An Alloy of Tin and Phosphorus
2023-12-14 16:30:2 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:4 收藏

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At the Graupen Tin Works, in Bohemia, an alloy of tin and phosphorus is made containing the greatest possible quantity of phosphorus which the tin is able to retain without losing any of it upon repeated meltings. This compound, which is neither entitled to the name of alloy nor is it a phosphide of tin, is employed in the manufacture of phosphorus-bronze. In the manufacture of phosphorus-bronze, by alloying copper with phosphorus-tin, no other precautions require to be observed than in the preparation of common bronze. As the different properties of phosphorus-bronze depend upon the proportions of phosphorus and of tin, two kinds of phosphorus-tin are prepared. No. 0 contains 5 per cent., and No. 1, 2½ per cent. of phosphorus. These two kinds suffice to make the greater part of all the desired mixtures. For special purposes, the Graupen Works make to order phosphorus-tin with any desired quantity of phosphorus not exceeding 5 per cent., which is the highest possible limit. It is claimed that phosphorus-bronze may be manufactured by the use of this phosphorus-tin as much as 40 per cent. cheaper than that now in the market, while it will only cost 8 per cent. more than the ordinary tin and copper bronze.
