CPI-Convert deep nested specified JSON elements to double or boolean data types | Groovy
2023-12-9 16:51:44 Author: blogs.sap.com(查看原文) 阅读量:9 收藏

This blog covers a groovy script for converting deep nested JSON elements from string to double or boolean data types.

In some cases some requirements may arise wherein some specific fields of a JSON are not accepted in string format by the target system and only double or numeric values are accepted. The below groovy covers such requirements.

While converting XML to JSON format, all characters are converted to default String type (even though the XSD definition may say it’s of int/boolean data type). To convert string to numeric or boolean data types, a groovy script can be used to achieve the same.

Groovy Script :

//Groovy : Convert deep nested specified JSON elements to double or Boolean data types
import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
import groovy.json.JsonOutput
import groovy.json.JsonBuilder
import com.sap.gateway.ip.core.customdev.util.Message
def Message processData(Message message) 
    def body = message.getBody(java.lang.String)
    def jsonSlurper = new JsonSlurper()
    def json = new JsonSlurper().parseText(body)
    //Get Message Properties
    def NumericFieldsToConvert=message.getProperty("Numericfields").split(",")
    def BooleanFieldsToConvert=message.getProperty("Booleanfields").split(",")
    // Call the conversion function with the root of the JSON
    // Convert the modified JSON back to a string
    def modifiedJsonStr = new JsonBuilder(json).toPrettyString()    
    return message

def convertGPaths(node,NumericFieldsToConvert,BooleanFieldsToConvert)
if (node instanceof Map) 
    node.each { key, value ->

        println("Key : "+key)
        println("Value :"+value)
        //Double fields
        if (key in NumericFieldsToConvert)
            node[key] = value.toDouble()
            catch (Exception e)
            node[key] = value
        } //if

        //boolean fields
        else if (key in BooleanFieldsToConvert)
            node[key] = value.toBoolean()
            catch (Exception e)
            node[key] = value
        } //if 

        else if (value instanceof Map || value instanceof List) 
        }//else if
            node[key] = value
else if (node instanceof List) 
        node.each { item ->
            if (item instanceof Map || item instanceof List) 
}//else if

Simulation results on online Groovy IDE :


Simulation Results for String to Boolean, Double type conversion

NOTE : Pass comma separated values of Boolean and Numeric fields to be converted through a content modifier. In case of additional additions to fields, this can be directly configured, thus making it more dynamic.


Groovy script to convert specific elements of JSON from default String to Boolean/Numeric data was illustrated above.

Comments or feedback/suggestions, pros/cons with respect to the above are welcome from fellow Integration folks.


文章来源: https://blogs.sap.com/2023/12/09/cpi-convert-deep-nested-specified-json-elements-to-double-or-boolean-data-types-groovy/