Business Entities
2024-5-24 04:56:54 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:2 收藏

Product Update: Version 4.4

We’re thrilled to share Version 4.4 release with new feature updates: Business Entities for tracking customers, partners, and departments, improved control for transfer switch power devices, streamlined bulk actions for Business Entity association with assets, enhanced import capabilities for connections and circuits, and advanced search function to filter by Business Entity for easier, more efficient work.

Create, Track and Associate Business Entities

We’ve introduced Business Entities, a game-changer for tracking customers, partners, and department associations with assets, connections, and circuits. Each entity can have its own contacts and addresses, along with Access Control, Change Log, Custom Properties, Documents, and Work Notes. It provides a comprehensive way to organize and link your resources.

You can also associate Business Entities in bulk with assets, as well as use Advanced Search to search and filter by entity.

Business Entities Overview

Connectivity Business Entities

Connection and Circuit Import Now Supports Business Entities

The Connections and Circuits import system has been upgraded to allow for updating and setting Business Entities, making your data management more flexible.

Transfer Switch Outlet Layout

Layout Page and Outlet Control for Transfer Switch Devices

We’ve added two significant enhancements for transfer switch power devices: a Layout Page that allows you to create power associations to detected outlets with ease, and Outlet Control, that allows Data Center Managers to perform outlet control operations on detected outlets if there’s an existing control definition..

For further details about the release, including API changes and notable bug fixes,  please refer to the Hyperview release notes.
