NSFOCUS Innovative DDoS Protection Technology Secures Your Network Perimeter
2024-2-23 09:30:0 Author: securityboulevard.com(查看原文) 阅读量:3 收藏

Cybersecurity is crucial for national security in the digital world, where major powers clash over their interests. However, technology also enables more sophisticated and harmful network attacks. One of the most common and dangerous types of attacks is distributed denial-of-service (DDoS), which can hide, coordinate, and scale up to overwhelm a target. DDoS attacks threaten national network security worldwide, as they can damage businesses, governments, and critical infrastructure. They can also expose sensitive information and disrupt essential services.

NSFOCUS: Continuous innovation and improvement of security technology capabilities

Automated Defense: The automated defense technology in DDoS protection is an intelligent system based on advanced artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning algorithms. It can efficiently identify, analyze and respond to the threats of new DDoS attacks. Its core concept is based on real-time data detection and behavior pattern analysis. Under the guidance of predefined policies, rules and models, it automatically initiates defense mechanisms, adapts to changing attack methods, adjusts protection policies in real time, and achieves fast and accurate responses to cope with diversified and complex DDoS attacks.

Defense Forward: Defense Forward refers to proactive and purposeful defense actions taken before an attack event occurs. It is a type of attack protection activity with wrapping characteristics, and a pre-war game of offense and defense. Through Defense Forward, defenders can obtain intelligence and complete the identification and research of attack gangs and bots in advance, discover potential DDoS attack organizations, and perceive their attack activities, achieve timely early warning, complete destruction actions at critical moments, and directly strangle the attack at the beginning.

Programmable Confrontation: Traditional DDoS protection uses fixed rules and cannot be configured flexibly. NSFOCUS ADS has completed algorithm innovation and achieved programmable confrontation capabilities on the data plane. It supports generating rules according to a given programming language and completing protection responses for packets containing privacy rules or complex logic.

Bot Device Protection: The industry’s defense algorithm for bot devices is limited, and some attacks can bypass the current mainstream device’s defense algorithm. NSFOCUS ADS adds session monitoring capabilities at the bottom layer, realizing the upgrade from source IP behavior monitoring to session monitoring. It refines protocol control and multiple defense mechanisms such as speed limit and blacklisting, cooperates with threat intelligence systems, honeypots and other multiple sources of information, and maximizes the defense capabilities and accuracy of NSFOCUS anti-DDoS products, which can meet the protection needs of different industry customers.

NSFOCUS always takes technological strength as its first core competitiveness, and constantly explores and actively responds to the latest challenges in the field of DDoS Protection. Moving forward, NSFOCUS will continue to increase its R&D investment, constantly improve its DDoS protection technology level, and continue to provide comprehensive and high-quality cybersecurity solutions to provide users with more reliable network security protection.

To learn more about how NSFOCUS Anti-DDoS Solution can protect your network from DDoS attacks, visit our website and contact us to request a free demo today.

The post NSFOCUS Innovative DDoS Protection Technology Secures Your Network Perimeter appeared first on NSFOCUS, Inc., a global network and cyber security leader, protects enterprises and carriers from advanced cyber attacks..

*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from NSFOCUS, Inc., a global network and cyber security leader, protects enterprises and carriers from advanced cyber attacks. authored by NSFOCUS. Read the original post at: https://nsfocusglobal.com/nsfocus-innovative-ddos-protection-technology-secures-your-network-perimeter/

文章来源: https://securityboulevard.com/2024/02/nsfocus-innovative-ddos-protection-technology-secures-your-network-perimeter/