySQL 8.x installed on the same server as the Jamf Pro Tomcat software
  2. Jamf Pro set up as a single instance and not clustered. 

To help simplify the process, I went back to some previous work. I had previously written a script for AWS’s Lightsail service which does the following on Ubuntu LTS:

  1. Downloads a Jamf Pro installer from a defined download URL
  2. Installs OpenJDK 11, MySQL 8.x Community Server and other tools
  3. Creates a new MySQL database for Jamf Pro’s use
  4. Installs Jamf Pro
  5. Configures Jamf Pro to use the new MySQL database

I’ve now updated it to do the following on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS:

  1. Downloads the Jamf Pro 11.x installer from a defined download URL
  2. Installs OpenJDK 11, MySQL 8.x Community Server and other tools
  3. Creates a new MySQL database for Jamf Pro’s use
  4. Installs Jamf Pro 11.x
  5. Configures Jamf Pro 11.x to use the new MySQL database

Even though it was written for use with Lightsail, the script should work on any Ubuntu 22.04 LTS install. It’s available via the link below:
