Meet Sentry: HackerNoon Company of the Week
2024-5-23 22:30:15 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:1 收藏

Another week, another Company of the Week feature from the HackerNoon tech company database! This unique HackerNoon database ranks S&P 500 companies and top startups of the year alike.

This week, we present Sentry - Self-hosted and cloud-based application performance monitoring & error tracking. It has both an open-source and a hosted cloud solution. Founded in 2012, Sentry tripled its valuation to $3B in just 10 years, raising a whopping 217M in total! 🦄 🦄 🦄

Sentry has run not one but two MASSIVE writing contests on HackerNoon, sponsoring keywords like debuggingmonitoringperformance, and mobile debugging! With these year-long contests, the HackerNoon community has generated hundreds of stories with millions of reads and months of reading time - a big win for Sentry, HackerNoon, and our contributors! See writing contest announcements here.

Meet Sentry: #FunFact

Do you know that Sentry started as a two-person passion project solving their own debugging issues? 10 years later, this personal project grew into a triple unicorn! Here's how team Sentry shares this massive growth in numbers: 4M developers and 100K organizations across 146 countries spanning 6 continents with 790B events processed monthly!

Here's the message from the CEO Milin Desai in a

recent announcement


"It was sixteen years ago that David Cramer pushed the first commit to a side project, and twelve years ago when he and Chris Jennings turned this side project into a company that exists to solve a simple problem: making debugging any software issue dead simple. Since then, we’ve been on a path slightly different from what most people consider “observability.” Sentry isn’t a platform or a company that wants to collect logs and check a monitoring box. Twelve years later, we’re still laser-focused on one key problem: simplifying debuggability for developers. But more importantly, we can’t do this without the support from our developer community."

That's all this week, folks!

Stay Creative, Stay Iconic.
TheHackerNoon Team
