The Medicines of the Ancients
2023-12-1 13:45:2 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:2 收藏

Too Long; Didn't Read

At the recent commencement of the Homeopathic College in this city, Mr. S. H. Wales, of the Scientific American addressed the graduating class, and from his remarks, we quote the following: "Many writers of our time persist in regarding this, above all others, as the best period in the history of our race; and, doubtless, it is true in many important respects. But I cannot forbear the suggestion at this moment that there was a time in the history of the world when the science of medicine was unknown, when people lived to the incredible age of many centuries; and, even after the span of life had been reduced to threescore and ten, sickness was comparatively unknown. In ancient times, it was looked upon as a calamity, that had overtaken a tribe or people, when one of its members prematurely sickened and died.
