PAM 2024 论文录用列表
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The Passive and Active Measurement (PAM)会议关注网络测量和分析领域的研究工作 (同类型会议还有IMC),也是CCF C类会议,2024年共录用27篇(2022:30; 2019:20),录用率为(2022:48.39%),其中包含网络测量方法、DNS、隐私保护等。国内主要有中国科学院计算技术研究所等,小编将一些跟自己相关的论文标记出来供大家查阅,所有录用论文标题如下:

  • Inside the Engine Room: Investigating Steam’s Content Delivery Platform Infrastructure in the Era of 100GB Games

Christoff Visser (IIJ Research Laboratory), Romain Fontugne (IIJ Research Laboratory)

  • Exploring the Discovery Process of Fresh IPv6 Prefixes: An Analysis of Scanning Behavior in Darknet and Honeynet

Liang Zhao (Sokendai), Satoru Kobayashi (Okayama University), Kensuke Fukuda (NII/Sokendai)

  • Dom-BERT: Detecting Malicious Domains with Pre-training Model

Yu Tian (Institute of Computing Technology & University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China), Zhenyu Li (Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)

  • Watching Stars in Pixels: The Interplay of Traffic Shaping and YouTube Streaming QoE over GEO Satellite Networks

Jiamo Liu (University of California Santa Barbara), David Lerner (Viasat), Jae Chung (Viasat), Udit Paul (University of California Santa Barbara), Arpit Gupta (University of California Santa Barbara), Elizabeth M. Belding (University of California Santa Barbara)

  • Spoofed Emails: An Analysis of the Issues Hindering a Better Use and Larger Deployment of DMARC

Olivier Hureau (Université Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, Grenoble INP, LIG), Jan Bayer (Université Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, Grenoble INP, LIG), Andrzej Duda (Université Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, Grenoble INP, LIG), Maciej Korczyński (Université Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, Grenoble INP, LIG)

  • Ebb and Flow: Implications of ISP Address Dynamics

Guillermo Baltra (University of Southern California), Xiao Song (University of Southern California), John Heidemann (University of Southern California / ISI), Qinge Xie (Georgia Institute of Technology), Frank Li (Georgia Institute of Technology)

  • Crawling to the Top: An Empirical Evaluation of Top List Use

Qinge Xie (Georgia Institute of Technology), Frank Li (Georgia Institute of Technology)

  • SunBlock: Cloudless Protection for IoT Systems

Vadim Safronov (Imperial College London), Anna Maria Mandalari (University College London), Daniel J. Dubois (Northeastern University), David Choffnes (Northeastern University), Hamed Haddadi (Imperial College London)

  • Network Anatomy and Real-Time Measurement of Nvidia GeForce NOW Cloud Gaming

Minzhao Lyu (University of New South Wales), Sharat Chandra Madanapalli (Canopus Networks), Arun Vishwanath (Canopus Networks), Vijay Sivaraman (University of New South Wales)

  • Following the Data Trail: An Analysis of IXP Dependencies

Malte Tashiro (Sokendai / IIJ), Romain Fontugne (IIJ), Kensuke Fukuda (NII / Sokendai)

  • Out in the Open: On the Implementation of Mobile App Filtering in India

Devashish Gosain (BITS Pilani Goa Campus), Kartikey Singh (IIIT Delhi), Rishi Sharma (IIIT Delhi), Jithin S (IIIT Delhi), Sambuddho (IIIT Delhi)

  • Promises and Potential of BBRv3

Emilia Weyulu (Max Planck Institute for Informatics), Danesh Zeynali (Max Planck Institute for Informatics), Seifeddine Fathalli (Max Planck Institute for Informatics), Balakrishnan Chandrasekaran (VU University Amsterdam), Anja Feldmann (Max Planck Institute for Informatics)

  • Data Augmentation for Traffic Classification

Chao Wang (Eurecom and Huawei Technologies France SASU), Alessandro Finamore (Huawei Technologies France SASU), Pietro Michiardi (Eurecom), Massimo Gallo (Huawei Technologies France SASU), Dario Rossi (Huawei Technologies France SASU)

