SAP JAVA component patch update(SCA) using telnet #ATR
2024-1-16 01:51:50 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:11 收藏


Created this blog to provide information on how to do component patch update on Java System using telnet.

IMP: Telnet should be used only for individual component update or with proper fetch of component dependencies. SUM is recommended for Major SCA – SERVERCORE, CORETOOLS, FRAMEWORK component updates.

Software Dependency check:

Check whether software component has dependencies which needs to be updated together. Missed dependencies will be highlighted during update process as well.

Check dependencies for all components. Once downloaded, you can paste all dependencies in single folder and proceed for deployment for multiple SCA.

1) Make sure “Telnet” port is active in the system.

2) Connect to the telnet port [As per defined HOST parameter]

  • telnet <hostname>:5<instance_number>telnetport
  • telnet localhost 5<instancenumber>telnetport

3) Login with Administrator/j2ee_admin user and deploy patch using below command.

Single component update: 

deploy <path_to _archive.SCAorSDA> version_rule=all

Multiple SCA Component update:

Create text file and mention all SCA and its dependencies file location.
deploy <path to text file> version_rule=all
It will deploy all SCAs and its dependencies at once.

Version Rule “All” includes below deploy settings.


Reference snaps:

Note: Some SCA deployment requires offline update.

Telnet itself will restart system and start offline deployments. If not started automatically due to port issues, we can manually remove “safe mode” which set by telnet for deployment and start the system.

E:\usr\sap\SID\JINS\j2ee\configtool – configtool.bat à File -> SafeMode

Usual start procedure of the jstart process will be DB check(start) -> Synchronizing Binaries (Bootstrap check) -> Deploying offline components -> Starting server process. Hence, system will automatically detect whichever components set for deployment and start to deploy it before starting server process.

You can see sap service status will be in “Deploying offline components” via SAP MMC, SAPCONTROL. Logs can be viewed in dev_deployment, deploy trace/log, dev_jstart files available in work directory.


(deploy.log file)

You can also check and export results after connecting telnet again with get_result command.

4) Check in software component details whether updated version reflected or not post deployment completed.

#Thanks for Visiting
