My Partner Rewards App Retirement and Consolidation with SAP for Me!
2024-1-16 01:7:25 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:14 收藏

Dear Partners,

We are pleased to announce that Partner payment and commission information is now available in SAP for Me.

Partner Cloud Choice Payments

In the Finance & Legal Dashboard under the new Commissions tab, Partners can view a card for their Partner Cloud Choice Payment Summary:

This card displays an aggregate view of your payments by Customer. Partner Paid Commission Total and Processing Partner Pay Out (Estimated) show the values in local currency. Your payment value will include tax, if applicable for your country.

If you have a block due to unpaid invoices, you will see a warning alert to indicate that there is an issue which needs to be resolved urgently.

Click on the chevron in the far-right column to navigate to the detailed dashboard for each Customer. Here you can see three cards for Cloud Choice, Flex Model Consider & Select, Cloud Choice, Flex Model Adopt & Operate, and Cloud Choice, Profit Option Commission Options.

On each card you will see key payment information relating to that card.

  • Cloud Choice, Flex Model Consider & Select Commission Payments

This card includes the contractual and opportunity information, eligible TCV amount, Commission amount and Commission payment date and status. Click “See More” to see a popover with further quote and invoice information.

  • Cloud Choice, Flex Model Adopt & Operate Commission Payments

This card includes contractual and opportunity information, the relevant quarter, quarterly eligible AACV, Commission amount and Commission payment date and status. Click “See More” to see a popover with further quote, invoice and eligibility information.

  • Cloud Choice, Profit Option Commission Payments

This card includes contractual and opportunity information, the relevant quarter, eligible amount, Invoice ID, and Commission payment date and status. Click “See More” to see a popover with further customer invoice payment information.

Sales Performance Rebates

In the Finance & Legal Dashboard under the new Commissions tab, Partners can view Sales Performance Rebates by year.

Partner Funds Claims

In the Sales & Marketing Dashboard, under the new Funds page, Partners can now view MDF and BDF Funds claims by year.

Retirement of My Partner Rewards App

This content has been migrated to SAP for Me as part of our strategy to consolidate Partner content into one central portal. As a result, the My Partner Rewards app has been retired. Please continue to access SAP for Me and make sure you are making the most of the tool.

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