  • QUIC Hunter: Finding QUIC Deployments and Identifying Server Libraries Across the Internet

Johannes Zirngibl (Technical University of Munich), Florian Gebauer (Technical University of Munich), Patrick Sattler (Technical University of Munich), Markus Sosnowski (Technical University of Munich), Georg Carle (Technical University of Munich)

  • Insights into SAV Implementations in the Internet

Haya Shulman (Goethe-University Frankfurt, ATHENE), Shujie Zhao (Fraunhofer SIT, ATHENE)

  • You can Find me Here: A Study of the Early Adoption of Geofeeds

Rahel A. Fainchtein (Georgetown University, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory), Micah Sherr (Georgetown University)

  • From Power to Water: Dissecting SCADA Networks Across Different Critical Infrastructures

Neil Ortiz (University of California Santa Cruz), Martin Rosso (Eindhoven University of Technology), Emmanuele Zambon-Mazzocato (Eindhoven University of Technology), Jerry den Hartog (Eindhoven University of Technology), Alvaro Cardenas (University of California Santa Cruz)

  • Towards Improving Outage Detection with Multiple Probing Protocols

Manasvini Sethuraman (Georgia Institute of Technology), Zachary Bischof (Georgia Institute of Technology), Alberto Dainotti (Georgia Institute of Technology)

  • Designing a Lightweight Network Observability agent for Cloud Applications

Pravein Govindan Kannan (IBM Research), Shachee Mishra Gupta (IBM Research), Dushyant Behl (IBM Research), Eran Raichstein (IBM Research), Joel Takvorian (Red Hat Inc.)

  • A tale of two synergies: Uncovering RPKI practices for RTBH at IXPs

Ioana Livadariu (Simula Metropolitan), Romain Fontugne (IIJ Research Laboratory), Amreesh Phokeer (Internet Society), Massimo Candela (NTT), Massimiliano Stucchi (AS58280)

  • A First Look At NAT64 Deployment In-The-Wild

Amanda Hsu (Georgia Institute of Technology), Frank Li (Georgia Institute of Technology), Paul Pearce (Georgia Institute of Technology), Oliver Gasser (Max Planck Institute for Informatics)

  • Can LEO Satellites Enhance the Resilience of Internet to Multi-Hazard Risks?

Aleksandr Stevens (University of Oregon), Blaise Iradukunda (University of Oregon), Brad Bailey (University of Oregon), Ram Durairajan (University of Oregon)

  • WHOIS Right? An Analysis of WHOIS and RDAP Consistency

Simon Fernandez (Univ. Grenoble Alpes, Grenoble INP, LIG), Olivier Hureau (Univ. Grenoble Alpes, Grenoble INP, LIG), Andrzej Duda (Univ. Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, Grenoble INP, LIG), Maciej Korczynski (Univ. Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, Grenoble INP, LIG)

  • Trust Issue(r)s: Certificate Revocation and Replacement Practices in the Wild

David Cerenius (Linköping University), Martin Kaller (Linköping University), Carl Magnus Bruhner (Linköping University), Martin Arlitt (University of Calgary), Niklas Carlsson (Linköping University)

  • Swamp of Reflectors: Investigating the Ecosystem of Open DNS Resolvers

Ramin Yazdani (University of Twente), Mattijs Jonker (University of Twente), Anna Sperotto (University of Twente)

  • On the Dark Side of the Coin: Characterizing Bitcoin use for Illicit Activities

Hampus Rosenquist (Linköping University), David Hasselquist (Linköping University), Martin Arlitt (University of Calgary), Niklas Carlsson (Linköping University)

  • Anycast Polarization in The Wild

ASM Rizvi (University of Southern California / Information Sciences Institute / Akamai Technologies), Tingshan Huang (Akamai Technologies), Rasit Esrefoglu (Akamai Technologies), John Heidemann (University of Southern California / Information Sciences Institute)


