Bundleless: Not Doing Things Makes You Fast
2023-11-30 08:0:0 Author: lucumr.pocoo.org(查看原文) 阅读量:5 收藏

written on Thursday, November 30, 2023

I recently came across a tweet and one statement in it really triggered me: the claim that a bundleless dev server does not work. The idea here being that you cannot avoid bundling during development for performance reasons. This challenges the code concept and premise of vite's design. Its dev server primarily operates by serving individual files post-initial transpiling.

There's some belief that bundleless development isn't feasible, especially for projects with thousands of modules, due to potential performance issues. However, I contend that this thinking overlooks the benefits of a bundleless approach.

There is obviously some truth to it having issues. If you have thousands of modules, that can take a while to load and on contrast if most of those are bundled up into a single file, that will take less time to load.

I believe this to be the wrong way to think of this issue. Consider Python as an illustrative example: Python loads each module as needed from the file system, without bundling numerous modules into larger files. This approach has a downside: in large applications, the startup time can become impractically long due to excessive code execution during import.

The solution isn't to increase bundling but to reduce overall code execution, particularly at startup. By optimizing module structure, minimizing cross-dependencies, and adopting lazy loading, you can significantly decrease load times and enable hot reloading of components. Don't forget that in addition to all the bytes you're not loading, you're also not parsing or executing code. You become faster by not doing all of this.

The objective for developers, both end-users and framework creators, should be to make bundleless development viable and at least in principle preferred. This means structuring applications to minimize initial load requirements, thereby enhancing iteration speeds. With a focus on doing less, the elimination of the bundling step becomes an attainable and beneficial goal. This is also one of the larger lessons I took from creating Flask: the many side effects of decorators and imports are a major frustration for large scale apps.

Then once that has been accomplished, bundleless does away with the last bit of now not important part: the bundling step which has a lot of other benefits on its own.

Of course, there are nuances. For instance, rarely changing third-party libraries with hundreds of internal modules will still benefit from bundling. Tools like Vite do address this need by optimizing this case.

Therefore, when embarking on a new project or framework, prioritize lazy loading and effective import management from the outset. Avoid circular dependencies and carefully manage code isolation. This initial effort in organizing your code will pay dividends as your project expands, making future development faster and more efficient.

Future you will be happy — and bundleless as evidenced by vite, with the right project setup works.

This entry was tagged javascript and thoughts

文章来源: http://lucumr.pocoo.org/2023/11/30/not-doing-things-makes-you-fast