Customized Vulnerability Management Dashboard for CISOs
2024-5-24 17:53:37 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:2 收藏

CISOs require a central hub for visualizing critical security data. Strobes RBVM empowers you to construct impactful CISO dashboards, transforming complex information into actionable insights. This guide equips you with the knowledge to leverage Strobes RBVM’s features and craft exceptional dashboards that surpass industry standards.

Why Strobes RBVM is Ideal for Building CISO Dashboards?

Strobes RBVM offers a comprehensive suite of features specifically designed to make a CISO’s day-to-day easier. Here’s how Strobes RBVM empowers CISOs:

  • Pre-built Widgets for Rapid Dashboard Assembly: Strobes RBVM provides a vast library of pre-built widgets encompassing both asset and vulnerability data. This extensive collection allows you to quickly construct informative dashboards without extensive customization.
  • Customizable Widgets for Granular Insights: While pre-built widgets offer a strong foundation, Strobes RBVM goes beyond. You can create custom KPI and filter widgets tailored to your organization’s specific security posture. Track niche security metrics and empower users to drill down into areas of interest.
  • Seamless Data Integration: Strobes RBVM aggregates data from various security sources, ensuring a holistic view of your security landscape within your CISO dashboard. Eliminate the need to switch between disparate tools and gain a unified perspective on your security posture.
  • Actionable Insights at Your Fingertips: By leveraging Strobes RBVM’s intuitive interface, you can transform raw security data into actionable insights. Identify emerging threats, prioritize vulnerabilities, and optimize resource allocation – all within a centralized dashboard.

Understanding Key Features: The Building Blocks of Your Dashboard

Strobes CISO dashboards leverage widgets, which are essentially bite-sized visualizations of specific security metrics. These widgets act as the building blocks, allowing you to present a comprehensive picture of your security posture. Here’s a breakdown of key features to consider:

1. Pre-built Widgets for Efficiency:

Many security platforms offer pre-built widgets for both assets and vulnerabilities, enabling you to assemble informative dashboards quickly. These widgets can include:

  • Asset-Focused Widgets: Visualize asset distribution by operating system, identify top vulnerable assets, and understand the risk profile based on asset sensitivity.
    • Asset Identification and Vulnerabilities
      • Top 30 Assets with Highest Vulnerabilities Quantity
    • Asset Inventory and Distribution
      • Assets by Operating System 
      • Asset Types
    • Asset Prioritization and Risk
      • Top 30 Assets with Highest Average Prioritization Score
      • Asset by Business Sensitivity
assets by operating system

2. Vulnerability-Focused Widgets:

Track vulnerability trends over time, assess prioritization based on severity and asset impact, and monitor SLA compliance for identified vulnerabilities. Here’s a list of available widgets. 

  • Vulnerability Identification and Prioritization
  • Vulnerability Details and Exploitability
    • Patches uncovered 
    • Zerodays discovered 
    • Exploits uncovered 
    • Wormable discovered 
  • Vulnerability Management and Remediation
    • Vulnerabilities prioritized (count)
    • Comparison of Open vs Closed Vulnerabilities (grouped bar)
    • Cumulative Comparison of Open vs Closed Vulnerabilities (grouped bar)
    • SLA Status (grouped bar)
    • Vulnerabilities without SLA (donut chart)
    • Re-open issues (count)
    • Due over 90 days (count)
    • No assignees (count)
    • State vs SLA mapping (circle pack)
    • Assignees Workload (bar chart)
    • Turn-around-time to Resolve Vulnerabilities (for resolved vulnerabilities)
  • Vulnerability State and Overview
    • New State (count)
    • Vulnerabilities Overview (donut chart)

  • Vulnerability Distribution
    • Vulnerabilities by Exposure – Public vs. Private Assets
    • Vulnerabilities by Operating System
    • Vulnerabilities by State 
    • SSL Vulnerabilities (count)
    • Vulnerability & CVSS Mapping (bar chart)
    • Top 10 CVE (bar chart)
    • Vulnerability Trend by Severity (stacked bar)
    • Vulnerability Trend by Priority (stacked bar)
  • Overall Risk Assessment
    • DOS Vulnerabilities (count)
    • RCE Vulnerabilities (count)
    • Total Vulnerabilities (count)
    • Overall Risk Score
    • Risk Timeline
  • Custom Widgets for Granular Insights: Move beyond pre-built options and create custom KPI (Key Performance Indicator) and filter widgets tailored to your specific needs.
    • KPI Widgets: Track security-specific KPIs like patch application rates, phishing incidents detected, or user access control violations.
    • Filter Widgets: Empower users to refine the data displayed across other widgets. This allows for granular exploration of your security landscape by focusing on specific areas of interest.

Now that you understand the advantages of using Strobes RBVM, let’s explore the step-by-step process of building your CISO dashboard:

A Step by Step Guide to Building Your Vulnerability Management Dashboard for CISO

Step 1: Define Your Goals and Needs

  • What critical security metrics are essential for informed decision-making within your organization?
  • How will various stakeholders within your organization leverage the CISO dashboard?

Step 2: Leverage Strobes RBVM’s Widget Library

  • Explore the comprehensive library of pre-built widgets offered by Strobes RBVM. You’ll find widgets for:
    • Asset Management: Gain insights into asset distribution by operating system, identify top vulnerable assets, and understand the risk profile based on asset sensitivity.
    • Vulnerability Management: Track vulnerability trends over time, assess prioritization based on severity and asset impact, and monitor SLA compliance for identified vulnerabilities.

Step 3: Craft Custom Widgets for Specific Needs (Optional)

  • If pre-built widgets don’t address all your requirements, utilize Strobes RBVM’s custom widget functionality. Create KPI widgets to track security-specific metrics like patch application rates or user access control violations.

Step 4: Construct Your Dashboard Template

  • Prioritize critical metrics: Begin by incorporating widgets showcasing overall vulnerability count, distribution by severity, and SLA compliance rates.
  • Include asset-level insights: Integrate widgets highlighting top vulnerable assets and their corresponding risk scores.
  • Track vulnerability trends: Visualize trends in vulnerability discovery and remediation to understand the effectiveness of your security posture over time.
  • Consider a custom filter: Incorporate a filter widget to empower users to delve deeper into specific security concerns.

Step 5: Refine and Iterate

  • Continuously evaluate and refine your dashboard based on user feedback and evolving security needs.
  • Leverage Strobes RBVM’s intuitive interface to customize the visual elements for optimal clarity and user-friendliness.

Empowering CISOs with Actionable Insights through Strobes RBVM

Strobes RBVM equips CISOs with a powerful command center, transforming complex security data into actionable insights. By leveraging the comprehensive suite of pre-built and customizable widgets, CISOs can craft impactful dashboards that surpass industry standards.

Strobes RBVM empowers you to:

  • Gain a holistic view of your vulnerability landscape through seamless data integration with 120+ tools.
  • Identify emerging threats and prioritize vulnerabilities with real-time insights.
  • Optimize resource allocation by focusing on critical security metrics.
  • Foster a data-driven approach to security management with clear visualizations.

Strobes RBVM empowers CISOs to make informed decisions, proactively manage threats, and significantly enhance their organization’s security posture.

Ready to transform your security posture with actionable insights?

  • Request a Free Demo of Strobes RBVM and experience the power of a CISO dashboard built for efficiency and informed decision-making.
  • Download our Whitepaper on “Vulnerability Prioritization” for a deeper understanding of how Strobes RBVM prioritizes vulnerabilities.

Start your journey with Strobes RBVM today!

Why Ignoring Vulnerability Prioritization is a CISO’s Worst Nightmare?

RBVM Customized Dashboards: CFO Template

Difference in Traditional Vulnerability Management vs. Risk-based Vulnerability Management

The post Customized Vulnerability Management Dashboard for CISOs appeared first on Strobes Security.

*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from Strobes Security authored by Alibha. Read the original post at:
