timwhitez starred No-Consolation
2024-5-11 16:39:50 Author: github.com(查看原文) 阅读量:5 收藏

This is a Beacon Object File (BOF) that executes unmanaged PEs inline and retrieves their output without allocating a console (i.e. spawning conhost.exe).



  • Supports 64 and 32 bits
  • Supports EXEs and DLLs
  • Does not create new processes
  • Links modules to the PEB
  • Saves binaries in memory
  • Supports C++ exceptions (x64 only)


Summary: Run an unmanaged EXE/DLL inside Beacon's memory.

Usage: noconsolation [--local] [--link-to-peb] [--timeout 60] [-k] [--method funcname] [-w] [--no-output] [--alloc-console] [--close-handles] [--free-libraries] [--dont-save] [--list-pes] [--unload-pe pename] /path/to/binary.exe arg1 arg2
    --local, -l                           Optional. The binary should be loaded from the target Windows machine
    --link-to-peb, -ltp                   Optional. Load the PE into the PEB
    --timeout NUM_SECONDS, -t NUM_SECONDS Optional. The number of seconds you wish to wait for the PE to complete running. Default 60 seconds. Set to 0 to disable
    -k                                    Optional. Overwrite the PE headers
    --method EXPORT_NAME, -m EXPORT_NAME  Optional. Method or function name to execute in case of DLL. If not provided, DllMain will be executed
    -w                                    Optional. Command line is passed to unmanaged DLL function in UNICODE format. (default is ANSI)
    --no-output, -no                      Optional. Do not try to obtain the output
    --alloc-console, -ac                  Optional. Allocate a console. This will spawn a new process
    --close-handles, -ch                  Optional. Close Pipe handles once finished. If PowerShell was already ran, this will break the output for PowerShell in the future
    --free-libraries, -fl                 Optional. Free all loaded DLLs
    --dont-save, -ds                      Optional. Do not save this binary in memory
    --list-pes, -lpe                      Optional. List all PEs that have been loaded in memory
    --unload-pe PE_NAME, -upe PE_NAME     Optional. Unload from memory a PE
    /path/to/binary.exe                   Required. Full path to the windows EXE/DLL you wish you run inside Beacon. If already loaded, you can simply specify the binary name.
    ARG1 ARG2                             Optional. Parameters for the PE. Must be provided after the path

    Example: noconsolation --local C:\windows\system32\windowspowershell\v1.0\powershell.exe $ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode
    Example: noconsolation /tmp/mimikatz.exe privilege::debug token::elevate exit
    Example: noconsolation --local C:\windows\system32\cmd.exe /c ipconfig
    Example: noconsolation --list-pes
    Example: noconsolation LoadedBinary.exe args

Loading binaries into memory

Binaries are automatically encrypted and stored in memory after they are ran the first time. This means that you do not need to constantly send the binary over the wire.
To execute a binary that has already been saved in memory, simply specify its name instead of its entire path. So, instead of running:

noconsolation --local C:\windows\system32\cmd.exe /c ipconfig

You would run:

noconsolation cmd.exe /c ipconfig

To list all binaries loaded in memory, run --list-pes.
If you are done with some binary and wish to unload it, run --unload-pe mimikatz.exe.
Finally, if you want to run a binary without it being automatically loaded in memory, run it with --dont-save.


文章来源: https://github.com/fortra/No-Consolation