Of Objects seen at a Distance
2023-12-12 12:15:2 Author: hackernoon.com(查看原文) 阅读量:6 收藏

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LANDSCAPE. Chap. CCCXXIII.—Of Objects seen at a Distance. Any dark object will appear lighter when removed to some distance from the eye. It follows, by the contrary reason, that a dark object will appear still darker when brought nearer to the eye. Therefore the inferior parts of any object whatever, placed in thick air, will appear farther from the eye at the bottom than at the top; for that reason the lower parts of a mountain appear farther off than its top, which is in reality the farthest. Chap. CCCXXIV.—Of a Town seen through a thick Air. The eye which, looking downwards, sees a town immersed in very thick air, will perceive the top of the buildings darker, but more distinct than the bottom. The tops detach against a light ground, because they are seen against the low and thick air which is beyond them. This is a consequence of what has been explained in the preceding chapter. Chap. CCCXXV.—How to draw a Landscape. Contrive that the trees in your landscape be half in shadow and half in the light. It is better to represent them as when the sun is veiled with thin clouds, because in that case the trees receive a general light from the sky, and are darkest in those parts which are nearest to the earth.

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