In-Depth Threat Intelligence Report: Iranian Hackers Targeting U.S. Water Authorities
2023-12-12 02:16:49 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:28 收藏

This report was generated in tandem with ChatGPT4 using an A.I. Intelligence Analyst Agent created by Scot Terban

Executive Summary

A series of cyber attacks, suspected to be carried out by an Iranian government-linked cyber group, targeted U.S. water facilities, primarily exploiting vulnerabilities in Israeli-made Unitronics programmable logic controllers (PLCs). These incidents highlight significant cybersecurity risks in critical infrastructure and underscore the need for enhanced security measures.

Incident Overview

  • Threat Actors: Iranian-backed hacktivist collective, Cyber Av3ngers.
  • Targets: U.S. water facilities using Israeli-made technology.
  • Type of Attack: Cyber attacks exploiting vulnerabilities in PLCs.
  • Date of Incident: Reported in late November 2023.
  • Sources of Information: CISA, POLITICO, The Hacker News.

Attack Details

  • Methodology: The attackers exploited Unitronics PLCs, targeting their weak security (lax password security, internet accessibility)​​​​.
  • Impact: The attacks were primarily disruptive in nature, disabling digital control panels and displaying messages indicative of a political motive. There was no significant disruption to water supply services​​.
  • Objective: The attacks seem to be designed to stoke fears about using Israeli technology and potentially disrupt critical water infrastructure services.

Threat Actor Profile

  • Origin: Allegedly linked to the Iranian government.
  • Capabilities: Capable of sophisticated cyber operations targeting industrial control systems.
  • History: Cyber Av3ngers has a history of targeting critical infrastructure, including previous attacks on Israeli water treatment stations​​.

Vulnerabilities and Exploits

  • Targeted Technology: The attacks focused on Unitronics PLCs, a widely-used technology in water facilities globally​​.
  • Security Weaknesses: The compromised devices had weak passwords and were publicly accessible over the internet​​​​.

Mitigation Strategies

  • Password Security: Changing default passwords and enforcing multi-factor authentication (MFA).
  • Network Security: Disconnecting critical PLCs from the internet and implementing network segmentation.
  • Regular Updates and Backups: Keeping the PLCs updated and backing up their logic and configurations for quick recovery​​.

Intelligence Assessment

The attacks are indicative of a broader trend of nation-state actors targeting critical infrastructure for geopolitical purposes. The focus on Israeli-made technology suggests a political motive aligned with broader regional tensions. The incidents also highlight the vulnerabilities of critical infrastructure to cyber attacks, particularly when older or widely-used technologies are involved.

Motivational Analysis

The recent cyber attacks by Iranian-linked hackers on U.S. water utilities, specifically targeting Israeli-made PLCs, reveal a complex interplay of motivations:

Political and Geopolitical Motives

  1. Regional Conflict Extension: The choice to target Israeli-made technology appears to be directly influenced by the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict​​. This suggests a motive to extend regional conflicts into the cyber domain, particularly targeting allies of Israel.
  2. Information Warfare: The Cyber Av3ngers group, with ties to the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), which the U.S. designated as a foreign terrorist organization in 2019​​, has a history of engaging in what can be classified as information warfare. This involves using cyber attacks to generate media attention and create a perception of vulnerability and fear, even if the actual impact of the attacks is limited​​.
  3. Economic Disruption: By targeting critical infrastructure, the attacks could be aimed at causing economic disruption and demonstrating the vulnerabilities in essential services in the U.S.

Technical and Operational Motives

  1. Opportunistic Attacks: The attacks exploited basic security weaknesses such as default passwords and internet exposure of PLCs​​​​. This opportunistic approach indicates a motive to exploit low-hanging fruits in cybersecurity for maximum impact with minimal effort.
  2. Testing and Reconnaissance: The nature of the attacks suggests they could be part of a larger strategy of testing U.S. defenses and conducting reconnaissance for potential future operations.

Broader Cyber Campaign

  1. Part of a Larger Campaign: The Cyber Av3ngers is not the only group involved. CheckPoint has identified three other pro-Iran groups targeting U.S. organizations, indicating a broader, coordinated campaign against U.S. and Israeli interests​​.
  2. Demonstration of Capability: These attacks serve to demonstrate Iran’s growing capabilities in cyber warfare and its willingness to engage in cyber operations against international adversaries.

