Meet the HackerNoon Reader
2024-5-20 23:17:24 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:3 收藏

The Geolocation

HackerNoon’s readership (4 million MONTHLY) comes from THE Silicon Valley and all the other little Silicon Valleys located across the world.

🇺🇸 More than 40% of our readership is from the US,

🌍 30% from the Northern and Western part of Europe, primarily the UK, Germany, and France,

🌏 while the remaining 30% is from Asia, primarily India, followed by China, Japan, the Middle East, and the Far East.

Here are the Top 10 Geographies reading HackerNoon monthly ⬇️⬇️⬇️

What Do Our Readers Do For a Living?

Your favorite piece of info - We’re a community with ~ 4M monthly readership of advanced technologists.

From core programmers to enthusiasts on the frontiers of the latest tech developments such as




, and 


 to becoming better managers and decision makers with enhanced productivity, HackerNoon has its fangs in (pun intended) each of the 


 and has over 50,000 contributors who’ve helped build a reading library that is over 200 years in reading time for millions of readers.

Here are the Job Titles of people reading HackerNoon:

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