Creating a New Market for Post-Quantum Cryptography
2023-12-18 22:0:11 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:12 收藏

A day in the busy life of any systems integrator includes many actions that revolve around the lifeblood of its business – its customers. Critical activities include finding new customers, keeping current customers happy and working with vendors to bring innovative new solutions to market for customers. Systems integrators help solve evolving customer business challenges, which in turn adds partner value. It’s a complicated ecosystem and every integrator must find the right balance between vendors, solutions, product stagnation, new product introduction and investment in potential new market opportunities.

In the spirit of developing new partner market opportunities, there are currently two very large waves impacting the systems integrator ecosystem. The first large wave catching everyone’s attention is the rapid emergence of AI. ChatGPT is changing the face of content development and AI is being integrated into all sorts of backend processes to speed up time-to-business-value. AI has become the buzzword of the year. The second wave that is breaking on the heels of AI is quantum computing. Quantum computing has the potential to disrupt the cybersecurity market and will spark the single largest IT systems upgrade in history.

Quantum computers can crack modern cryptographic algorithms such as public key infrastructure (PKI) and can negatively impact virtually every secure infrastructure system deployed worldwide. And for systems integrators, this presents a massive business opportunity worthy of attention.

Secure Communications and Data Protection

The field of cryptography has long been an essential component of secure communications and data protection. However, with the rapid advancements in quantum computing, the traditional cryptographic algorithms that have served us well are now at risk of being broken. To address this challenge, post-quantum cryptography (PQC) has emerged as the next generation of encryption algorithms that can withstand the processing power of quantum computers. It’s important to understand post-quantum technology considerations and the business opportunities that await systems integrators in the realm of PQC, and how they can capitalize on this emerging market.

Quantum computers threaten the security of existing cryptographic algorithms, such as RSA and ECC, which rely on the difficulty of factoring large numbers or solving the discrete logarithm problem. Quantum computers have the potential to solve these problems exponentially faster than classical computers, rendering all current encryption methods vulnerable. This is the reason post-quantum cryptography is emerging as such an exciting arena for system integrators.

Post-quantum cryptography offers a solution by utilizing mathematical problems that are resistant to quantum attacks. These new algorithms are being developed and standardized by various organizations, including the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). By embracing PQC, systems integrators can provide robust and future-proof security solutions to clients.

Translation: This is an opportunity to have a conversation with customers about reducing impending business and cyber risk.

By transitioning existing security systems to PQC today, systems integrators can leverage their current expertise to help customer organizations move from traditional cryptographic systems to post-quantum cryptographic solutions. This involves assessing the current cryptographic infrastructure, identifying vulnerabilities and proposing suitable PQC solutions. By providing seamless transitions, systems integrators can ensure that organizations stay ahead of the quantum threat.

Translation: There is a massive partner revenue opportunity inside your customer-installed base – and the solution is available today.

The complex nature of post-quantum cryptography presents an opportunity to deliver even deeper customer value for systems integrators, by offering preemptive PQC consulting and cyber education services. Many organizations are still unfamiliar with PQC and its implications. Systems integrators can take a leadership role in bridging this knowledge gap by providing workshops, training sessions and strategic guidance on integrating PQC into existing security frameworks.

By collaborating with leading PQC vendors, systems integrators can establish partnerships to gain access to cutting-edge algorithms and technologies. Systems integrators can offer a diverse range of PQC solutions to meet the specific security needs of clients by aligning with trusted vendors. This collaboration also enables systems integrators to provide ongoing support, updates and customization services.

Translation: Become the trusted advisor to customers and extend your cyberpractice to include PQC.

One of the potential challenges customers have in adopting PQC is the lack of understanding about quantum computing and quantum cyber security in general. By partnering with the right PQC vendors, systems integrators don’t need to develop a deep understanding of the mathematical foundations and practical implementation of PQC algorithms. Instead, they can focus on the job of solving customer business problems and becoming a trusted security partner.

Translation: By collaborating with experts and building a skilled field team that can deliver robust PQC solutions, any systems integrator can quickly jump on this significant revenue opportunity.

Post-quantum cryptography presents an exciting opportunity for systems integrators to tap into a new market and offer cutting-edge security solutions to clients. By embracing PQC, systems integrators can transition existing systems, provide consulting services and forge long-standing partnerships with clients.

Systems integrators with rich cyberpractices already have the technical expertise needed to consult, understand and deploy today’s PQC solutions. Early adoption is the key to seizing the full potential of this massive emerging field, and as systems integrators navigate this evolving landscape, they can position themselves as trusted advisors, innovators and leaders in the realm of post-quantum cryptography.
