Back to Security Basics
2024-4-24 15:0:0 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:4 收藏

Lift your organisation’s security into the top 1%

Back to Security Basics

It’s a shocking statistic, but most businesses don’t have a cyber security plan. Given the lack of general interest in cyber security, it’s no wonder that ransomware and less obvious threats are running riot through computer systems all over the world.


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The security basics

The larger the organisation, the more complex its security needs, but at the very core the same old cliched advice still applies to everyone:


  1. Back up your important data.
  2. Use multi-factor authentication.
  3. Use endpoint protection.
  4. Apply security patches when available.

If that sounds painfully basic and boring, I’m sorry. But it’s still the best advice out there. You don’t need AI, blockchain or other magical concepts to raise yourself to the top 1% of secure internet users.

Best endpoint protection for your business

If you want to know which endpoint protection to use, our new endpoint protection reports will help you or your business choose. There is, of course, more to cyber security than choosing an ‘anti-virus’ program though! How you manage the products is important. Can you push out policies quickly and comprehensively? What happens when a license expires (or a product incorrectly determines that its license has expired)? What kind of impact does the software have to the performance of its host?

Our latest reports focus on the effectiveness of endpoint security but SE Labs continues to build its insight into other aspects of endpoint security. It does this through hands-on experience with security products and through the business community. If you want to know more please get in touch.

The-C2 threat intelligence conference

SE Labs is a big supporter of a holistic and back-to-basics approach to security. For that reason, it supports The-C2, a new business-focused cyber security conference. In March this year Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs), analysts and other security experts from around the world gathered in London for the exclusive The-C2 conference, covering ‘the basics’ and much more. You can see the programme and other details of the event at If you don’t have a cyber security plan (a statistical likelihood) start with this report then join our community to learn more about securing your organisation. To register your interest please email [email protected].

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The post Back to Security Basics appeared first on SE Labs Blog.

*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from SE Labs Blog authored by SE Labs Team. Read the original post at:
