timwhitez starred ChaiLdr
2024-4-1 14:55:3 Author: github.com(查看原文) 阅读量:7 收藏

A simple shellcode loader built with the concepts of Malware development I have learnt till now.


  • Indirect syscalls with SysWhispers3 - jumper_randomized
  • QueueUserAPC Injection
  • HTTP/S shellcode staging
  • Execution delay using API Hammering
  • IAT Camouflage
  • API Hashing

Testing with Havoc and the Latest Windows Defender




CRT Library Removal : I tried a lot to get the payload working with CRT Library removed and make it independent with custom intrinsic functions for - memcpy, memset, rand, stand, etc, but ended up with a lot of crashes and after hours of debugging couldn't get it working, I'll incorporate it into a dev branch soon enough. I have used minicrt, MiniCRT, etc for references but still couldn't get it to work.

Shellcode Encryption : The shellcode is fetched from a remote server, providing SSL support. I haven't incorporated any shellcode encryption, when used with Havoc, Havoc provides Sleep encryption.

Why not HellsGate? : HellGate incorporated only direct syscalls, HellsHall uses indirect syscalls, but I'm still learning that and will build my custom implementation of it in the future

EDR Evasion? : This is a simple shellcode payload loader, it can bypass a lot of antivirus software and some EDRs but the techniques it incorporates aren't the best, so as I keep learning I'll make better loaders!

文章来源: https://github.com/Cipher7/ChaiLdr