Entanglement Entropy and Page Curve From the M-Theory Dual of Thermal Qcd at Intermediate Coupling
2024-2-23 16:0:10 Author: hackernoon.com(查看原文) 阅读量:5 收藏

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Entanglement Entropy and Page Curve From the M-Theory Dual of Thermal Qcd at Intermediate Coupling by@multiversetheory

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Explore the intricate relationship between entanglement entropy and Page curves in the context of M-theory's dual description of thermal QCD. Gain insights into the impact of higher derivative terms, the behavior of Hartman-Maldacena-like and island surfaces, and the hierarchy of entanglement entropies. This chapter delves into the entanglement entropy and Page curves in the M-theory dual representation of thermal QCD, examining the effects of intermediate coupling and higher derivative terms. It explores the behavior of Hartman-Maldacena-like and island surfaces, elucidating a hierarchy of entanglement entropies and the role of massless gravitons in shaping the curves. Additionally, it discusses the implications of O(R^4) corrections and their impact on the Page curve's behavior.

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文章来源: https://hackernoon.com/entanglement-entropy-and-page-curve-from-the-m-theory-dual-of-thermal-qcd-at-intermediate-coupling?source=rss