From Early Access to Success: How Device Check is Enhancing Bot Security with Invisible Challenges
2024-1-5 23:37:11 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:3 收藏

Navigating the dynamic realm of cybersecurity demands constant vigilance against the relentless evolution of bot attacks. In response to this challenge, some vendors are introducing invisible proof-of-work challenges to complement CAPTCHA, as noted by Gartner in their 2023 “Bot Management for the IAM Leader” report. Notably, Device Check, DataDome’s invisible challenge solution, has recently gained significant traction in the industry.

What DataDome Customers Are Saying About Device Check

After a period of early access and witnessing remarkable results from our pioneering customers, we are excited to shine a spotlight on the innovative strides made possible by Device Check.

Decreasing False Positives

Preliminary users of Device Check reported an unprecedented reduction in bot-related incidents and showered praise on the solution’s efficacy. Addressing a crucial security concern for a prominent luxury brand, DataDome identified an alarming surge in false positives on endpoints attacked by relentless scraping bots. Recognizing the need for a solution, Device Check was deployed, resulting in an impressive 80% decrease in false positives. This substantial enhancement ensured a seamless online experience for their esteemed customers—and upheld the brand’s integrity by keeping customer data safe from harmful bot attacks.

Blocking Bots Before Initial Requests

In another instance, DataDome collaborated with an auto industry leader grappling with the delicate task of maintaining a low false positive rate while battling advanced scraping bots. Device Check emerged as a strategic asset, enabling the client to block 9% of bots before any initial requests were made. While the success story is anonymous for confidentiality, it underscores DataDome’s commitment to delivering advanced and effective security solutions in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

Confirming Illegitimate Bot Traffic

Partnering with a well-known online platform, DataDome addressed a revenue loss challenge stemming from an internal tool rejecting numerous valid interactions. Leveraging Device Check, nearly 50% of the traffic was confirmed as illegitimate, effectively blocking advanced bots that were previously overlooked. This success story highlights how DataDome’s solutions not only safeguard revenue but also enhance bot detection accuracy, ensuring the validation of legitimate interactions.


Our team is genuinely delighted with the remarkable progress and positive feedback received from these early adopters. The strides made with Device Check underscore our commitment to providing cutting-edge security solutions for businesses navigating the complexities of bot security.

To learn more about Device Check and how DataDome’s online bot and fraud protection can keep your business safe from bad bots, book a demo today or start a free trial.

*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from DataDome authored by DataDome. Read the original post at:

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