Strategic Implications

These incidents indicate a strategic shift by Iranian-backed groups towards more aggressive cyber operations targeting critical infrastructure. The focus on Israeli technology underscores the geopolitical underpinnings of these attacks. Furthermore, the opportunistic nature of the attacks highlights the importance of basic cybersecurity hygiene in protecting critical infrastructure.


General Information

  • Name: Cyber Av3ngers
  • Origin: Iran
  • Type of Actor: Hacktivist group
  • Affiliation: Alleged ties to the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC)

Operational Profile

  • Target Sectors: Critical infrastructure, particularly water utilities; previously targeted Israeli interests
  • Preferred Tactics and Techniques:
    • Exploiting vulnerabilities in PLCs
    • Utilizing default passwords
    • Internet-based attacks
  • Known Operations: Attacks on U.S. water utilities, targeting Israeli-made Unitronics PLCs


  • Primary: Political, likely tied to regional conflicts, particularly the Israel-Hamas tension
  • Secondary: Demonstrating vulnerabilities in critical infrastructure, potentially as a form of information warfare


  • Technical Proficiency: Moderate to high; successful in exploiting known vulnerabilities in widely used industrial control systems
  • Resource Level: Likely state-supported or state-affiliated, given the ties to IRGC

Threat Level to U.S. Interests

  • High: Due to the targeting of critical infrastructure and the potential for disruption or damage

Indicators of Compromise (IoCs)

  • Unauthorized access or alterations in Unitronics PLCs
  • Default password usage in critical systems
  • Suspicious internet activity linked to industrial control systems

Recommendations for Mitigation

  • Changing default passwords on all critical systems
  • Disconnecting sensitive control systems from the internet where feasible
  • Regular cybersecurity assessments and updates
  • Multi-factor authentication for system access

Intelligence Assessment

Cyber Av3ngers represents a significant cyber threat due to its apparent state affiliation and focus on critical infrastructure. Their operations reflect a blend of technical opportunism and politically motivated targeting, aligning with broader geopolitical tensions.

Technical Indicators of Compromise (IoCs) for Cyber Av3ngers

The U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has identified several technical IoCs associated with the activities of Cyber Av3ngers, an Iranian IRGC-affiliated cyber actor:

Compromised Unitronics PLCs:

  • Description: CyberAv3ngers targeted Unitronics Vision Series PLCs with Human Machine Interfaces (HMI)​​.
  • IoC: These devices were publicly exposed to the internet with default passwords and typically operate on TCP port 20256.

Activity Observations:

  • Description: The group’s activities were observed on their Telegram channel, where they claimed cyberattacks against Israeli PLCs in various sectors​​.
  • IoC: Specific activities include the compromise of over 50 servers, security cameras, and smart city management systems in Israel, as well as multiple U.S.-based water and wastewater facilities.

Hash Values Associated with Crucio Ransomware:

  • MD5 Hash: BA284A4B508A7ABD8070A427386E93E0
  • SHA1 Hash: 66AE21571FAEE1E258549078144325DC9DD60303
  • SHA256 Hash: 440b5385d3838e3f6bc21220caa83b65cd5f3618daea676f271c3671650ce9a3
  • Description: These hash values are suspected to be associated with Crucio Ransomware used by the group​​.

IP Addresses:

  • IP Address 1: 178.162.227[.]180
  • IP Address 2: 185.162.235[.]206
  • Description: These IP addresses have been associated with the group’s cyber activities​​.

Brute Force Techniques:

  • Technique Title: Brute Force Techniques (MITRE ATT&CK ID: T1110)
  • Description: CyberAv3ngers obtained login credentials, which they used to log into Unitronics devices and gain root-level access​​.

Links Used for Synthesis of this report:

  1. Reuters – Data Breaches Increase in the U.S.
  2. Cybernews – FBI Alerts on Online Fraud Schemes
  3. TechCrunch – Security News
  4. The Hacker News – CISA Warns of Adobe ColdFusion Vulnerability
  5. POLITICO – Federal Government Investigating Hacks of US Water Facilities
  6. The Register – Iran-linked Cyber Thugs Target US Water Systems
  7. CISA – IRGC-Affiliated Cyber Actors Exploit PLCs
