Broadcast Network Finds Multiple Solutions with Votiro
2024-4-4 06:23:39 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:5 收藏

A close-up of a studio broadcast camera.

This Faith-based Broadcast Network shares its messages via TV and new media in the East Coast market. The Network does this primarily through a daily broadcast, while also extending its reach with a 24/7 channel that provides its audience with educational and inspirational programming.

The Challenges

  • The Network’s former browser security technology had vulnerabilities that put the Network at risk. It was also dependent on servers that required maintenance by IT.
  • The Network’s IT and security teams required enhanced email protection for their users.
  • As a producer and distributor of video content, the Network required a platform integration that could sanitize and host large file sizes.

The Solutions

  • Votiro brought in FileCloud, a trusted Votiro technology partner, which gave the Network the ability to host and transfer its large file sizes.
  • Concurrently, as files are uploaded and shared via FileCloud, Votiro’s integrated and enhanced solution is able to cleanse the Network’s files in-motion, in real-time.
  • The Network’s traffic was offloaded from on-prem servers directly to FileCloud where the files can now be automatically sanitized by Votiro to ensure both known and unknown threats are removed before any unsecured downloading, sharing, and collaboration can occur.

Read the full story by using the link below, including how Votiro stopped an email threat from entering the organization’s endpoint — a threat that avoided detection by antivirus.

Download the Case Study

The post Broadcast Network Finds Multiple Solutions with Votiro appeared first on Votiro.

*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from Votiro authored by Votiro. Read the original post at:
