2024-3-12 07:28:33 Author: mp.weixin.qq.com(查看原文) 阅读量:10 收藏

1、How to conduct osint investigations on the dark Web

To conduct OSINT investigations on the dark web, it is important to follow a few steps and use the right tools. The steps are mainly as follows:

  1. How to get onion links over TOR: To access the dark web, you need to use specialized software such as the Tor browser, which encrypts internet traffic and routes it through a series of servers around the world to obscure the user's identity.

  2. How to search these links: Once you have accessed the dark web, you can use search engines such as DuckDuckGo or Hidden Wiki to search for information.

  3. How to collect the data through these connections: You can use tools such as Mimikatz or Empire to collect data from the dark web.

  4. How to process this data: After collecting the data, you can use tools such as Maltego or Cuckoo Sandbox to process and analyze the data.

It is important to note that the dark web can be a valuable source of information for OSINT investigations, but it can also be a risky and unreliable source of information. It is important to ensure that all information collected from the dark web is obtained legally and ethically.
Reference files:

  • 如何通过TOR获得洋葱链接:要访问暗网,你需要使用专门的软件,如TOR浏览器,它可以加密互联网流量,并通过世界各地的一系列服务器将其路由,以掩盖用户的身份。
  • 如何搜索这些链接:一旦你进入暗网,你可以使用搜索引擎,如DuckDuckGo或Hidden Wiki来搜索信息。
  • 如何通过这些连接收集数据:您可以使用Mimikatz或Empire等工具从暗网收集数据。
  • 如何处理数据:收集数据后,可以使用Maltego或Cuckoo Sandbox等工具对数据进行处理和分析。

2、What is the main content of this pdf document : HOW DARK WEB MONITORING CAN BE USED FOR OSINT AND INVESTIGATIONS

The main content of the PDF document "HOW DARK WEB MONITORING CAN BE USED FOR OSINT AND INVESTIGATIONS" is an exploration of how dark web monitoring can be used for open-source intelligence (OSINT) and investigations. The article discusses the ways in which dark web monitoring can be used to identify and track illegal activities on the dark web, such as the sale of illegal goods and services, the distribution of prohibited content, and the planning of criminal activities. It also examines the challenges and limitations associated with dark web monitoring, including the need for specialized knowledge and technical expertise, and the risk of exposure to potentially harmful or illegal content. The article provides a simple methodology for automating the process of dark web monitoring for OSINT and investigations, including the use of specialized software such as the Tor browser.
Reference files:





3、What is the specific process for using dark web surveillance to identify and track illegal activity on the dark web?

The specific process for using dark web surveillance to identify and track illegal activity on the dark web involves the use of specialized tools and software to scan the dark web for certain keywords or to monitor specific websites or forums that are known to be associated with illegal activity. These tools may use a variety of techniques to scan the dark web, including keyword monitoring, website monitoring, link analysis, and intelligence gathering. Keyword monitoring involves using software to scan the dark web for specific keywords that may be associated with illegal activities or the sale of sensitive data. Website monitoring involves monitoring specific websites or forums on the dark web that are known to be associated with illegal activities. Link analysis involves analyzing the links between different websites and forums on the dark web to identify patterns and connections that may be associated with illegal activity. Intelligence gathering involves collecting and analyzing information about activities on the dark web to identify trends and patterns that may be indicative of illegal activity.
Reference files:





4、Does the document describe what software can be used to scan the dark web?

Yes, the document describes several software tools that can be used to scan the dark web. These include keyword monitoring, website monitoring, link analysis, and intelligence gathering. Some of the specific tools mentioned include Tor, Hunchly, Onionscan, Onion-nmap, TorBot, and OnionIngestor. It is also noted that while there are tools available for dark web monitoring, the actual automatic intelligence cannot be performed on the Dark Web, and data retrieval and analysis would be very challenging to perform automatically.
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文章来源: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzI2MTE0NTE3Mw==&mid=2651142638&idx=1&sn=1c8562f3c4a4fec71acec9f3e7dac34b&chksm=f1af4ed4c6d8c7c2ecc8774534f01cbac259b947cfb1c69449221bf10b7550f24d8e89188101&scene=58&subscene=0#rd