Understanding SAP Commerce and OAuth 2.0
2023-11-30 21:8:6 Author: blogs.sap.com(查看原文) 阅读量:5 收藏


In today’s digital landscape, security is paramount, and authorization plays a crucial role in safeguarding sensitive data. OAuth 2.0 has become a popular authorization protocol, providing a standardized and safe means for apps to access user resources without disclosing passwords.

Leading e-commerce platform SAP Commerce uses OAuth 2.0 to give users a flexible and safe framework for controlling access to its resources and APIs. Below we will explore the advantages and implementation techniques of OAuth 2.0 connectivity with SAP Commerce.

What is OAuth 2.0?

Through the authorization framework OAuth 2.0, users may provide third-party apps access to user resources without having to reveal their login credentials to the application. It enables restricted and safe access delegation, guaranteeing that user data may only be accessed by approved apps.

How OAuth 2.0 Works in SAP Commerce

OAuth 2.0 is used by SAP Commerce  to control access to its resources and APIs, making sure that only apps that have been approved and verified may access user data. The following stages are usually included in the OAuth 2.0 flow:

Client Application: By sending the user to the authorization server, the client application starts the authorization procedure.

Authorization Server: To provide access to the client application, the authorization server asks the user to authenticate.

User authentication: After entering their login information, the user gives the client application access.

Authorization Code: The authorization code is used by the authorization server to reroute the user to the client application.

Access Token: The authorization code is traded for an access token by the client application, which is then used to send approved API calls.

Configuring oAuth 2.0

To configure an OAuth client, you have 2 options. The first is to use the Backoffice. The second option is to use ImpEx. We’ll look at both options. Below, I have utilized a screenshot from my local system; feel free to use your own environment domain

Option 1: Configure an OAuth Client via Backoffice

  1. Navigate to the Backoffice by using the https:// localhost:9002/backoffice and search OAuth.

  1. Click the arrow next to the create icon and select OAuth Client Details to create a new client and enter the OAuth client id as test-client (you can use your client id) and enter the OAuth client secret: secret (you can use your client id) Click Next

  1. Enter the OAuth authorities: ROLE_TRUSTED_CLIENT, OAuth authorized grant types: client_credentials , OAuth resource ID’s: hybris and Click Next

  1. Enter the Scopes: extended and Click Next.

  1. 5. Enter the access and refresh token validity: 7199 and click Finish

Option 2: Configure an OAuth Client via ImpEx

The quickest way to add a new OAuth client is to use ImpEx.

  1. Navigate to HAC: https://localhost:9002/console/impex/import
  2. In the Import Content text area add the following ImpEx and then click the Import Content button.
INSERT_UPDATE OAuthClientDetails; clientId[unique = true]; resourceIds; scope; authorizedGrantTypes; authorities; clientSecret; registeredRedirectUri; accessTokenValiditySeconds; refreshTokenValiditySeconds                            
; test_client ; hybris ; extended ;client_credentials ; ROLE_TRUSTED_CLIENT ; secret ;;7199;7199

Benefits of Using OAuth 2.0 with SAP Commerce

There are several benefits to integrating OAuth 2.0 with SAP Commerce (Hybris), including:

  • Enhanced Security: OAuth 2.0 lowers the risk of unauthorized access by doing away with the requirement to directly share user credentials with third-party apps.
  • Better User Experience: Users can authorize access to their data without constantly entering their credentials thanks to OAuth 2.0’s seamless user interface.
  • Flexible Access Control: Administrators can specify the extent of access for each application thanks to OAuth 2.0’s granular control over permissions.
  • Standardized Protocol: OAuth 2.0 has gained widespread adoption as a standard, guaranteeing interoperability with many apps from third parties.


OAuth 2.0 offers a standardized and safe method of authorization, making it a necessary component of contemporary web development. Businesses can improve the security of their e-commerce platforms and allow secure access to customer data while preserving a smooth user experience by integrating OAuth 2.0 with SAP Commerce.

OAuth 2.0 provides scalability in addition to the previously listed advantages, allowing organizations to handle access rights for an increasing number of applications without sacrificing security.

I hope that this blog post has given you a thorough introduction to OAuth 2.0 with SAP Commerce. Please feel free to leave a comment below if you require any information or if you have any questions.

Please refer the below link for more information on OAuth 2.0



文章来源: https://blogs.sap.com/2023/11/30/understanding-sap-commerce-and-oauth-2.0/