To Manufacturers of Knitted Goods
2023-12-29 20:45:1 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:4 收藏

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JOHN KENT is now in England, completing arrangements so as to be able to supply his American friends with his improved Knitting Machines with greater dispatch, and with all the latest improvements. He would beg to call especial attention to The Improved Rib Top Frame, now so well known, and acknowledged to be the best rib top frame ever built, for speed and quality of goods produced. Price, delivered free in New York, $520, currency. The Improved Circular Web Frame, for drawers and shirts, built of any size and gage. Price for a 4-head set, 17 inch to 20 inch diameter, $810, currency, delivered free in New York. The Circular Stocking Frame, from 2 in. to 5½ in. diameter. These circular frames, with my last improvements, are as near perfection as possible. The Patent Full-fashioned Shirt, Drawers and Stocking Frames produce the most perfect goods ever made by steam-power machinery, and cost fifty per cent less to keep in repair than any other Knitting Machine. Built 10 to 24 gage, and from 30 to 140 inch wide, to order.
