Cybersecurity Insights with Contrast CISO David Lindner | 6/21/24
2024-6-21 21:0:0 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:3 收藏

Cybersecurity Insights with Contrast CISO David Lindner | 6/21/24

Insight #1

It’s easy to get distracted by listicles about the hottest IT security certifications that will boost your pay. But while IT security certifications can be a valuable asset, they shouldn’t be seen as a shortcut to a higher salary. In today’s dynamic threat landscape, employers prioritize candidates with a proven track record of securing systems. Focus on building practical skills and a strong portfolio that showcases your ability to address real-world security challenges. The certifications will likely follow, and more importantly, so will the well-deserved pay bump.

*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from AppSec Observer authored by David Lindner, Director, Application Security. Read the original post at:
