Object-Centric Models for ARC Grids: A Deeper Look
2024-4-13 09:30:37 Author: hackernoon.com(查看原文) 阅读量:1 收藏

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We introduce object-centric models as a mix of patterns and functions, in contrast to DSL-based programs that are only made of functions. We examplify them with grid models that describe ARC grids in term of objects having different shapes, colors, sizes, and positions. Such grid models are used to parse a grid, i.e. to understand its contents according to the model, and also to generate a grid, using the model as a template. A task model comprises two grid models that enable to predict an output grid, to describe a pair of grids, or to create a new pair of grids for the given task.

文章来源: https://hackernoon.com/object-centric-models-for-arc-grids-a-deeper-look?source=rss